Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Chemistry of Swimming Pool Disinfection Term Paper - 1

Chemistry of Swimming Pool Disinfection - Term Paper Example Of course, if this is the case, then neither should it be surprising that swimming pools need to be maintained in order to guarantee the best possible experience for people who use them. To be more specific, the regular use to which swimming pools are put requires that they be cleaned on a regular basis. Exposed as they are, and frequented by a lot of people, swimming pools are places that are especially prone to infection if neglected. This paper, then, is intended as an explanation of the various measures taken by operators of swimming pools as to how to keep their waters safe, as well as how the public can do their part. As detailed in a report by the World Health Organization (2006), swimming pools are vulnerable to pollutants such as bird droppings or even the rain. And while indoor pools are much safer, even they need to be cleaned at least once in a while just to be absolutely sure. Either way, as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009), pathological contaminants often abound in swimming pools, which can cause a myriad of conditions such as diarrhea. A pool that is cleaned regularly is in effect guaranteed to be safe for the public to enjoy – guaranteed safe for them to swim in. Otherwise, anyone who takes a dip may be in for a nasty surprise somewhere down the line. In order to avert such an unsavory scenario, those in charge of maintaining the pool regularly subject it to chemical treatment in order to make sure that it remains safe and fit for public consumption. In the words of the Division for Environmental Health (2011), the only way to maintain safe and consistent swimming pool operation is through proper water chemistry. The exact process involved is often rather varied, not only in the chemicals that may be used but also in the methods employed. For one thing, disinfectants may be used to rid the water of harmful, objectionable or

