Monday, September 30, 2019

Devices Types of Electronic Communication Essay

As technology becomes more advanced and affordable, we are often presented with new ways to perform old tasks. Many of these advances improve the ways we communicate with others, allowing us to stay better informed and better connected. As these devices evolve, our communication methods will continue to evolve with them. Types of Modern Communications Devices When cartoonist Chester Gould gave comic strip detective Dick Tracy a two-way wrist radio, he couldn’t have known that he was foreseeing the development of a variety of portable communications devices. The digital revolution of the late 20th century led to communications devices that make Tracy’s wrist radio seem quaint. Cellular Phones In 1979, the world’s first cellular telephone network went on line in Tokyo, Japan. Similar networks spread rapidly after that, and by 2006, the majority of people in North America, Europe and affluent areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America had access to cell phones. Reportedly, 206 million people use cell phones in the United States, as of 2011. Smartphones A smartphone is small computer that also functions as a telephone. Although features vary by manufacturer and model, smartphones typically include digital voice service, Internet access, email and text messaging. Other options include MP3 players, digital cameras and video players. Smartphones also run a wide range of computer applications for business and entertainment. Leading brands of smartphones include BlackBerry, iPhone, Motorola and Samsung. *******Initializing Message Log:TSSysprep.dll 06/01/13 20:10:17 *******Version:Major=6, Minor=1, Build=7600, PlatForm=2, CSDVer=, Free sysprep.cpp(283)Entering LSMSysPrepRestore sysprep.cpp(511)WARNING: RestoreTSCustomSercurity – NameSIDList.LoadAndDelete FAILED. sysprep.cpp(512)If no Names/SIDs were saved during LSMSysPrepBackup, this is NOT an error. Otherwise, it IS an error, saved names and SIDs were NOT restored. sysprep.cpp(513)Please verify that no Names/SIDs were saved during backup sysprep.cpp(288)WARNING: RestoreTSCustomSercurity() FAILED: 2. To see if this is an error, please see message(s) above. sysprep.cpp(291)Leaving LSMSysPrepRestore logmsg.cpp(38)********Terminating Log. *******Initializing Message Log:TSSysprep.dll 06/01/13 20:10:17 *******Version:Major=6, Minor=1, Build=7600, PlatForm=2, CSDVer=, Free sysprep.cpp(330)Entering RdpSysPrepRestore sysprep.cpp(358)Leaving RdpSysPrepRestore logmsg.cpp(38)********Terminating Log. *******Initializing Message Log:TSSysprep.dll 06/01/13 20:12:51 *******Version:Major=6, Minor=1, Build=7600, PlatForm=2, CSDVer=, Free sysprep.cpp(309)Entering RCMSysPrepRestore sysprep.cpp(314)ERROR: ResetTSPublicPrivateKeys() FAILED: 2 sysprep.cpp(316)Leaving RCMSysPrepRestore logmsg.cpp(38)********Terminating Log.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Continuous I In Managing Health And Safety, Along With Quality And Environmental Considerations

Introduction Organizations today, in addition to ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, must also demonstrate to its broader stakeholders a corporate strategy which underscores social, environmental and health and safety concerns. It should demonstrate commitment to continuous improvement in the management of the health and safety, and working environment of their employees; and should take into account the environmental impact of the business operations and its impact upon the communities and society. A business’s operation in term of what it produces should also be responsible, hence legislation concerning ‘health and safety at work, environmental protection and prohibiting the use of substances hazardous’ have been put in place. Government and other regulatory bodies for instance, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Environment Agency (EA), have also been set up to ensure enforcement of these regulations. Stakeholder expectations with regards to the organisations corporate responsibility in respect to the above legal requirements has grown in recent years and also incorporates factors such as, corporate image, the reputation of the organisation and competitive advantage. Numerous management standards including ‘ISO 9001 (1994), ISO 14001 (1996) and OHSAS 18001’ are put in place to deal with these requirements. Each of the standards outlines the requirements for management systems to enable organisations to control or eliminate its health a nd safety and environmental risks and to continually improve its performance and the quality of its product, services and operations. The move towards an integration strategy for an organization’s management systems has largely arisen because of Stakeholders’ expectations of continuous improvement, increasingly stringent legislation and greater market demands (Griffiths, 2000). This essay discusses how an organization can improve its performance in terms of health and safety, and environmental and social impact by adopting a total quality management strategy. It will further discuss how the total quality management system should integrate the aforementioned quality standards to implement a integrated management system. Importance of Integrating Health/Safety, Environment and Social Concerns in Business Operations The benefits of an effective corporate strategy in improving health and safety measures, and environmental and social impact include an improved financial performance and turnover for an organization. Secondly, it can improve an organization’s relations with its external stakeholders including investors and community, which can subsequently create better opportunities for it to access capital (Scheme, 2012). Thirdly, such a strategy is good for employee relations and can enable a favorable corporate culture (Scheme, 2012). Continuous improvement can also enhance risk management capabilities or an organization. Lastly, it could foster stronger relations with legal regulators (Scheme, 2012). One of the reasons that make a corporate strategy with health, safety, social and environmental concerns at its core important for a business’s performance is the growing prevalence of social media (Truist, 2012). Such a corporate strategy can help a company create a positive image (Truist, 2012). Moreover, such a strategy can enable an organization to engage with its audience/customers in ways beyond its products or services (Truist, 2012). Another benefit of such a corporate strategy is that it fosters a positive relationship of an organization with governments (Truist, 2012). Companies who continually improve their operation and thus have a positive social perception are better positioned to cope up with government regulators (Truist, 2012). On the other hand, an organization can be faced with a bad public image which can have significant impact on its financial and business performance in case it fails to address these management issues. It has become very important for organizations to implement and accredit with quality, health and safety systems and environmental due to the increasing pressure from their internal and various external stakeholders. These include governments and regulatory bodies, local communities, customers, workers, and suppliers and business partners. However, organisations require considerable amount of resources to implement and maintain of such systems or to make changes to existing ones. This may have a direct affect on the bottom line of the business corporations. Accreditation with quality standards and acquiring certifications can incur hefty costs. If in-house expertise is not available many companies may need the services of external consultants to assist them in adhering to such quality standards. These costs, for many small or medium sized businesses can therefore be prohibitive. Irrespective of this, organisations have to face the demands of their various stakeholders to ensure a p ositive engagement with them. These issues greatly affect what firms decide and what they do. Continual improvement to the complete customer satisfaction implies that business corporations should aim at a point where they meet the requirements of quality in terms of environment and safety standards in addition to product and service quality. It can be critiqued here that adhering to high quality standards has better pay off in long term and thus quality does not incur additional costs. Philip Crosby supports this view in his work titled as Quality is Free (1979). The book turned a light on for many of its readers. The book contended that contrary to the common perception, quality does not add any costs to a product. Indeed adding quality is a break-even proposition at its least and highly profitable at its best since quality always pays off in the long run (Crosby 1979). During the 1970s and 1980s when Crosby proposed this contention, corporate strategies were mainly focused on tasks such as achieving efficiency in manufacturing or improving sales. Corporate managers generally had low priority for quality related issues and similarly lacked experience in such matters. This entire period was generally marred by negligence of quality. However, quality in its various forms has become an integral part of the modern day organ izations and an important corporate agenda due to the highly competitive business environment and increased social awareness. Customers nowadays are judging brands more and more based on ‘how’ these have been sources and produced (De Oliveira Matias and Coleho, 2002). This has implications for a wide array of factors that affect the overall quality of various business processes. These include the quality of the goods/services and business functions, and the overall these operations in terms of environment, workers health and safety and ethical standards. The growing influence of these factors is a shift away from just economic sustainability towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. There is generally more awareness regarding how business entities treat the environment and workers. In a step further, a large segment of the consumers are taking these factors as benchmarks for judging the quality of goods/service produced by corporations (Schema, 2012). With the growing popularity of such wider interpretations of quality standards, companies are required to integrate quality re lated management systems (and related certifications) in their corporate strategy. Management Systems Adherence to Quality Management Systems (QMS) such as ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 can be considered as a starting point for improving quality. This can then be extended to systems related to the environment, social responsibility and occupational health and safety through systems such as ISO 14001 and/or EMAS, SA 8000, and OHSAS 18001 respectively. Adherence to these standards can be accompanied by the development of the model of quality through a shift from simple quality control system towards a Total Quality Management (TQM) approach (Matias and Coelho 2002). TQM,† is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes† (Ahire, 1997). This philosophy is aimed towards continuous improvement in all processes.Total Quality ManagementTQM system was put forth by Dr. W. Edwards Deming (Deming 1986). He proposed that by adopting appropriate practices of management, businesses can improve quality while reducing costs (due to th e reducing in waste, rework, staff attrition and litigation). According to him, in order to increase quality and reduce costs simultaneously, businesses would have to practice continual improvement and consider manufacturing as a system rather than bits and pieces (Reilly 1994). Deming proposed 14 points as a framework for transformation of organizations from the present style of Western management to a total quality culture. These points can form principles for continuous development in various business aspects including health and safety, and social and environmental responsibility. The points do not constitute much as an action plan but more of a philosophical code for management. These fourteen points are: â€Å"Create constancy of purpose. Adopt the new philosophy. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag. Improve constantly Institute training on the job. Institute leadership Drive out fear Break down barriers between departments Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects Eliminate work standards, Substitute leadership Eliminate management by objective. Substitute leadership. Remove barriers that rob the worker of his right to pride of workmanship. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation†. (Deming 1986) Organizations can implement such a management system to ensure continuous improvement in managing health and safety, along with quality and environmental considerations.Quality Management SystemFor realizing this management philosophy, the implementation of a formal Quality Management System (QMS) is a desirable objective. To address these specific corporate goals, organizations seek accreditation to specific standards. The ISO 9000 is one such standard which comprises of â€Å"a set of essential elements that enable the design and implementation of quality management systems† (ISO 9001. Generally, the application of these standards will raise the abilities of a company; for instance; improving performance of operations, reputational value, cutting costs, and supplier and sub-contractor selection. Along with the fundamental requirement of quality, many organizations now strive to achieve and demonstrate to their stakeholders a sound environmental performance, by curtailing t he impact from their activities, products and services on the natural environment. These environmental issues are considered in the ISO 14000 Standards (Standards for the Environmental Management Systems). These standards, (quality and environment) emphasize on the importance of similar managerial aspects such as top management commitment, leadership and continuous improvement in performance. Moreover, the OHSAS 18001 standard aims to assist organizations in management and control of their health and safety risks and in the overall improvement of the OH&S performance. Organizations with quality and environmental management systems, which are certified, or aspire to ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 standard’s certification should in addition incorporate a system of management of health and safety such as OHSAS 18001. A strong commitment to these standards can advance to a complete corporate strategy by amalgamating all these three standards into an integrated management system (IMS ).Integrated Management Systems (IMS)An IMS is â€Å"the organisational structure, resources and procedures used to plan, monitor and control project quality, safety and environment† (Griffith 1999). Other definitions are comprehensively detailed in Wilkinson and Dale (2000). The case for integration of the three standards described for quality, occupational health and safety and the environment is now widely discussed in literature and IMS is increasingly seen as part of the organisation’s management portfolio. There are several requirements and points that are common to the three management systems, such as: â€Å"system requirements, leadership (management responsibility), management of resources, management of processes, system implementation and monitoring and measuring† (Griffith, 1999) These three sets of standards con be combined under a common underlying principle of continuous improvements based on Deming’s (1982) TQM cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act. Furthermore, these three sets of standards can share the same managerial resources such as (1) system documentation, (2) business process records, (3) corporate policies, (4) project planning, (5) managerial responsibility, (6) strategy implementation, (7) management controls, (8) communication standards and systems, (9) audits, (10) conformity, among others. With regards to leadership, these standards require process leadership from the top management in order to allocate maximum responsibility to the top management. Regarding prevention, these standards demand the identification of preventative actions for the mitigation of potential `non-conformities’. Concerning continuous improvements, these standards underscore the improvement of management system in a continuous manner. The structure of OHSAS 18001 has been developed to advance compatibility with the quality management (ISO 9000) and environmental management (ISO 14000) systems. This compatibility eases the integration of the three systems in the organization.Benefits of IntegrationAn organization may attain a number of tangible and non-quantifiable benefits from the implementation of an integrated management system. In term of operational management, IMS ensures that the daily operations are being performed effectively without the need for high level management intervention and input, thereby freeing up of management time to concentrate upon tactical issues and focusing on strategic management. Decision making processes are improved as the IMS provides up-to-date information from a single source. It achieves improvement in resource utilisation through reduction in the duplication of processes and procedures and the time spent in the review of documentation; this accomplishes a tangible cost benefit, as opposed to the duplication of effort required for three totally different systems. An integrated system also provides for a higher level of management control than is the case for the management of separate systems. An integrated system overseen by a single person, who has an overview of all the operations of the company and can provide input into the development of the overall goals and objecti ves of the organization, thereby making it easier to implement changes, rather than the restricted, functional approach in fulfilling individual system’s objectives. The implementation of an integrated system can also lead to enhanced communications in the organization. By delivering effective IMS training programs, confusion can be avoided that may result in contradictory messages being conveyed through the separate system training programs. Hence employees at all level across different departments can exchange ideas and expertise in the same manner and utilise the same approach. As a tangible benefit, organisations can realise a positive cost benefits through efficient operational processes and procedures and improved resources utilisation. By keeping the overheads down through these improvements, organisations can maintain market share and achieve competitive advantage. With regards to reputation and corporate image, organisation may also undergo enhancement social perception, as having an IMS demonstrates environmental and social responsibility. In addition to the positive cost benefits illustrated above, another direct cost benefit that can be achieved by integration is in the internal and external audit requirements. Separate management systems require each individual system to have separate internal and external audits. However, since the procedures are amalgamated in the integrated system, this considerably reduces this requirement. Further, by focussing on issues pertaining workers’ occupational health and safety, for example, through the i ntensification of worker job satisfaction can lead to an increase in productivity which can imply greater efficiency and financial revenue for the organization. Adequate management of occupational health and safety would, thus, also bring a positive influence in shareholder interest and, consequently, in the organization’s suppliers, providing more opportunities for business. Moreover, benefits are also to accrue at the level of product compliance and conformity, bringing satisfaction to customers and a reduction of scrapped material with the implied environmental benefits. One can thus conclude that all the elements interested in the organization would be satisfied.Difficulties in Integration of SystemsThe existing systems of organizations may seem to be sufficient and work well and integrating new approaches in business operations and corporate strategy can threaten the structure and reliability of the current arrangements that may have the support of all within the organis ation. The IMS can become over centralised and over-complex and lack the flexibility to consider local needs and constraints, thus leading to employers and employees becoming unconvinced by what they see as a worsening of this scenario under integration. Organisational vulnerability to against change can cause unforeseen consequences during the integration implementation. Furthermore, whilst IS0 9000, the quality management standard and ISO 14001 the environment standard are internationally recognised and certifiable, OHSAS 18001 the occupational health and safety management systems – specification, though certifiable, is not internationally recognised. Health and safety and environmental management are often underpinned by law whereas quality management system requirements are in the main, established by stakeholder requirements (IOSH, 2012) Conclusions Nowadays, it has become important for business organizations to engage with its stakeholders as part of its corporate strategy. Understanding their concerns and aspirations is considered to be an important prerequisite of a successful and sustainable corporate strategy. With an increased understanding of the stakeholders concerns and aspirations, businesses will be better positioned to capitalize on upcoming opportunities which may include better-motivated employees and good relationship with external stakeholders. In today’s business world, various stakeholders have become active in their demand for a business to become socially and environmentally viable in additional to its economical viability. In general, an organization can improve its business operations in terms of health and safety, and environmental and social impact by adopting a total quality management corporate strategy. Particularly, an organization can adhere to specific standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18001 to pursue a total quality management approach in the area of health and safety, environment and social responsibility. Adherence to such practices and standards can be amalgamated through an integrated management system that collectively dealswith quality, environmental, and health and safety management. The need for an IMS has also arisen as a result of the decision to implement an environmental management system (EMS) and/or an occupational health and safety management system (OH&SMS) in addition to a quality management system (QMS). IMS as a concept does not, emerge merely from the possibility for a company to exploit existing synergies between different management systems that it can adopt (saving money, time and human resources). On the contrary, it is something intrinsic to the cornerstones of quality, environment and health and safety, namely continual improvement and total customer satisfaction (Salomone, 2008). References Ahire, S. L. (1997), Management Science– Total Quality Management interfaces: An integrative framework. Interfaces 27 (6) 91-105. Beckmergan, L.A., Berg, H.P., Karapetrovic, S.V., & Willborn, W.O., (2003). Integration of management systems: focus on safety in the nuclear industry. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 20, Iss: 2 pp 220-228. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988 Crosby, P (1979). Quality is Free. New York: McGraw-Hill. Cua, K. O., K. E. McKone, and R. G. Schroeder. (2001), Relationships between implementation of TQM, JIT, and TPM and manufacturing performance. Journal of Operations Management, 19 (6) 675-694. De Oliveira Matias, J.C., and Coleho, D.A. (2002), the integration of the standards systems of quality management, environmental management and occupational health and safety management. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, No. 15, 3857-3866. Deming, W.E. (1982), Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Centre for Advanced Engineering Study, MA Deming, W. E (1986). Out of the Crisis. MIT Press. Environmental Protection Act 1990 Griffiths A., (2000), Integrated management systems: a single management system solution for project controlEngineering Construction and Architectural Management 7 3, 23-240. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 IOSH, (2012), Joined-up working. An introduction to integrated management systems. ISO 9001, Karapetrovic, S., (2003), Musings on integrated managements systems; Measuring business excellence, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 4-13 OHSAS 18001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Specification. Salomone R., (2008), Integrated management systems: experiences in Italian organizations; Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 16, Iss. 16, Nov. 2008, pp. 1786–1806 Reilly, N. B. (1994). Quality: What Makes it HappenVan Nostrand Reinhold. p. 31. Schema, (2012) The Importance of CSR. Schema Sustainability Partner. Available from (cited on 30th April, 2013) Truist (2013) Why Corporate Social Responsibility is so Important in 2013. Available from (cited on 30th April, 2013). Walton, M. (1986). The Deming Management Method. Penguin Group. pp. 94 Wilkinson & Dale, (1999), Integrated management systems: an examination of the concept and theory; The TQM Magazine, Vol.11, No. 2, pp. 95-104. Winder, C., (2000), Integrating OHS, Environmental and Quality Management Standards; Quality Assurance, No. 8, pp. 105-135.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Liquid Chromatography