Monday, October 28, 2019

SWOT Analysis for CH2M Hill Strengths Essay Example for Free

SWOT Analysis for CH2M Hill Strengths Essay CH2M Hill has many strengths within the company; some of which will be identified in this section. CH2M Hill is a well established brand name with lots of successful Government projects and private projects including the Program Management of the Olympic venues for the 2012 London Olympics. The company has a well defined code of ethics, outlined in â€Å"Jim’s Little Yellow Book†, that each employee should follow and an anonymous hotline, The Guideline, to notify the company of observed ethics violations. CH2M Hill is employee owned through an internal common stock market, giving the employees buy-in into policies and procedures (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). The company has a diversified revenue stream utilizing various areas of expertise in several engineering aspects. CH2M Hill offers full-service capabilities in various business components, among three key operating divisions, Water, Energy Facilities; Government, Environment Infrastructure; and International. Business groups served include: Water; Transportation; Operations and Maintenance; Government Facilities and Infrastructure; Nuclear; Environmental; Energy and Chemicals; Power; and Industrial and Advanced Technology. CH2M Hill developed, upholds and brings out its own process for organization projects for clients, called the CH2M HILL Project Delivery System. This system is such a comprehensive proven system that other firms have engaged CH2M Hill for training and a book has been publish by the firm on the process (Free SWOT Analysis, 2013). Weaknesses Along with its strengths, CH2M Hill also has weaknesses that it needs to overcome to maintain its level of success. The company is rather large and occupies many offices around the world making it difficult to enforce the code of ethics it is so known for in the industries it serves. CH2M Hill has difficulty ensuring compliance to regulations while performing work in so many different states and countries, opening it up to fines and lawsuits. The firm has acquired and merged with other companies to increase its diversity and market position but in turn has had troubles ensuring that these new acquisitions conform to regular practices (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). With the joint ventures CH2M Hill has entered into has come the inability to determine the exact effectiveness of that division where  failure will lead to recognized losses. The firm’s high tech nature and complete reliance on computers and systems makes it vulnerable to financial losses and reputation loss if any of their networks or systems were to fail. CH2M Hill has an employment disadvantage as its existing work force continues to get older every year due to a declining incoming work force and its inability to attract or hire younger professional personnel (Wikidot, n.d.). Opportunities The external market and business factors have created opportunities for CH2M Hill. As other countries develop their sustainable energy futures, there is great opportunity to work in these countries in energy development, one of the main business groups of CH2M Hill. During the course of projects CH2M Hill employees work alongside many subcontractors who could be acquired in the future so that the firm could offer whole project delivery. CH2M Hill‘s management is heavily involved in corporate responsibility activities that can increase the public view of the company (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). The cost leadership that CH2M Hill enjoys as its market strategy has positioned it in the market, enabling it to become the most documented name in the business. This provides an opening for attracting new clients to its web of customers (Free SWOT Analysis, 2013). As developing countries or developed countries look to upgrade their deteriorating infrastructures, CH2M Hill who is known for resource and infrastructure management will have a greater potential client pool. CH2M Hill who has succeeded in form their own 100% secured cloud could offer rentable cloud computing networks for small companies. C2HM Hill has vast experience in the asset management business and could offer this skill to others in North America. Although CH2M Hill has much experience in water management, they tend to work in smaller markets with the global water shortage the larger markets, such as China, are becoming more attractive. CH2M Hill could utilize its vast experience and expertise in renewable energy to gain new projects as the global market demand for cleaner energy resources increases. In addition to operational and maintenance aid in this increasing energy segment CH2M Hill could offer facilities management consultation to these plants (Wikidot, n.d.). Threats Threats to CH2M Hill will come from many different sources; we will discuss some of them below. A declining global economy with less money to invest in infrastructure and private projects will affect the amount of jobs to bid on. Even when there are jobs to bid competitors responding to requests for quotes and proposals can under bid and win projects over CH2M Hill (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). When jobs are won the unpredictable economic cycles could result in the failure of clients to pay their fees to CH2M Hill. To win certain jobs CH2M Hill must rely on subcontractors and suppliers opening them up to any issues that company may have. Unstable economic and industry pricing could lead to losses especially in fixed price contracts. Tightening of and ever changing environmental regulations can make it hard for CH2M Hill to keep up with the changes (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). With CH2M Hills many government projects changes in and functions of government spending priorities can affecting future revenues and even contract risk of termination. Being a part of the consumer industry and dealing with the consumption of fast moving consumer goods, CH2M Hill is highly affected by market trends worldwide. CH2M Hill suffers from the same employment that all North American companies face with the shrinking of the qualified labor force. International business and market risks relating to security corruption, weather and governmental policies threaten projects that CH2M Hill tries to win (Wikidot, n.d.). References BUS100mottariano. (n.d.). SWOT analysis. Retrieved from Free SWOT Analysis. (2013). SWOT Analysis on CH2M Hill. Retrieved from Wikidot. (n.d.). CH2MHill Business Model. Retrieved from Wikidot. (n.d.). CIV1299 intermin report. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of the Official Website of Major League Baseball :: Website Major League Baseball

Analysis of the Official Website of Major League Baseball Major League Baseball is not only America’s favorite past time but, it is also one of America’s longest known sports. As the playoffs approach this year baseball gets more intense as the teams try to secure their playoff position as well as making the wildcard cut. The Major League Baseball website is to everyone who loves the game and wants to follow up on all the latest games along with the great plays of the day. There is a step by step process for following every game of the day. The website also has a link to each team where you can review you favorite player’s stats. Each team has there own web page where you can shop for clothing hats and other collectables just by clicking their link. The website is extremely affective because it provides everything about baseball and is easy to operate. The official website of Major League baseball (Ethos) has everything posted current and accurate. The webpage also provides the latest trades of players and the hiring and firing of coaches. The other incredible thing about this website is how you can watch the games live, without having to turn on the television. I will always use this website as a reference because I can find out how my team is doing with a click of a button in just an instant without having to wait for the ESPN highlights. The Logos of this website is that you can purchase things on it without the worry of having your personal information like your credit card or address being released to people other than the Major League Baseball Association. The website has a secure feature which only allows you as the user to type in your personal information, and it won’t be given to anyone else. The relevant part to this web page is that not only is it valid, but it just makes things a lot easier when you can shop online and not have to go to store to store to find the best price. Anything you could possibly want for your favorite team can easily be found by clicking on your team and it will take you right to there own page. There are also emotions like (pathos) linked with this page because it shows pictures of players and also clutch situation plays which have huge impacts on players along with viewers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Contrasting American and European Horror Movies Essay -- Movie Film Es