9. 1 Orbitals and Theories of Chemical Bonding 1. Which one of the statements concerning valence bond (VB) and molecular orbital (MO) bond theories is correct? a) MO theory predicts that electrons are localized between pairs of atoms. b) In VB theory, bonding electrons are delocalized over the molecule. c) MO theory accurately describes bonding in O2 and NO, VB theory does not. d) VB theory can describe molecular bonding in excited states. e) MO theory is used to accurately predict the colors of compounds. Answer: c 9. 2 Valence Bond Theory 2. Which of the following statements is/are CORRECT? . The overlap between an s orbital and a p orbital is called a pi-bond. 2. The overlap of two s orbitals in H2 is called a sigma bond. 3. HF is formed from the overlap of a hydrogen 1s orbital with a fluorine 2s orbital. a) 1 onlyb) 2 onlyc) 3 onlyd) 2 and 3e) 1, 2, and 3 Answer: b 3. Which of the following statements concerning hybrid orbitals is/are CORRECT? 1. The number of hybrid orbitals eq uals the number of atomic orbitals that are used to create the hybrids. 2. When atomic orbitals are hybridized, the s orbital and at least one p orbital are always hybridized. 3. To create octahedral structures, two d orbitals must be hybridized along with the s and all three p orbitals. a) 1 onlyb) 2 onlyc) 3 onlyd) 2 and 3e) 1, 2, and 3 Answer: e 4. How many sigma (? ) bonds and pi (? ) bonds are in ethene, C2H4? a) four ? , one ? b) four ? , two ? c) five ? , one ? d) five ? , two ? e) six ? , zero ? Answer: c 5. How many sigma (? ) bonds and pi (? ) bonds are in carbon monoxide? a) three ? , zero ? b) two ? , one ? c) two ? , two ? d) one ? , two ? e) zero ? , three ? Answer: d 6. How many sigma (? ) bonds and pi (? ) bonds are in the following molecule? a) seven ? nd three ? b) seven ? and two ? c) five ? and five ? d) five ? and three ? e) five ? and two ? Answer: a 7. To form a molecule with a trigonal bipyramidal electron geometry, what set of pure atomic orbitals must be mixed? a) one s and three p b) one s, three p, and one d c) one s, three p, and two d d) two s, six p, and two d e) two s, six p, and four d Answer: b 8. What is the maximum number o f hybridized orbitals formed by a fluorine atom? a) 1b) 2c) 3d) 4e) 6 Answer: d 9. What is the hybridization of either carbon atom in acetylene, C2H2? a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: a 10. What is the hybridization of the nitrogen atom in NCl3? a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: c 11. What is the hybridization of the xenon atom in XeF2? a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: d 12. What is the hybridization of the central nitrogen atom in nitrite ion, NO2-? a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: b 13. What is the hybridization of the chlorine atom in chlorite ion, ClO2-? a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: c 14. What is the hybridization of the central atom in a molecule with a square-planar molecular geometry? a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: e 15. What is the hybridization of each carbon atom in benzene, C6H6? Benzene contains a six-member carbon ring. a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: b 16. For which of the following molecules does the central carbon atom have sp2 hybridization? a) Cl2COb) CHCl3c) CS2d) CH2Cl2e) HCN Answer: a 17. For which of the following molecules and ions does the central nitrogen atom have sp3 hybridization? a) NO2-b) HNO3c) NOBrd) NBr3e) HNO2 Answer: d 18. For which of the following molecules and ions does the central atom have sp hybridization: NO2+, O3, and I3-? a) NO2+ onlyb) O3 onlyc) I3- onlyd) O3 and I3-e) I3- and NO2+ Answer: a 9. What is the molecular geometry around a central atom that is sp3 hybridized and has two lone pairs of electrons? a) bent b) linear c) trigonal-planar d) trigonal-pyramidal e) trigonal-bipyramidal Answer: a 20. What is the molecular geometry around a central atom that is sp3d2 hybridized and has one lone pair of electrons? a) tetrahedral b) trigonal-bipyramidal c) square-planar d) square-pyramidal e) see-saw Answer: d 21. What is the molecular geometry around a central atom that is sp2 hybridized, has three sigma bonds, and one pi bond? a) trigonal-planar b) trigonal-pyramidal c) bent d) T-shaped e) tetrahedral Answer: a 2. What is the molecular geometry around a central atom that is sp3d hybridized and has one lone pair of eletrons? a) trigonal bipyramidal b) trigonal-pyramidal c) see-saw d) tetrahedral e) square-planar Answer: c 23. What is the hybridization of a central atom that has four sigma bonds and has no lone pairs of electrons? a) spb) sp2c) sp3d) sp3de) sp3d2 Answer: c 24. Upon heating, CaCO3 decomposes to CaO and CO2. What change in the hybridization of carbon occurs in this reaction? a) sp to sp2b) sp2 to sp3c) sp3 to spd) sp2 to spe) no change Answer: d 25. One product of the combustion of ethane, C2H6, is carbon dioxide. What change in hybridization of the carbon occurs in this reaction? a) sp3 to sp2b) sp3 to spc) sp2 to sp3d) sp2 to sp3d2e) sp2 to sp Answer: b 26. Nitric acid, HNO3, dissociates in water to form nitrate ions and hydronium ions. What change in hybridization of the nitrogen atom occurs in this dissociation? a) sp2 to sp3b) sp2 to spc) sp3 to spd) sp to sp3e) no change Answer: e 27. Which of the following hybridized atoms is not possible? a) an sp hybridized carbon atom b) an sp2 hybridized sulfur atom c) an sp3 hybridized phosphorus atom d) an sp3d hybridized oxygen atom e) an sp3d2 hybridized xenon atom Answer: d 8. Which of the following characteristics apply to SO2? 1. polar bonds 2. nonpolar molecule 3. linear molecular shape 4. sp hybridized a) 1 onlyb) 1 and 2c) 3 and 4d) 1, 2, and 3e) 1, 2, 3, and 4 Answer: a 29. Dichloromethane, CH2Cl2, is a common organic solvent. Which of the following statements concerning dichloromethane is/are CORRECT? 1. CH2Cl2 has two isomers. For one i somer of CH2Cl2, the chlorine atoms are adjacent to each other and the molecule is polar. 2. CH2Cl2 has two isomers. For one isomer of CH2Cl2, the chlorine atoms are on opposites sides of the carbon atom and the molecule is nonpolar. 3. The hybridization of the central carbon atom is sp3. a) 1 onlyb) 2 onlyc) 3 onlyd) 1 and 2e) 1, 2, and 3 Answer: c 30. For which of the following compounds is it possible for cis and trans isomers to exist? a) 1 onlyb) 2 onlyc) 3 only d) 1 and 2e) 1, 2, and 3 Answer: b 31. Which of the underlined atoms (C1, C2, N, and O) are sp2 hybridized? a) C1 and C2 b) C1, N, and O c) N and O d) O and C2 e) O only Answer: a 9. 3 Molecular Orbital Theory 32. All of the following statements concerning molecular orbital (MO) theory are correct EXCEPT a) the Pauli exclusion principle is obeyed. b) Hund’s rule is obeyed. ) electrons are assigned to orbitals of successively higher energy. d) a bonding molecular orbital is lower in energy than its parent atomic orbitals. e) the combination of two atomic orbitals creates only one molecular orbital. Answer: e 33. Atomic orbitals combine most effectively to form molecular orbitals when a) electrons in the orbitals have no spins. b) electrons in the orbitals have the same spin. c) the atomic orbitals are hybridized. d) the atomic orbitals have similar energies. e) p-orbitals are half-filled. Answer: d 34. A molecular orbital that decreases the electron density between two nuclei is said to be ________. ) hybridizedb) bondingc) antibondingd) pi-bondinge) nonpolar Answer: c The following molecular orbital diagram may be used for problems 35-48. For oxygen and fluorine, the ? 2p orbital should be lower in energy than the ? 2p. However, the diagram will still yield correct bond order and magnetic behavior for these molecules. |Energy | |________ |? *2p | | | | | | |________ | |________ |? 2p | | | | | | | |________ |? 2p | | | | | | |________ | |________ |? 2p | | | | | | | |________ |? 2s | | | | | | | |________ |? 2s | | | | | | | |________ |? *1s | | | | | | | |________ |? s | 35. According to molecular orbital theory, which of the following species is the most likely to exist? a) H22-b) He2c) Li22-d) Be2e) Be22- Answer: e 36. A ccording to molecular orbital theory, which of the following species is least likely to exist? a) Be2b) F22+c) C22-d) Li2e) B22- Answer: a 37. According to molecular orbital theory, which of the following species has the highest bond order? a) F2b) F22+c) C22-d) Li2e) B22+ Answer: c 38. According to molecular orbital theory, what is the bond order of oxygen, O2? a) 1b) 3/2c) 2d) 5/2e) 3 Answer: c 39. According to molecular orbital theory, what is the bond order of N2-? a) 1b) 3/2c) 2d) 5/2e) 3 Answer: d 40. According to molecular orbital theory, which of the following lists ranks the oxygen species in terms of increasing bond order? a) O22+ < O22- < O2 b) O22- < O2 < O22+ c) O2 < O22+ < O22- d) O2 < O22- < O22+ e) O22+ < O2 < O22- Answer: b 41. Consider the molecules B2, C2, N2 and O2. Which two molecules have the same bond order? a) B2 and C2b) B2 and O2c) C2 and N2d) C2 and O2e) N2 and O2 Answer: d 42. Use molecular orbital theory to predict which species is paramagnetic. ) N2b) O2c) F2d) Li2e) H2 Answer: b 43. Use molecular orbital theory to predict which ion is paramagnetic. a) F22+b) O22-c) O22+d) N22+e) B22- Answer: a 44. What is the molecular orbital configuration of F2? a) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? 2p)2 (? *2p)2 b) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)2 (? 2p)2 (? *2p)2 c) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? *2p)4 d) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? 2p)2 (? *2p)6 e) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? 2p)2 (? *2p)4 Answer: e 45. What is the molecular orbital configuration of N22+? a) [core electrons] (? s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? 2p)2 (? *2p)2 b) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 c) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)2 (? 2p)2 d) [core electrons] (? 2s)4 (? *2s)4 e) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? 2p)2(? *2p)4 Answer: b 46. Assume that the molecular orbital energy diagram for a homonuclear diatomic molecule applies to a heteronuclear diatomic molecule. What is the molecular orbital configuration of NO? a) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? 2p)2 (? *2p)1 b) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)2 (? 2p)2 (? *2p)2 c) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? 2s)2 (? 2p)2 (? 2p)3 d) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)4 (? 2p)1 e) [core electrons] (? 2s)2 (? *2s)2 (? 2p)2 Answer: a 47. Assuming that the molecular orbital energy diagram for a homonuclear diatomic molecule appli es to a heteronuclear diatomic molecule, determine which of the following species has the highest bond order. a) NO-b) OF-c) CN-d) O2e) NO Answer: c 48. Assuming that the molecular orbital energy diagram for a homonuclear diatomic molecule applies to a heteronuclear diatomic molecule, determine which of the following species is paramagnetic. a) NO+b) COc) CN-d) OF-e) NO Answer: e 49. Which molecule will have the following valence molecular orbital level energy diagram? |? *2p | | | | |? *2p | | | | |? 2p | |[pic] | | |? 2p |[pic] | |[pic] | |? *2s | |[pic] | | |? 2s | |[pic][pic] | | a) Li2b) Be2c) B2d) C2e) N2 Answer: e 50. The following valence molecular orbital energy level diagram is appropriate for which one of the listed species? |? 2p | | | | |? *2p |[pic] | |[pic] | |? 2p | |[pic] | | |? 2p |[pic] | |[pic] | |? *2s | |[pic] | | |? 2s | |[pic][pic] | | a) B22-b) C22-c) N22-d) O22-e) F22- Answer: c 51. Which molecule will have the following valence molecular orbital energy level diagram? |? *2p | | | | |? *2p | | | | |? 2p | | | | ? 2p |[pic] | |[pic] | |? *2s | |[pic] | | |? 2s | |[pic][pic] | | a) Li2b) Be2c) B2d) C2e) F2 Answer: d 52. In the NO2- ion, each atom can be viewed as sp2 hybridized. Thus, each atom has one remaining unhybridized p orbital. How many ? 2p molecular orbitals (including both bonding and antibonding orbitals) are form ed using the unhybridized p orbitals? a) 1b) 3c) 4d) 6e) 12 Answer: b 53. Benzene, C6H6, consists of a six member ring of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms. Each carbon atom has one unhybridized p orbital. How many ? p bonding, antibonding, and nonbonding molecular orbitals exist for benzene? a) Three ? 2p molecular orbitals exist; two bonding and one antibonding. b) Three ? 2p molecular orbitals exist; one bonding, one antibonding, and one nonbonding. c) Six ? 2p molecular orbitals exist; three bonding and three antibonding. d) Six ? 2p molecular orbitals exist; two bonding, two nonbonding, and two antibonding. e) Twelve ? 2p molecular orbitals exist; six bonding and six antibonding. Answer: c Short Answer Questions 54. Which theory, valence bond or molecule orbital, correctly predicts the existence of paramagnetic molecules? Answer: molecular orbital theory 55. In valence bond theory, each sigma bond in CH4 is formed from the overlap of a hydrogen atom’s 1s orbital with a ____ hybridized orbital on the carbon atom. Answer: sp3 56. In molecular orbital theory, the bond order is defined as 1/2(the number of electrons in ________ orbitals minus the number of electrons in antibonding orbitals). Answer: bonding 57. Triiodide ion, I3-, has a trigonal-bipyramidal electron-pair geometry and a linear molecular geometry. The hybridization of the central iodine atom is ________. Answer: sp3d 58. The hybridization of the xenon atom in XeOF4 is ________. Answer: sp3d2 59. Draw a Lewis structure of xenon trioxide. What is the hybridization of the xenon atom in this molecule? Answer: The hybridization is sp3. 60. Draw the valence molecular orbital energy level diagram for nitrogen monoxide, NO. |? *2p | |[pic] | | |? *2p | | | | |? 2p | |[pic] | | |? 2p |[pic] | |[pic] | |? *2s | |[pic] | | |? 2s | |[pic][pic] | | Answer: ———————– [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

Friday, September 27, 2019

Managed healthcare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Managed healthcare - Assignment Example When the claim is found to be valid, then the payment is made and the negotiation is finalized making it a very effective process. Consumerism refers to the promotion of the interests of the consumers. Giving the providers access to more patient information promotes consumerism. When all activities in the managed care organization are focused on promoting consumer satisfaction, then it is likely that there will be the development of the network. This is because when the consumers-in this case the patients are assured of high quality services, then they will be more willing to be cared for by the particular organization that seems to promote consumerism. They will come up with predictive models in order to identify what the purchasers prefer. The managed care organization will also be focused on looking into the data and information that they have and planning any future actions based on the facts in the data. These plans will involve upgrades as a result of the attempt to promote consumerism (Robinson

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Stakeholder research paper about ( gender bias in nursing major) Essay

Stakeholder research paper about ( gender bias in nursing major) - Essay Example These reinforce the validity of the paper. Literature review proved that gender bias is still widespread in the nursing profession. Nursing faculty ought to prepare male nursing learners to interact efficiently with female clients, as well. Playing the same therapeutic role with clients is one strategy, which might help male learners (Shoemaker 90). In essence, the faculty ought to grant equal learning opportunities to both male and female nursing students. The issue of gender typecast in relation to males in nursing is an enormous one. This can be attributed to the fact that nursing is regarded as a female profession because it began with the tenets outlines by Florence Nightingale (Shoemaker 90). This created a justifiable basis for the advancement of nursing as a respectable career option for single women, and it strengthened the notion that nursing was a woman’s job. The nurse position was looked at more submissive to the doctor and the training environment excluded males from training as nurses and isolated female nurses. Nurses are perceived as kind and caring, hence the stereotype that nursing is for women, unlike men who are seen as strong and aggressive, thus not fit for nursing (Simmons 48). Studies show that this bias has caused some of them to leave the course than the females. The findings further show that those who finished the course still felt isolated and lonely claimed that nursing is more appropriate for women (Shoemaker 95). They contend that nursing is dominated by women, and this is enhanced by the gender bias found in nursing education. Male nursing students reported experiencing discrimination from their peers and even from their lecturers in the nursing institutions. This coupled with the fact that there are not many successful role models in nursing makes it an arduous task to keep men in nursing. It is important to have male role models during the educational process of students (Simmons 39). Studies revealed that male nursing students lacked many role models among the instructors yet this is crucial because there has to be gender connectivity. Though nursing education is attempting to target males there is little being done within institutions to promote the recruitment of male instructors. Traditional nursing programs add to gender bias and discrimination against men in nursing education. A research on the experiences of male students in nursing schools shows they differ from those experienced by their female counterparts. While nursing programs treat all students studying nursing alike, they do not consider the unique learning needs and dissimilar communication styles of men. The study further showed that male nurses were seen as unmanly for choosing a nursing as a career. Their female peers and instructors had different expectations of their performance in clinical settings. The male nursing students had to be more assertive and take on leadership responsibilities when working in groups with their fe male counterparts (Shoemaker 100). They were made to take on extra duties perceived as masculine like helping with heavy lifting and transporting patients. In another study the male students distinguished themselves as minorities and that their performance was closely monitored than that of their female peers. Care giving is vital in nursing and while it comes naturally for female students it might


BIOGRAPHY ON THOMAS JEFFERSON, INCLUDE HIS WRITINGS - Term Paper Example He wanted to be remembered for the things people owed to him. His tombstone, which he designed for himself, read,† Here was buried author of declaration of American Independence, of the statute of Virginia for religious Freedom, and father of university of Virginia, Born April 2, 1743 O.S. Died July 4. 1826†, (Irelan,1888). Though, historians wanted to attach other triumphs as well, such as his expertise in linguistics, his distinction as an architect and an environmentalist, but readers of his life are well concurred with his own assessment.(Risjord,1994). MAJOR IDEAS: Thomas Jefferson promoted many philosophical theories such as natural rights, constitutionalism, which automatically leads to justice and democracy. He was a person who believed in equitable distribution of land. One of the major ideas of Jefferson were emphasizing on education’s importance in democracy. He extended the structure of educational system to four stages i.e., elementary school, grammar school, universities and lifelong learning. Jefferson was always known for his huge collection of books throughout the history. When the British burned the Library of Congress during the war in 1812, Jefferson was offered $23,950 for his 6000 volume library, which he agreed upon and sold. His uncountable efforts towards the development of educational sector are commendable. In 1819, he pressurized the Virginia legislature to employ a commission for the need of a university in the state. In 1825, University of Virginia was located in Charlottesville and accepted its first set of students in the year 1826. Thomas Jefferson took great pains for the establishment of University of Virginia. He not only designed the building and the whole campus himself, but also developed the syllabus and hired competent educationist at that time. He also coined the term aristocracy of merit, which signifies the importance of certain group of people who have unique tendencies. According to this, rewards are allocated to the best or those who have talents can rule the world.(Demille, ) Unfortunately, Jefferson’s view of education was limited to the Whites of the society. He also preached about the equality among human beings although he was one of the largest slaveholder, so apparently he excluded blacks or at least his own slaves from the territory of being considered as a human (Massner, 2008) He held an opinion that the states legislature should be the most powerful area due to this he was interested in writing the constitution of the state. EARLY LIFE Albemarle County Virginia, which was then called, Shadwell, was Jefferson’s birth place. He was born on 2nd April in the year of 1743. Thomas was Peter Jefferson and Jane Rudolph’s third child and eldest of the three sons. From Peter he inherited his energetic body and a love of mathematical subjects and a mind to formulate new ways of success and independence. After Peter’s death, Thomas was left with 5 acres of land and an established position and respect in the community (Malone, 1993). Due to his father’s inclination towards education, he had an opportunity of getting an excellent tutoring. He went to boarding schools and thus, excelled in languages. He took classes in William and Mary College at the age of seventeen in Virginia, where his majors were mathematics, science, philosophy, literature, rhetoric. He went to study law when