Contrasting American and European Horror Movies A common complaint about many film critics is that they tend to fall over themselves in praising anything with subtitles, regardless of quality. For most critics it seems there is a simple equation in analyzing foreign pictures: subtitles=great moviemaking that is not exploitative. When the borderline hardcore French film Romance (1999) was released critics were effusive with their lauding of a film that deals (arguably) with sex in a realistic manner. Even respected guys like Roger Ebert confessed to "not really enjoy[ing] it, and yet I recommend it." Apparently Ebert was not aware of the fact the movie uses filmmaking techniques similar to hardcore porno (the editors cleverly cut away from scenes before the "money shot" can occur) and follows the trajectory of many pornographic films in which a nubile young lass goes from man to man in an effort to find orgasm. The same pattern also applies to foreign horror. Foreign horror is "moody" and "atmospheric" while American horror is "cheap" and "exploitative." What many fail to notice is that both foreign and American horror use many of the same images and devices. In the distinct universe that is the horror film both the higher end pictures (in this case the foreign horror movies) find themselves amongst the so-called exploitative low-end (American horror). Frequently in film analysis it is, as Joan Hawkins writes, "overlooked or the degree to which high culture trades on the same images, tropes, and themes which characterize low culture." A fine example of the separation of foreign and American horror can be found in a comparison between Dario Argento's Suspiria and Sean S. Cunningham's Friday the 13th (1980)... ... equally gory and equally exploitative Suspiria is Friday the 13th's emphasis on physical violation. Suspiria also works toward creating fear through physical torment, but it is set in what could be best termed a "dream world," whereas Friday is set in a more realistic (to American audiences at any rate), non-dreamlike setting. Therefore the physical violation in Friday is made more urgent, it hits closer to home, than much of the surreal killing in Argento's piece. In watching Suspiria the audience is permitted to know that the filmmakers know that all they are doing is playing a head game, while in Friday the 13th the audience is stuck in their chairs watching killing after killing occur without benefit of a psychological explanation. There is a lack of what Williams terms "aesthetic distance...viewers feel too directly, too viscerally, manipulated by the text."

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Great Expectations And Relate These To The Novel As A Whole Essay