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Valuation Financial statement analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Valuation Financial statement analysis - Essay Example The company manufactures and distributes different brands specializing in consumer products including hygiene, nutritional and personal care products. Further, its portfolio has items such as Lipton, Knorr, Magnum, Hellmann’s, Lux, Dove, Omo and Axe. Notably, the company product retails in more than 170 countries around the globe. Financial statement trends Table 1: Unilever financial data from 2008-2012 Â   Â   2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Â   Â   Â   EPS 1.79 1.21 1.51 1.51 1.58 r 15% DPS 0.73 0.77 0.80 0.85 0.89 g 0.05 Residual Earnings 38,785.00 35,354.00 37,924.00 38,813.00 41,625.00 Â   g in RE 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.06 Â   discount factors 0.87 0.786 0.675 0.592 0.497 Â   Income 39,523.00 39,823.00 44,262.00 46,467.00 51,324.00 Â   Â   Average EPS growth rate5.4% Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Table 2: Unilever PLC financial projections from 2013-2017 Â   Â   2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Â   Â   Â   EPS 1.67 1.76 1.86 1.97 2.09 r 15% DPS 0.93 0.98 1. 03 1.08 1.13 g 0.05 Residual Earnings 44,123.00 46,770.00 49,576.00 52,551.00 55,704.00 Â   g in RE 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.06 Â   discount factors 0.87 0.786 0.675 0.592 0.497 Â   Income 54,403.00 57,668.00 61,128.00 64,795.00 68,683.00 Â   Average EPS growth rate5.4% Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Â   Forecasting Forecasted Earnings Earning are the net proceeds that a firm gets from its operations. As such, Unilever PLC has reported increased retained earnings from the year 2008 to 2012. The growth in earning ranges from 2% to 7%. Therefore, to forecast future probable earning, the company can use a model of the form:Y= a+bxa, where Y is the forecasted earning, a represent the prior year’s earning, b is the average growth rate, x is the expected earnings. Forecasted Dividends Dividends are issued based on the company’s financial performance. As such, the directors pay dividends when companies make profits. Nevertheless, directors may resolve to pay divide nd from the retained earnings of the prior years.1 Based on the information derived from Unilever PLC financial statements, the company has consistently made profits from the year 2008 and the directors have paid dividends consecutively for all the five years. It is apparent that the dividends have been growing at a rate of 5% every year and as such, the 2012 dividend payout can be forecasted at the same rate to determine the probable dividend to be paid in future. Forecasted cash flows Cash flows are gross revenues that an organization receives from its operations. The information derived from the financial statements shows that Unilever cash flows have been on the increase. The forecasted cash flows can be given by a model of the form: Y=a+bx where Y is the forecasted cash flow, A is the cash flow from the prior year, b is the expected growth rate and x is the expected cash flows. Estimation of parameters of the model The parameters of the model include variables used to determine forecasted earning, dividends and the cash flow. These include; cost of capital, growth rate and any other cost incurred. To start with, the cost of capital is estimated based on the prevailing interest rates at which British financial institution were lending capital. The market

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 233

Assignment Example e 12 workweeks of leave in a 12 month period and twenty-six workweeks of leave during a single 12 month period in the instances when one has to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness in instances where the eligible employee is the spouse of a service member or even a parent, son, daughter or next of kin. In the first video, while Mark will need more time, 2 to 3 days every week for his chemotherapy which push his total leave weeks to between 14-15 weeks for the year, and the fact that he will still need some time off at the end of it all, Danielle cannot do anything about extending the FMLA leave for him since the act is very clear about an employee being entitled to twelve workweeks of leave in a 12 month period. In the case of Lucy, the fact that she refuses to disclose the main reason for which she will require the leave makes it difficult to determine whether she will qualify. However, in the case that she still qualifies, then it would be difficult to allow her 2 months off if she has already exhausted his recommended 12 weeks. This will be left to the HR to determine. In the third video, the fact that the employee is pregnant makes her qualify for the FMLA leave for 12 weeks. However, since she has already used 3 weeks to take care of her mother will leave her with only nine weeks hence her request for three more weeks could only be considered in the event that her mother was a covered service member in which case she would be entitled to twenty six workweeks of leave during a 12 month period. and Families of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, Second Session, on the Implementation of the Family and Medical Leave Act, May 9, 1996. Washington: U.S. G.P.O, 1996.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Becoming an Effective Salesperson Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Becoming an Effective Salesperson - Term Paper Example Becoming an Effective Salesperson Selling means being able to persuade and convince the buyer that what is for sale is needed and a must for whatever purpose a buyer can be convinced that they are in need of filling. In examining the occupations that are defined as different types of sales, I feel that in my life I have the values and interests will allow me to become a successful salesperson. Being a good sales person requires a great many skills, and some natural talent. One of the primary skills that must be learned is how to sell, rather than just present a sales opportunity and hope the buyer buys the product. Being a professional salesperson means learning the skills that are required to motivate people to buy a product. It also means learning everything that one can possibly know about the product. Without behaving as a professional, sales will never be a profession, but merely something one is trying to accomplish. However, a professional knows how to move a sale and make it happen. A professional has gained the skills required through dedication to their profession. Many types of sales are accomplished without the company insisting that the sales associates treat their employment as a profession, however in order to take the position seriously and behave in a manner that best represents a product, treating the job as a profession will allow the worker to have the best possible tools for success. Treating the job of salesperson as a profession means honing the skills that best serve the position. According to Lytle (2000), â€Å"You want your customers to trust you. Your personal credibility and trust are vital parts of any successful salesperson-client relationship.† (p. 41). Part of being trustworthy is being prepared with solid, concrete information that closes the gaps between what the customer fears and what will bring the customer to the end of the sale. It is recommended that to be trustworthy, one must provide information that is accurate and complete, thus providing the most complete picture of how the product fills the need. Being trustworthy also means becoming prepared. Coming to a sales meeting with the intention of presenting several options that are the result of having studied the needs of the customer in comparison to the offerings of the company will go a long way in building trust (Lytle 2000). The two vital components to be truly trustworthy in the eyes of a customer is in being educated and in putting in work that creates a sense that the salesperson is prepared. One of the aspects of my personality that I think makes me suitable for a position in sales is that I am a firm believer in coming into a situation prepared for the outcomes. As well, I try to find ways to contribute to the situation, thus placing myself in a position of trust. I take this attitude with all tasks that I am giving, looking at the number of ways in which being prepared can contribute and then going about learning and studying the different aspects that might be n ecessary. I was taught the values of being prepared from a very young age, my parents instilling within me an ethic that provided me with the appropriate understanding of the connection between preparing for a situation so that should an opportunity present itself, I could honorably take advantage of it. Understanding the potential prospect means developing skills that will inspire the buyer to want to make a

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Macy Brand Essay Example for Free

Macy Brand Essay 1. Macy’s is one of very few brands in the retail business that can credibly be called an icon, and the flagship store in New York and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade are considered a commercial and cultural legacies. Since some years ago Macy’s Inc. has undertaken an extensive effort to transform Macy’s from a regional to a national brand, redefining itself. Macy’s national branding strategy is offering a more localized, personalized retail customer experience. My Macy’s is a sweeping initiative designed to embed a customer-centric orientation into every aspect of the company’s operations, and it reflects the way Macy’s wants its customers to view their personalized relationship with the company every time they interact with the brand. Macy’s believes that the aim is consistency and the key is data. To implement the kind of customer-centricity envisioned a customer data strategy was a prerequisite. So was needed to consolidate the various data repositories that had accumulated from predecessor companies, and for realizing the foundational importance of this work on a long-term need to turn to IBM to provide guidance and tools. To finish the virtually transformation worked to put in place the architectural elements needed for a 360 degree view of its customers to support a strategy of multichannel integration. 2. Considering this IT implementation Macy’s is able to know customer’s preferences and create dynamically customizes recommendations or personalized promotions and these information established a deeper level of engagement between the customers and the brand, the customer loyalty, wallet share and the sales will increase. This implementation improved the decision making and optimized the distribution center. All these benefits had make Macys’ a much more customer-centric company. 3. A data strategy was a pre-requisite towards Macy’s multichannel model to Macys’ be able to become more customer-centric. This mean, it was needed to capture customer data to enable Macys’ to interact on a more personal level with its customers. So all the previous customer’s data and a 360-degree view of the customer will personalize and enrich the customer experience in the company. To get all the information from previous data and from the 360-degree view of the customer, Macys’ turned to IBM and they provide IBMÂ  InfoSphere Information Server platform and IBM InfoSphere DataStage to integrate the multiple sources of customer data, they also provide IBM InfoSphere QualityStage to ensure that all data can be trusted and finally they provide IBM InfoSphere Warehouse Enterprise Edition to be capable to get data warehouse framework for real-time analytics. 4. To understand if this information system is strategic for the company I will do a 5 Forces of Porter analysis. According with the benefits of the IT implementation Macys’ customers will become more loyal at the brand what will minimize the bargaining power of the buyers. Working with IBM made Macys’ able to understand the evolving business needs to take the right decisions on technology and architecture, what make Macys’ more flexible to changes, and that will decrease the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of suppliers and the threat of new entrance. With all the powerless 4 forces will influence rivalry decreasing it. To conclude, all the 5 forces have no influence on Macys’ strategy what means that this information system is strategic for the company. 5. Â  To transform Macys’ from regional to a national brand and become a more customer-centric company was need to transform in scope, the physical, logistical and organizational dimensions. According with The Venkatraman model Macys’ has achieve revolutionary levels being at the Business Scope Redefinition Degree Transformation.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Positive And Negative Effect Of Globalization On China

Positive And Negative Effect Of Globalization On China Introduction: todays world is a world of globalization. Every county in this world is directly and indirectly influenced by globalization. The world globalization means public from the different part of world connected together. There is a flow of money and knowledge between them. They can go beyond their geographical boundary. The goods and service which generate by one country can be consumed in all over the world. This truth has been called globalization. It is a system which linked various nations to promote global economy. Globalization carry chance and profit with it, but it depends on the nation how they are taking it. The advantages of globalization have been taken by much country like china. They accept domestic strategy which permit their civilian to get promote global market which helps in increasing their gdp. As there are two face of coin, globalization cans also effects in two ways. Either its positive or negative. There is positive and negative effect of globalization in china. Which we will mention below. Ambekar,Y.(2010) Effects of globalization in china we are going to see the effect of globalization in china. First we have to know about the condition of china. China is a largest country in term of population which is nearly 1.3 billion. There are the availability of cheap labour and less manufacturing cost in china. That attracts number of foreign investment. Due to this foreign investment china has decrease its poverty . china is running by the communual government . although driven by communist china plays a major role in following werstern approach as their strategy to develop their economic growth by becoming an efficient player of globalization. In 17 september 2001 china joined the world trade organisation after following fifteen year for the status. Globalization has made many possitve impact of china. They are as follows:- 1. Economic growth- as per the statistics if 2003 china made nearly 1413us billion dollar which stand it in sixth posotion.during 1965 to 1979 the gdp of china grew with 6.4% but after entering into a global market china made its gdp nearly 10% in 1980 to 1990. In 2005 its stated that the industrial production in chin is increased by 15% while consumer demand is increased by 10%. 2.economic development- as per the index shown by human development china ranked 94th and according to the chinas current scenario only the 16.6% of popultion is in poverty. Which is deceasing continuing decreasing in last 23 years. 3.increase in savings:- us dollar 560 billion was the saving deposit of the civilians in china in 1997 which is around 218 times more than that in 1978. Which is 32% increases in this particular gap of year. Apart from this currency saving, stocks and debentures and the financial asset in also increases by us dollar 725 billion. 4.improve in tourism, export and import :- in 2003 when china takes the membership of wto this made china a more attractive country. People from all over the world come to visit china. Many big entrpreneur come here to invest in china. In 2003 export in increases around 32.3%and import is 40.5%. and tourism industry also increases by9.7%. 5. improve in life styele and increasing employment opportunity:- the best effect of globalization for the developong country like china is improving in the life style . the living standard of all community in that country will drasticaaly inmroved. The employment oppurtunity for public in developing country is also increases by the effect of globalization. Despite of possitve effect of there globalization there is some nagative effect too. They are as follows:- there are possitve effct of globalization there is negative effect too. Develop country out source thier business to developing country.because of the low manufacturing cost and cheap labour available. So the persons in developed country loss thier job due to this out sourcing 2.convictor and child are working in manucturing units due to cheap cost. This commits to the exploitation of the labour. Health safety and hygine has been neglected to produced cheap good. 3. due to this globalization there is a insecurity in jobs. now the jobs are not permanent. There is a competion in works ehich results to the decrease in wages due to the fear of job losing people start working in low wages. 4.where there is a poor check in pollution. By establishing a plant or an idustry there is a increase in the pollution in that particular area which effects the environment. And in todays scenerio plants and industry are playing a important role in global warming. 5. there is a great chance of catching hazardeous diseases like hiv/swine flu due to the rapic increase in the travelling of foriegn tourist. People suffering from their native country bring this type of diseases to the country where they visit. 6there will bre increasing in the human trafkling. due to this globalization thousand person move from one country to another country which increases in conjuctin in human traffic. 7. due to the effect of globalization small scale industry or medium sized industry has been taken by the huge mnc or large scale industries. There is a less scope of cottage and small scale industry in the world of globalization. 8.multinational companies which are previously not allowed to intervent in politics now poke their nose in political jaudgement. there are rapid increase in fast moving consumer good companies like mcdonalds and kfc. Due to this people consume lots of junk food which adverly effect in thier health. Pillai,p.(2010) this all are the positive and nagative effect of globalalization which impacts on china.gloabalization is a channel which helps in binding the gap betwwen the nation but also we can not neglect the nagative effect of it. Conclusion The role of gloablization in todays world is very vast. China a world largest economy which entered into a wto membership few year ago get benifited by it. As every coin has two face there are also some nagative effects of globalization which we cant ignore it. In todays world gloalization is necessary for prosperity and development of nation. Refences Ambekar,Y.(2010)[online] Available on url [accessed on 5april 2010] [online] available on url [accessed on 5 april 2010] Pillai,p.(2010)[online] Available on url [accessed on 31 march 2010] Thesis statement The negative effect of globalization is more as compare with its positive effects. I going to explain the negative effect of globalization. Due to globalization the following point has been arises in china. They are as follows/:- Due to globalization there is a increase in the traffic of the people. Due to globalization many small scale and large-scale industries has been taken by big mnc. Globalization makes mnc to interfere in political issue of the country. In china where there is a cheap availability of labour and to produce cheap there is no strict action in working of child and a criminal in a particular industry. In today world where there is a problem of global warming by establish more and more plant it create environment pollution. Much fmcg company like mc d and kfc which started their product in china they sell junk food people are going to habituated with that which effects their health. There is an insecurity of a job due to this globalization competition is increasing peoples are agree to work in low wages also which create insecurity for the people. Due to globalization person Cumming from different part of the world carry different types of diseases like HIV or recently we seen swine flu which effects lots of people in other country. There is an open chance for terrorism by this they get chance to get the information about a particular country. they can use net for communication. Pillai,P.(2010) References Pillai,P.(2010)[online] Available on url [accessed on 6 april 2010] Report writing Title: choose a company that has recently started marketing strategy in china. Outline thier marketing strategy and discuss the problem they have encountered. Your report includes suggestion for overcoming these difficulties. Executive summary: china one of the biggest economy in term of population. Burger king one on the popular fast food company recently started its business in china. It is already 20 years late than its competitor McDonald and kfc.Burger king have adopt different policy to capture market in china. There many problem which they have face recently and there are some suggestion given by us to overcome this problem which we will see in below problem. Introduction: burger king one of the famous fast moving consumer goods company in the world. in united state it is the second largest food chain restaurant after McDonalds. This company has been started by James McLamore and David Edgerton in year 1954. According figure in thier homepage there are 11,200 restaurant of burger king is operating in 56 countries in all over the world. They have recently started their service in china. (2010) Methodology: the data which is taken in thise report is collected by the articles and journals. After reading the strategy what they have followed in expanding in thier business in china has been explained here. Much of this has been cover in literature review. The methodolgy is exploratory rather than explainatory. Mainbody: burger king has recently started its business in china.the strategy they have follow are: Buger kin have been sedreatly started its small restaurant in shanghai to chek the taste of the chinese. They have poened their two restaurant in airport i.e. bejing and shanghai. Thier strategis is to enter in airport catering industry .further planning to start open in some different air port. They attracts the youth and professional persons only. (2006) Problems which burger king faces are: Two major rivalry i.e. McDonalds and kfc already started thier business before 20 yrs.. In china brand awareness of mcdonalds and kfc is higher than burgerking. Expasion of business is in very slow pace because it has stated only 12 restaurant in the time span of three years. As compare with mcdonald they generally closed at night. (2008) Suggestion for overcoming this problem are: They have to increase thier expansion speed. Participate or give sponsirship in some event like olympic. Make scheme which attracts whole falimy not only teenagers or professionals. Like mcdonald they also work 24x7routnine. Use local theme in advertising.. Provide some discounts or special coupoun at the time of event. They must make some strong step to make thier brand awarness. As they are managing thier restaurant in US they have to manage in same way in china. Giving proper tranning to develop skills of crew members and mangers. Conclusion: burger king is one of the famous chain restaurant group which recently started its business in china. as it is successful but also its facing some tough competition from its rivalry McDonalds and kfc which started their business twenty years before than burger king. There have to make strong strategy to be in a market and overcome their problem.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Stages Of The Refrigeration Cycle Engineering Essay