Discuss the Significance Of The Events, Which Occur In Chapter Eighteen of Great Expectations And Relate These To The Novel As A Whole I shall now discuss the significance of chapter eighteen, and how the effects of this chapter relate to the whole novel, Great Expectations. In Great Expectations, the names of the characters symbolize their personalities. For example, Biddy is a very timid person who will do your bidding obligingly. Then Pip is a small and insignificant sounding name, just like the actual character is. Jaggers, is a man with sharp wit, and features, he has a bullying manner, which can cut you up in front of an audience, just like a jagged knife. Pip on his first encounter with Jaggers comments on how the smell of scented soap came from his hand. This is symbolism. One does not wash ones hands unless they are dirty, and since Jaggers is a criminal lawyer, they must be prone to doing illegal or immoral acts, in order to save his clients. Hence, he always has to wash his hands, in a sense, so that he is not caught by the courts, and found guilty of anything. To prevent any legal trouble, Jaggers puts a lot of thought into the way he phrases his dealings with clients. He makes sure that he does not give any personal opinions, and makes sure that the clients remember the dealings as he wants them to, so if they are questioned, then his name does not come up for recommending, or ordering the client to commit any actions of moral or legal wrongdoing. For example, when he is dealing with Pip, he makes sure that Pip rephrases his statement, ‘†¦ much obliged for his (Jaggers) recommendation†¦ ‘ since Jaggers recommending anything, can be counted as being involved with the crime. He makes sure that Pip uses the word mention instead. This is how Jaggers makes sure his hands are clean of any dirt, because he ‘never recommends anybody’ Jaggers job is a performance for him. He is a performer, and a better one then Wopsle, which is proved when he battles with him about the highly popular murder. One of Jaggers performances is with his handkerchief that he pulls out whenever he wants a person to confess some knowledge to him. This is because it makes the audience want to confess before he sneezes, it is a dramatic performance, and has aided Jaggers many times. This tells us a bit about the justice system in those times, where defending criminals, and getting them off the death sentence was a performance of techniques, and bullying the jury into letting off the criminals. This shows how the justice system in the days was not efficient at putting the real criminals out of the streets, since a few dramatic movements and a bullying of the jury could sway the scales of justice the wrong way. Dickens is a great social critic, and he criticizes the inefficiency of the justice system in those days. The justice system would be less harsh on criminals who were gentleman, then on criminals who were not. If you knew the right people, wore the right clothes, and looked the right part, you were more likely to get away with the crime. Also if you were a gentleman this made you less reason to have commit a crime in the first place(in the judges eyes), and you’ll get a lighter sentence then if you were ‘coarse and common’. A perfect example of this is the Magwitch/Compeyson trial. Although it was actually Compeyson that led Magwitch aside, because he knew the right people and because he was a gentleman, he managed to pass most of the blame onto Magwitch. Compeyson got a sentence of seven years, and Magwitch fourteen years, just because Compeyson was a ‘gentleman. In chapter 18, when Jaggers is discussing with Pip and Joe the situation of Pip having Great Expectations, he offers Joe a compensation (Wemmick’s property) ‘for the loss of his (Pip) services’ Joe denies the compensation, but Jaggers, who is completely, shocked of this news keeps on badgering him, because he thinks Joe is a fool not to accept the money. He also says, ‘Brag is a good dog, but that holdfast is better’ which means that Jaggers is telling Joe, to say he doesn’t want the compensation is nothing, but to actually keep by the word is something else. Joe to everyone’s surprise gets up in a mood of rage, to fight Jaggers, for badgering him in his own home. This shows us that Joe’s character is un-materialistic, and to be offered money is not something he is pleased by, as a replacement for his friend. It also shows us that Joe is not the type of man who can be bullied in his own home, by a man like Jaggers. Jaggers thinks Joe is a fool for not accepting the compensation offered. This shows us that the type of clients Jaggers deals with are probably materialistic, and not very moralistic, and maybe Jaggers himself has become like this by working with those types, and to meet someone who is noble and honest, like Joe, must be quite rare and surprising to him. Pip has ‘Great Expectations’ of becoming a gentleman, of getting out of his social class, ever since Estella had criticized him of his course hands. Although, when Pip is about to finally get his wish he starts to become unknowingly dissatisfied, he feels he does not want to leave his old life too, subconsciously he will miss the love and care he has received from Joe, and newly from Biddy. In some ways, his great expectations have failed, and shall continue to as his life progresses. Also, Pip starts to become snobbish, and disloyal to his ‘people’ He accuses the caring people he has known his whole life, to act coarse and common if he were to go and show them his gentlemen clothes. This tells us about Pip’s character, he is the type who would leave his old friends behind, for a better, more promising life. Although, somewhere in his subconscious Pip feels guilty for these acts, and he suffers because he knows he is acting basely. When the older Pip on reflects the selfish acts he had committed against loved ones when he was young, he criticizes them. When he is discussing with Jaggers about his future life, he reflects on how he was ‘so ready to leave and so unthankful to’ Joe. At the time, Pip was thinking of his future as a Gentleman, of how his Great Expectations will be fulfilled, and he was being selfish at the time, for not being grateful for what Joe had given him so far. Although, elder Pip’s reflection is very different, he realizes his mistakes and says how he sees Joe again, how hurt Joe felt because Pip was going to leave him, how he still feels his strong and faithful arm upon his shoulder as if it had been ‘the rustle of an angels wing! ‘ Another example is when he says to Biddy, ‘You are envious, Biddy, and grudging. You are dissatisfied on account of my rise in fortune, and can’t help showing it. ‘ I think this behavior by Pip is the worst because he thinks that he is superior to Biddy, who is so timid, and caring. The elder Pip criticizes on his actions here, for speaking ‘in a virtuous and superior tone’ When Pip was got his wish to become a gentleman, through Jaggers, he became emotionally blind. Even when Joe and Biddy, congratulated Pip on his fortune of going to become a gentleman; ‘there was a certain touch of sadness in their congratulations that I rather resented. ‘ This really shows how foolhardy and unfeeling Pip was at that time. Since the touch of sadness was actually because they both love Pip, and shall miss him and his company once he is gone. The significance of chapter 18 is great, since it is the chapter where Pip gets his wish to finally become a gentleman. Also, it is where we, the audience, see how emotionally blind, and how focused on the superficial things about a person Pip begins to become. It is where Pip and we are introduced to the bullying figure of Jaggers, and also the foreshadowing hint of Pips unhappiness in his life to come.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

There Are Lots of Ways to Say I Love You in German

There Are Lots of Ways to Say I Love You in German A widespread clichà © of Americans among Germans is that they tend to love everybody and everything and do not shrink from telling everybody about it. And to be sure, Americans do tend to say â€Å"I love you† more often than their counterparts in German-speaking countries. Why Not UseIch Liebe Dich Liberally Sure, â€Å"I love you† translates literally as â€Å"Ich liebe dich† and vice versa. But you cant sprinkle this phrase quite so liberally throughout your conversation as you might in English.  There are many different ways to tell people that you like or even love them. You only say â€Å"Ich liebe dich† to somebody you really, really love- your long-term girlfriend/boyfriend, your wife/husband, or somebody you have very strong feelings for. Germans dont say it rashly. It is something they must feel sure about. So if youre in a relationship with a German-speaker and waiting to hear those three little words, dont despair. Many would rather avoid using such a strong expression until they are completely sure its true. Germans Use Lieben Less Frequently Than... In general, German speakers, particularly older ones, use the word â€Å"lieben† less frequently than Americans do. They are more likely to use the phrase Ich mag (I like) when describing something. Lieben is considered a powerful word, whether you are using it about another person or an experience or an object. Younger people, who have been more influenced by American culture, may tend to use the word lieben more often than their older counterparts. Just a bit less intense might be â€Å"Ich hab’ dich lieb† (literally, I have love for you) or just â€Å"ich mag dich† which means â€Å"I like you†.   This is the phrase used to tell your feelings to beloved family members, relatives, friends or even your partner (especially in an early stage of your relationship). It is not as binding as using the word â€Å"Liebe†. There is a huge difference between â€Å"lieb† and â€Å"Liebe†, even if there is just one letter more. To tell somebody you like him as â€Å"ich mag dich† is just not something you would tell everyone. Germans tend to be economical with their feelings and their expressions. The Right Way to Express Affection But there is another way of expressing affection: â€Å"Du gefllst mir† is hard to translate properly. It wouldn’t be suitable to equal it with â€Å"I like you† even it is indeed rather close. It means more than you are attracted to somebody- literally you please me. It can be used to mean you like somebodys style, their way of acting, the eyes, whatever–perhaps more like â€Å"you are lovely†. If you have made the first steps and acted and especially talked correctly to your beloved, you can go further and tell him or her that you have fallen in love: â€Å"Ich bin in dich verliebt† or â€Å"ich habe mich in dich verliebt†. Rather ponderous, right? It all comes together with the basic tendency of Germans to be rather reserved until they really know you.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The French monarchy Essay Example