The Stages Of The Refrigeration Cycle Engineering Essay The second law of thermodynamics is described as the most fundamental law of science (Khemani, 2008). It is fundamental in the sense that it can be used to explain not only refrigerators and heat engines but highly advanced phenomena such as the big bang. It has been put aptly in the words of Classius as it is impossible for a process to occur that has the sole effect of removing a quantity of heat from an object at a lower temperature and transferring this quantity of heat to an object at a higher temperature (Mortimer, 2008). This essentially means that heat cannot flow spontaneously from a cooler to a hotter body if nothing else happens (Mortimer, 2008) i.e. there needs to be an external agency to effect the change. In kitchen refrigerators, the closed box inside is able to be kept cool by the removal of heat from the inside of the box and depositing it on the outside. Because the heat will not move freely from the cold inside to the hot outside, as by the second law, it is important for it to be made to do so, this is done by using an intermediate fluid (Littlewood, 2004) which absorbed heat on the inside. This intermediate fluid is known as a refrigerant and carries the heat outside of the box whereby it it released into the air as heat as shown in (Littlewood, 2004). Figure 1 the flow of heat within the refrigerator a schematic (Littlewood, 2004) The fluid circulates within the pipe which passes in and out and can be found at the back of the refrigerator. It is kept by using a compressor (which uses electricity from the home) and allows it to work effectively without violating the second law of motion. (Littlewood, 2004) THE FIRST LAW Refrigerator takes in energy from a region that needs to be cooled (or kept cold) and deposits this heat energy into some other region that is outside of the refrigerator. In order to work, there has to be some mechanism in place, where the work done by a compressor and its electric motor is utilized. Using the First Law of Thermodynamics we can write: (Littlewood, 2004) Figure 2 the first law of thermodynamics (Littlewood, 2004) QC   QH  = -W Where: Qc energy or heat of the cold system QH = energy or heat of the hot system W = work done Since work is done on the refrigerator by another device (the compressor), rather than by the refrigerator itself, the work is done is deemed negative because of sign conventions. This is part of the first law (Littlewood, 2004). Suppose that 2.4 MJ of work is used to remove 5.2 MJ of heat from the inside of the refrigerator, then an amount of heat QH  = QC  + W = 5.2 MJ + 2.4 MJ = 7.6 MJ must be added to the kitchen. The refrigerator is termed as a closed system and it possesses a constant composition: U = U + (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡V) T dV U = U + (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡T) V dT U = U + (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡V) T dV + (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡T) T dT dU (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡V) T dV + (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡T) V dT According to Bain (2010), there are four basic parts to any refrigerator: Compressor Heat Expansion valve Refrigerant The exchanging pipes are a coiled set of pipes that is placed strategically outside of the unit. The refrigerant as will be discussed later on is a liquid that has the ability to evaporate efficiently so that inside the refrigerator is kept cooled. (Bain, 2010) A gas can be cooled by adiabatic expansion if the process is enthalphic. The gas expands through a process barrier from one constant pressure to the next and the temperature difference in observed. Insulation of the system made the process adiabatic. The result is that a lower temperature was absorbed on the on a low pressure side and the change in the temperature is proportional to the change in pressure. (Bain, 2010)  Ã¢â‚¬Å¾T  µ  Ã¢â‚¬Å¾P Figure 3 schematic of a domestic refrigerator (Bain, 2010) When an energy |qc| is removed from a cool source at some temperature Tc, and then deposited in a warmer sink at a temperature Th, the change in entropy is: (Atkins dePaula, 2006) Atkins dePaula (2006) also indicated that the process is not spontaneous because the entropy generated in the warm sink is not enough to overcome the loss of entropy from the cold souce. And because of this more energy needs to be added to the stream that enters the warm sink to generated the entropy required by the system. They further indicated that the outcome is expressed as the coefficient of performance, c: The less the work required to achieve a given transfer, the greater the coefficient of performance and the more efficient the refrigerator (Atkins dePaula, 2004). Because |qc| is removed from the cold source, the work |w| is added to the energy stream, the energy deposited as the heat in the hot sink |qh| = |qc| + |w|. Therefore, From: We can have an expression in terms of the temperature alone, which is possible if the transfer is performed reversibly (Atkins dePaula, 2006): Where: c = thermodynamic optimum coefficient of temperature Tc = temperature of the cold sink Th = temperature of the hot sink For a refrigerator, it important that a very low coefficient of performance. For a refrigerator withdrawing heat from ice cold water (Tc = 273 K) in a typical environment (Th = 293K), c = 14. As an example, to remove 10 kJ (enough to freeze 30 g of water), requires transfer of atleast 0.71 kJ as work. (Atkins dePaula, 2005) The work to maintain a low temperature is very important when designing refrigerators. No thermal insulation is perfect, so there is always some form of energy flowing as heat into a specific sample at a rate that is proportional to the temperature difference. (Atkins and de Paula, 2006). Figure 4 (a) the flow of energy as heat from a cold source to a hot sink is not spontaneous. As can be seen, the entropy increase of the hot sink is smaller than the entropy increase of the cold source, so there is a net decrease in entropy (Atkins dePaula, 2006). (b) The process becomes feasible if work is provided to add to the energy stream. Then the increase in entropy of the hot sink can be made to cancel the entropy of the hot source (Atkins dePaula, 2006) he rate at which energy leaks happen is written as: Where: A = a constant that depends on the size of the sample and details of the simulation Tc = temperature of the cold sink Th = temperature of the hot sink The minimum power, P, required to maintain the original temperature difference by pumping out that energy by heating the surroundings is: As can be seen the power increases as the square of the temperature difference (Th Tc). THE REFRIGERATION CYCLE The gas is pumped continuously at a steady pressure, the heat exchanger (which brings the required temperature) and then through a porous plug inside container that is thermally insulated. A phase change heat pump uses a liquid that has a low boiling point to transfer heat from a cooler area to a warmer one, in refrigerators. This heat pump is the most commonly used in domestic refrigerators. It employs a liquid, known as a refrigerant which has a low boiling point. The liquid requires energy (called latent heat) to evaporate, and it drains that energy from its surroundings in the form of heat. When the vapor condenses again, it releases the energy (in the form of heat). A refrigerant is a compound used in a heat cycle that undergoes a phase change from a gas to a liquid and back. Latent heat describes the amount of energy in the form of heat that is required for a material to undergo a change of phase (also known as change of state). Two latent heats are typically described. (Bamb ooweb, 2009)For other uses, see CFC (disambiguation). The pump operates a cycle in which the refrigerant changes state from its liquid form to the vapour form and vice versa. This process occurs repeatedly and I known as the refrigeration cycle. In this cycle, the refrigerant condenses and heat is released in one point of the cycle. It is the boiled (or evaporated) so that it absorbs heat in another point of the cycle. The widely used refrigerant is hydro fluorocarbon (HFC) known as R-134a (1, 1, 1, 2 tetrafluoroethane) and CCl2F2 (dichlorodifluoromethane). Other substances such as liquid ammonia, propane or butane, are be used but because of their highly flammable nature, they are disregarded as a good refrigerant. 1930 (MCMXXX) was a common year starting on Wednesday (link is to a full 1930 calendar). (Bambooweb, 2009)For other uses, see CFC (disambiguation). In the refrigerator the fluid used (e.g. CCl2F2 ) fluid is liquefied by compression then vaporized by sudden expansion which gives a cooling effect. The compressor, in itself does not create a cooling effect directly, as might be expected. The cooling effect is created when the refrigerant absorbs the heat from the cooled space. This is accomplished with a heat exchanger. (Bambooweb, 2009)For other uses, see CFC (disambiguation). A heat exchanger is a device built for efficient heat transfer from one fluid to another, whether the fluids are separated by a solid wall so that they never mix, or the fluids are directly contacted. The refrigeration cycle can be divided in two parts: The liquefaction stage The evaporation stage LIQUEFACTION STAGE The refrigerant vapour undergoes recycling by itself into the liquid form by the extraction of heat from a vapour at a higher temperature. The refrigerant is compressed by the compressor where a low pressure and low temperature condition is created. This is accomplished by an evaporating coil. During the compression process, the vapour of the refrigerant undergoes a temperature change (as an effect of the compression process). Additionally, the work of compression to create the high temperature and pressure vapour also contributes to the temperature change experienced by the vapour. The condenser that is located where the temperature is higher (i.e. the higher temperature heat sink) collects the vapour. Heat is then removed from the refrigerant and in lieu of this it condenses to its liquid state, hence the name for the condenser. Using the Joule-Thompson coefficient: For a perfect gas  µ = 0 Cp + Cv = (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡H/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡T)p (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡T)p Introducing: H = U + pV = nRT into the first term: Cp Cv = (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡T)p + nR (à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡U/à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡T)p = nR EVAPORATION STAGE As the refrigerant leaves the condenser, the next part of the cycle begins. This is accomplishe when a high temperature and high pressure liquid passes through a metering device that is found within the refrigeration. The valve allows a specific quantity of liquid coolant to pass into the evaporation chamber. Evaporation chambers are relatively low pressure and this encourages coolant evaporation. Newly evaporated coolant is drawn though the cooling coils (typically a fan is used to blow air over the coils). Thus, the evaporative process produces the cooling effect. The refrigerant then is pulled to the compressor in the suction line where it will be compressed into a high temperature, high pressure gas and sent to the external heat sinking coils. Capillary action or capillarity is the ability of a narrow tube to draw a liquid upwards against the force of gravity. A refrigerator pumps heat up a temperature gradient. The cooling efficiency of this operation depends on the amount of heat extracted from the cold temperature reservoir (the freezer compartment), , and the work needed to do so. Since a practical refrigerator operates in a cycle to provide a continuous removal of heat, for the cycle. Then, by the conservation of energy (or first law), , where is the heat ejected to the high temperature reservoir or the outside. The measure of a refrigerator performance is defined as the efficiency expressed in terms of the coefficient of performance (). Since the purpose is to extract the most heat () per unit work input (), the coefficient of performance for a refrigerator, , is expressed as their ratio: Where, the conservation relationship given above is used to express the work in terms of heat. For normal refrigerator operation, the work input is less than the heat removed, so the is greater than 1. Refrigerators are commonly referred to as heat pumps of more specifically a it is a reversible heat pump because they basically pump heat. Figure 5 A simple stylized diagram of a heat pumps vapor-compression refrigeration cycle: 1)  condenser, 2)  expansion valve, 3)  evaporator, 4)  compressor. Opening a food refrigerator or freezer heats up the kitchen rather than cooling it because its refrigeration cycle rejects heat to the indoor air. This heat includes the compressors dissipated work as well as the heat removed from the inside of the appliance. The COP for a heat pump in a heating or cooling application, with steady-state operation, is: Where: ΆQcool is the amount of heat extracted from a cold reservoir at temperature Tcool, ΆQhot is the amount of heat delivered to a hot reservoir at temperature Thot, ΆA is the compressors dissipated work. EFFICIENCY The efficiency of a refrigerator (known as the coefficient of performance, COP) is defined as   For example, if 20 MJ are removed from the inside of the refrigerator by doing 7.5 MJ of work, then the coefficient of performance is equal to 20/7.5 = 2.67. SUMMARY OF THERMODYNAMIC OF A REFRIGERATOR AFTER ONE CYCLE Change in internal energy = 0 Change in heat is > 0 Total work > 0 Total volume change = 0 Change in Gibbs free energy = 0 Entropy change of the system = 0 Entropy change of the universe > 0

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Symbols and Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes Rappaccinis Daughter :: Rappaccinis Daughter Essays

The Use of Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne's Rappaccini's Daughter Nathaniel Hawthorne's Rappaccini's Daughter is perhaps the most complex and difficult of all Hawthornes short stories, but also the greatest. Nathaniel Hawthorne as a poet, has been characterized as a man of low emotional pressure who adopted throughout his entire life the role of an observer. He was always able to record what he felt with remarkable words but he lacked force and energy. Hawthorne's personal problem was his sense of isolation. He thought of isolation as the root of all evil. Therefore, he made evil the theme of many of his stories. Hawthorne's sense of the true human included intellectual freedom, passion and tenderness (Kaul 26). Hawthorne was also a symbolist who had enormous respect for the material world and for common sense reality. Hawthorne usually established a neutral territory somewhere between the real world and fairy land, where the actual and imaginary meet. His ultimate purpose was always "to open an intercourse with the world" and out of this came symbolism (Kaul 66). For example, the cross -hybridization of the plants in the garden is called "adultery (Newman 267). Rappaccini's Daughter was first published in December 1844 in the United States Magazine and Democratic Review under Hawthorne's own name. Before the story was even published Julian Hawthorne read the unfinished manuscript to his wife and she asked how it was going to end. Hawthorne was not quite sure how he was going to let the story end. It has been said that Beatrice's dilemma may have been a reflection of Sophia's (Hawthorne's wife) sheltered years when she was younger at home with her mother. While Giovanni's failure to save Beatrice or himself is a tragic reversal of Nathaniel's and Sophia's happiness together (Newman 258). In Rappaccini 's Daughter, it is full of symbols and symbolic allusions. Its setting is a fantastic garden filled with vegetation and poisonous flowers and in the center is a broken fountain. Hawthorne's focus is on Beatrice as she is seen by Giovanni. Hawthorne presents a trapped and poisonous Beatrice who needs a special kind of redemption. She is a prisoner in the garden and her body is full of poison.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Celestine Prophecy :: essays research papers