The French monarchy Essay Example The French monarchy Essay The French monarchy Essay Essay Topic: History French monarchy was delegitimized due to various reasons, started off by Louis XV who provided an undesirable legacy of which Louis XV1 was going to suffer for. These problems caused him to lose any respect of his people and of his rule. The first thing that Louis XV did that lead to contempt in the people was the removal of the Paris parlement which was the most powerful parlement. Although the parlement did not represent the people, due to it being full of nobles, it still gave the people something to hold on to. The parlements main function was to prevent royal despotism and removing it solved the problem of opposition. The contempt in the people persuaded Louis XV1 to bring back the parlement to gain some cheap popularity. This was a foolish mistake since the blame went to his grandfather and bringing it back just gave opportunities for people to hinder his rule. The second thing that Louis XV did was to form an alliance with Austria going into the Seven years war, which was not very clever since Austria and France were traditional enemies and no alliance would make peace between the peoples. The huge defeats at the battle of Rosbach further fuelled the contempt and his decision to arrange his sons marriage to an Austrian girl automatically put his son in a difficult in future life. Sleaze was another big thing Louis XV took unto. He had many mistresses, but ithe type of mistresses he had especially proved foolish. One of his mistresses was Madame Du Barry, a high-class prostitute and this legacy of sleaze gave Louis XV1 a reputation of being unfaithful, although he was which was unfair. The people thought Louis XV1 was untrustworthy and so led to delegitimization. However, Louis XVl only provided a basis for failure, but Louis XV1 increased upon it. Louis built up a huge amount of royal debts due to the feudal system where only the peasants with little money had to pay tax. This meant that the peasants were more heavily taxed and so discontent grew. The peasants could not voice their discontents since they were not represented at Versailles properly by the Third Estate. This meant that delegitimization was inevitable. Louiss public life let the press know everything about him and so any weaknesses he had. This gave them material upon which to criticize. The public life was unfair as a reason for delegitimization because that was the tradition of France and so he followed it. However, it turned out that the public knew about the Kings circumcision due to his inability to have sex. This was another weakness, but prior to it, the lack of an heir led to Marie Antoinette getting blamed, which was hardly fair since it was actually Louis fault. She g ot nicknamed the Austrian bitch. Everything that can be said about Marie Antoinette and her contribution to the delegitimization of the monarchy is, in my opinion, unfair. She did not deserve her nickname, since she was in a foreign country which she did not choose to be in. It was her bully of a mother, Marie Theresa who made her marry into the French royal family. She had gone through many humiliating experiences, such as being handed over naked to the French at the border. There was much pornographic media concerning her, talking of her orgies when actually she was not like that at all. These criticisms were unfair, but still led to delegitimization. Overall, I feel that the actions of Louis XV provided a basis for delegitimization, but Louis XV1 also contributed. I feel that Marie Antoinette did nothing wrong and was only given a perception of everything evil in France by the media.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Develop a Smart GMAT Study Plan

How to Develop a Smart GMAT Study Plan The GMAT is a challenging test. If you want to do well, youre going to need a study plan that will help you prepare in an efficient and effective manner. A structured study plan breaks the huge task of preparation into manageable tasks and achievable goals. Lets explore some of the steps you can take to develop a smart GMAT study plan based on your individual needs. Get Familiar With Test Structure Knowing the answers to the questions on the GMAT is important, but knowing how  to read and answer GMAT questions is even more important. The first step in your study plan is to study the GMAT itself. Learn how the test is structured, how questions are formatted, and how the test is scored. This will make it easier for you to understand the method behind the madness so to speak. Take a Practice Test Knowing where youre at will help you decide where you need to go. So the next thing you should do is take a GMAT practice test to assess your verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing skills. Since the real GMAT is a timed test, you should also time yourself when you take the practice test. Try not to be discouraged if you get a bad score on the practice test. Most people don’t do very well on this test the first time around - thats why everyone takes so long to prepare for it! Determine How Long You Plan to Study Giving yourself enough time to prepare for the GMAT is really important. If you rush through the test prep process, it will hurt your score. The people who score the highest on the GMAT tend to spend a large amount of time preparing for the test (120 hours or more according to most surveys). However, the amount of time that should be devoted to preparing for the GMAT comes down to individuals needs. Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself: What is my target GMAT score? Most business schools publish class profiles that contain an average GMAT score or score range for students who have been accepted to the program. Look up the average score for students at the business school youre applying to. This score should be your target GMAT score. If you have a high target GMAT score, youre going to need to study more than the average test taker.How well did I score on the practice GMAT? Take the score you got on the practice GMAT and compare it to your target score. The larger the gap, the longer you are going to need to study to close it.When do I need to take the GMAT? Determine how long you have before you need to take the test. You don’t want to wait too long into the application process to take the GMAT. It is important to give yourself enough time to retake it just in case. So think about the application deadlines for the schools you are applying to and plan accordingly. Use your answers to the above questions to determine how long you need to study for the GMAT. At a minimum, you should plan at least one month to prepare for the GMAT. Planning to spend two to three months would be even better. If you will only be devoting an hour or less each day to prep and need a top score, you should plan on studying for four to five months. Get Support A lot of people choose to take a GMAT prep course as a way of studying for the GMAT. Prep courses can be really helpful. They are typically taught by individuals who are familiar with the test and full of tips on how to score high. GMAT prep courses are also very structured. They will teach you how to study for the test so that you can use your time efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, GMAT prep courses can be expensive. They might also require a significant time commitment (100 hours or more). If you cant afford a GMAT prep course, you should seek out free GMAT prep books from your local library. Practice, Practice, Practice The GMAT is not the kind of test that you cram for. You should stretch your prep out and work on it a little bit each day. This means doing practice drills on a consistent basis. Use your study plan to determine how many drills to do each day. For example, if you plan to study for 120 hours over four months, you should do one hour of practice questions every single day. If you plan to study for 120 hours over two months, youll need to do two hours worth of practice questions each day. And remember, the test is timed, so you should time yourself when doing drills so that you can train yourself to answer every question in just a minute or two.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Preschool Childrens Reading Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Preschool Childrens Reading - Research Paper Example The importance of motivating children’s reading in information this technology era. Reading is integral in the process of educating children (Alderman, 2013). However, for children to read and study effectively they need an incentive that would lure them into the process (Brock et al., 2008). Therefore, the imperativeness of motivating their reading is of utmost importance (Blachowicz et al., 2006). The reading techniques, teaching procedures, curriculum contents and the aesthetic environment are also foremost. Technological factors can also be incorporated into reading with regard to the era of dynamic technological advancements (Brock et al., 2008). The significance of preschool educators in promoting children’s reading is highly related to children’s language, social, emotional, and aesthetic development (Becker, McElvany & Kortenbruck, 2010). While trying to promote children’s reading habits, the educator’s should take the popular language into consideration.Children are likely to enjoy readings that are encrypted in a language that they can easily relate to (Bishop et al., 2010). Understanding is integral in the reading process and relevant reading languages foster the children’s understanding of the materials that they are reading. Social and emotional aspects also have a bearing on children’s reading habits. Therefore, educators should consider the children’s attitudes towards reading because this is a core indicator of their emotions towards the same.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Southern Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Southern Company - Essay Example Employees at various organizational levels are required to take important strategic decisions regarding their work. Unless employees have the right skills, knowledge and the acumen of taking correct and timely decisions for meeting their job responsibilities, organizations will not be able perform efficiently (Sharif, 2002). Some of the important aspects of talent management considered by strategic leaders of Southern Company are recruitment, selection and training of employees, placement, training and development program implementation, mentoring and leadership development. Since talent management and development requires investment of time, money and skills, most organizational leaders are seen to give low importance towards this aspect. Company’s selection and recruitment processes lack efficiency as a result of which employee turnover is seen to be high. Also, when candidates are not mapped suitably, they get placed in jobs without adequate talent match. This leads to ineffective performance and lack of dedication. It is also significantly important that organizational leaders develop training programs in order to enhance skills of the employees. Work conditions requirements are never constant. They keep changing along with the changing needs of business and the economy. Technological innovations also affect the manner in which work is performed within an organization. Due to such aspects, it becomes necessary that organizations impart training to their employees, so that their level of skill is enhanced and they can easily adapt with changing requirements of the business. These aspects must be deeply be considered by strategic leaders of the organization, who should develop suitable measures accordingly (Ashton & Morton, 2005). Objective metrics- This process involves collection of data regarding talent requirements present within the firm. For this, the firm must