The Celestine Prophecy The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. More popular than The Bridges of Madison County, more philosophical than Socrates, and it rivals onlu R.L. Stein's Fear Street series in bad writing. It's a "novel of ideas" says Kenneth Moyle in his very critical essay "Why I Hate the Celestine Prophecy." "A novel of ideas;" that's a good phrase for this "novel." I read it twice during this assignment: the first time I thought he had great ideas and themes to live by; the second time I still thought he had great ideas, but a terrible way of presenting them. Moyle says "...for all intents and purposes, this is not a novel but rather a New-Age manifesto..." That just about sums it up. This is a great book for someone looking for direction and conflict resolution. However, if you're looking for a book with depth and literary merit, you'd be better off with Danielle Steele. First of all, Redfield's characters are more two-dimentional and unbelieveable than Barbie paper dolls. "The characters...are featureless mouthpiecesfor the monotone authorial voice," says Moyle. A major problem I had with reading The Celestine Prophecy was keeping track of who was who; the characters have little or no distinction between them, and it was a bit confusing because he keeps encountering the same people in different situations. Another thig is Redfield repeats himself and the insights, and I'm assuming he does it on purpose but it gets monotonous. Moyle calls it "considerate," but I think it's just plain repetative. The only way I got complete understanding was to make notes and think about it a LONG TIME. "This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown aside with great force," says Dorothy Parker. I don't feel that strongly about The Celestine Prophecy. "I think there is indeed something to this book," as says Moyle. I think the insights may actually have something to them. I know that our energies (positive and negative) affect other people, things, and situations. The insights helped me put it into a clearer perspective. The Celestine Prophecy :: essays research papers The Celestine Prophecy The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. More popular than The Bridges of Madison County, more philosophical than Socrates, and it rivals onlu R.L. Stein's Fear Street series in bad writing. It's a "novel of ideas" says Kenneth Moyle in his very critical essay "Why I Hate the Celestine Prophecy." "A novel of ideas;" that's a good phrase for this "novel." I read it twice during this assignment: the first time I thought he had great ideas and themes to live by; the second time I still thought he had great ideas, but a terrible way of presenting them. Moyle says "...for all intents and purposes, this is not a novel but rather a New-Age manifesto..." That just about sums it up. This is a great book for someone looking for direction and conflict resolution. However, if you're looking for a book with depth and literary merit, you'd be better off with Danielle Steele. First of all, Redfield's characters are more two-dimentional and unbelieveable than Barbie paper dolls. "The characters...are featureless mouthpiecesfor the monotone authorial voice," says Moyle. A major problem I had with reading The Celestine Prophecy was keeping track of who was who; the characters have little or no distinction between them, and it was a bit confusing because he keeps encountering the same people in different situations. Another thig is Redfield repeats himself and the insights, and I'm assuming he does it on purpose but it gets monotonous. Moyle calls it "considerate," but I think it's just plain repetative. The only way I got complete understanding was to make notes and think about it a LONG TIME. "This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown aside with great force," says Dorothy Parker. I don't feel that strongly about The Celestine Prophecy. "I think there is indeed something to this book," as says Moyle. I think the insights may actually have something to them. I know that our energies (positive and negative) affect other people, things, and situations. The insights helped me put it into a clearer perspective.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Jasper Jones Essay Essay

Introduction Although fiction texts are simply narratives, they can also reflect a particular time and place. The novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey follows the character of Charlie, the thirteen year old protagonist, who is forced to rethink his traditional notions of right and wrong, through his friendship with Jasper Jones. The novel highlights Australia’s attitudes towards foreigners and Indigenous people. The small country town held strong beliefs about the value of sport but also the lack of education. Jasper Jones is marginalised in society due to his indigenous background causing him to be the first to be blamed for any matters of trouble. In the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey the dominant beliefs of society and racist attitudes towards indigenous people are reflected. ‘He’s the first to be blamed for all manner of trouble.’ As Jasper is indigenous he is being stereotyped as being a troublemaker. This puts the reader in a position to picture him as exactly that and might cause Jasper to act up like that. The readers consider Jasper to be questionable and unreliable. The town’s pre judgements of Jasper and his bad reputation cause him to be blamed for crimes he often does not commit. ‘Jasper jones is right. Of course this town will blame him.’ Through Charlie’s narrative point of view we are given an insight in to what his thoughts on this issue are. Of course the town will immediately assume the death of Laura was him. Jasper is being judged unfairly. Readers are put in a position to understand the town are hypocritical and judgemental of Jasper even though he has done nothing wrong. The town hold these assumptions based on his Indigenous background. The white dominated small country town in Australia highlights the lack of value placed on multiculturalism as shown through the treatment of the Lu family. In the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey the mistreatment of foreign cultures is evident in Australia 1960’s. ‘But Sue Findlay hadn’t finished. Jabbing her finger, she screeched the most horrible words, the nastiest things imaginable, her voice uneven with tears, her eyes crazy.’ During the time the book was published the Vietnam was happening and many  Australians had been sent over to fight. Sue Findlay has been used as a representative of the town as Mrs Lu is picked on and marginalised by the town. Sue is blaming Mrs Lu for the conscription of her son in the Vietnam War, as she was Vietnamese. It focuses on the issues of racism present in Australia society during the 1960’s. ‘I can hear them shouting: Red rat! Fucking red rat!’ These extremely racist and derogatory comments made about the Lu family reflect the racists attitudes held by the citizens of Australian during the 1960’s.the towns’ people were very abusive and did not accept any success associated with the Lu family very well. It clearly shows their lack of value placed on multiculturalism and respect towards others. Australia had a very critical attitude towards foreigners. The small Australian country town represents the dominant beliefs of 1950’s Australia regarding masculinity and sporting ability. In the novel Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey highlights the social issues associated with sport and culture. Charlies’ lack of sporting ability makes him a minority and highlights the value of being good at sport and also the lack of value towards academic achievement. ‘I’m lousy at sport, and better than most at school, which garners me only ire in the classroom and resentment when report cards are issued.’ Charlie is picked on at school merely for his intelligence. Charlie receives goods grades and is intellectual rather than athletic. In the town of Corrigan where sporting ability is highly valued he is somewhat viewed as an outsider. Sport is the social currency. Their hierarchy based on their skill with a ball. ‘They’ll surround him and scruff at his hair in celebration, they’ll applaud and pat his arse, but once the game is over, the pattern returns.’ Jasper although is looked down upon due to his Indigenous background is viewed as any other normal person during a game of football. It is evident that in the Australian 1960’s, the society held the value of sport higher rather than their views on Jasper and his background and their racist attitudes.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Netflix vs Blockbuster Hbs Case Stufy

1. When evaluating stock decisions for Blockbuster, should be divided into 2 separate decisions could have been made, depending on the period in the test case. At the starting period of the text, 1997-2002, Blockbuster is the undisputed market leader (2, 1) of a giant, fragmented and steady industry, it has superior access to suppliers (brought the hottest titles faster than anyone in the industry) , this was its core business. Blockbuster had a wide coverage on a national level of stores (2, 2) , reaching almost 70% of the U. S population within a short drive length, and were recognized as the most powerful brand in the industry by 90% of the population. Furthermore it sustained a growing rate of sales growth within stores within that period along with a stable income from late fees (3,1). In light of these facts, at this period going long for the Blockbuster stock is a very confident and solid decision. However the tide is changing at 2002 following the rise of Netflix, Blockbuster strategy to ignore and mock at the treat instead of tackling it (9, 4), the failure to understand the Netflix is giving customers feature which are lacking in Blockbuster’s stores (Recommendation, no late fees, a wider selection of movies) show of a company which lacks the innovation to face the new treat and the ability to understand the new customer taste (Movies as entertainment rather than special occasion). The late response in entering the online rental business caused severe financial losses to the company due to stiff learning curve (stock, suppliers), marketing expenses, price war and giving up on late fees (10,1), all along while keeping its conventional cost structure, with an expensive 10 people per store staff (2,2) . Therefore I would hold the stock at short starting 2002 , Blockbuster just doesn’t seem like its understanding the new market, instead of being innovative they are fighting a losing battle and react lately instead of initiating in the areas where Netflix lacks. However for Netflix the decision is quite the opposite, at its starting era we would play short on the stock. The facts are that Netflix is entering a highly fragmented market (2,1) while betting exclusively on a new format – DVD (3,2) using an innovative distribution technique which have never been tasted in full scale (3,4) and without a proven track of handling a huge inventory, the company did struggle at these years. However starting 2000 we would reverse the decision on the stock. Netflix highly innovative actions such as changing the pricing model (5,1) , developing an highly advanced recommendation system (5,4) and allowing for user rating have highly differentiated the company’s service at the exact points in which Blockbusters service were lacking. Furthermore, the collaboration with major studios (6,1) and with the USPS (8,1) have improved Netflix’s soft spots and allowed for the service to improve greatly and the have a huge growth potential (opening the entire variety of movies for rent – not just hits , reaching 90% of its subscribers in a single day), the innovation process also shows in financial status, Netflix is performing at great annual rates starting 2000, of doubling its subscribers number , maintaining a positive cash flow and increasing its revenues (Fig1, Fig2), all while keeping its core business and expertise (no restructuring costs) . For conclusion, Netflix’s highly innovative approach which is a reoccurring theme throughout the case, along with great financial performance and operational expertise (7, 3) makes a long decision in Netflix the obvious choice. 2. At first Blockbuster supplied a wide base of consumers primarily with hit and new movies (2, 4), in addition Blockbuster offered a limited amount of advice (2, 5) from the staff present at each store. The costumers were supposed to rent the movie for a â€Å"movie night† and return it as quickly as possible. Netflix initially set up to perform the same task – Deliver costumers with the movies they were looking for before logging of the site and in addition supply them with some highlighted titles with recommendation from limited staff weekly, as with Blockbuster , customers were also supposed to return the movie within a specific due date or be charged. However, Netflix evolved over the years and started supplying costumers with enhanced features not offered by blockbuster. The proprietary recommendation system developed (5,3) by Netflix allowed to use movies as a taste based product, meaning that Netflix started offering a recommendation service to its subscribers for movies they might like, instead of choosing movies ahead or choosing from shelves without knowing too much. Furthermore the recommendation system, along with the user based rating system (6, 3) allowed for the costumers to receive a substantial amount of advice regarding movie choices. Another evolvement occurred when Netflix adopted the new model (unlimited rentals, 3 movies queue), the model actually caused customers to related to movies as form of entertainment and therefore Netflix acted as entertainment provider (4, 1) instead of a special event when using Blockbuster’s conventional video service