Caffeine and the Brain Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Caffeine and the Brain - Term Paper Example Generally CNS stimulants are addictive. The drugs that fall under this category include nicotine, methamphetamine and caffeine. Dextroamphetamine and Methylphenidate are prescribed medications. They are used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). They are also used to treat narcolepsy. Overdose of these drugs can cause hallucinations, fast breathing, weakness in the muscles, aggressive behavior, coma, among other effects. If these drugs are taken in large doses or over a long period of time the user may become addicted to them. Many over the counter pills used for treating headaches have caffeine as their main ingredient. Pills that also help the user to stay awake for a considerable long period of time also list caffeine as a major ingredient. Other common uses include diet pills and medication for the common cold. The concentration of caffeine in these common medications is less specific than those of prescribed drugs. Caffeine produces similar symptoms like those caused by prescribed stimulants. Even a small dose can affect the brain and nervous system. It also acts on the heart, bladder and muscular movements. Ingesting small doses, however, does not result in problems. Persons who take coffee everyday take a longer time to get a certain effect when compared with non drinkers or occasional users. Larger doses can result in nervousness, palpitation, nausea, insomnia and headache. There are other adverse effects associated with larger doses. Persons using the drug for the first time and ingesting large doses may end up having caffeine jitters, convulsions and even tachycardia. Taking extra large doses of the drug can be fatal. Taking more than 5,000 mg at any one time or at short intervals will be fatal. Studies have shown that a daily dosage of up to 400 mg per day is unlikely to cause any adverse effects (Nawrot et al.), except for women who are considering pregnancy as well as children. The adverse effects high

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ethics Challenge and Communicating in Practice Essay

Ethics Challenge and Communicating in Practice - Essay Example A budgetary slack is a premeditated allowance for excess spending as overstated expenses or understated income (Stevens 1). Atkins and Granger make liberal use of this budget-making technique when making sales and expense projections. Budgetary slacks alleviate the effects of deviations if they occur. A more shifty use of the technique is to make it easier for managers to achieve targets, especially where sales performance results in bonuses and appraisals (Stevens 1).   In the case of Atkins and Granger, altered projections can result in less motivation to achieve more in their areas of responsibility as they can alter the figures to give the impression that they are performing beyond the projections. On another note, if the two staff can alter the financial figures at will, then there is a serious risk of the pair falsifying account figures to serve selfish interests (Stevens 1). The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) requires its members behave ethically, and in ways that are responsible, honest, fair, and objective (IMA 1). IMA categorically opposes the use of confidential information for unethical and illegal motives. Overall, management accountants should cultivate restraint in situations that pose conflicting interests. IMA also requires that management accountants evade activities such as the budgetary slack that may jeopardize efficient execution of some activities. A budgetary slack presents ample opportunities for information asymmetry (Stevens 1).  

Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Globalization - Research Paper Example The research swill discuss in depth the pros and cons of the phenomenon of McDonaldization. In this study, the researcher is going to analyze the effects McDonaldization has on the society. From the research, a person is able to judge whether the phenomenon is to expected, accepted, rejected, or if it is inevitable. The study will explain why the term McDonaldization was used as a concept of bureaucracy in the early days. The phenomenon was an organizational structure aimed at rationalizing and standardizing the society’s products and services, and the processes involved in producing them. However, from the study, it will be evident that the concept differs from bureaucracy. The concept concerns itself with five points that the paper shall discuss. They include efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. The study aims at explaining the concept of McDonaldization. In addition, the study will help the people understand to what extent the concept has influenced the employees of the 21st century. It shall discuss the possible consequences for theories of human motivation. Users of this study will understand whether the concept of McDonaldization applies equally to all the jobs. The journal by Kellner described McDonaldization as a process by which the principles of the fast food outlets has taken over majority of the American’s and the rest of the world’s sectors. The author explains how the concept has affected nearly every aspect of today’s society. Nevertheless, the author predicts the concept shall influence the aspects of the future’s society (Kellner 1). In the interview, Ritzer argued that the concept serves the world as a directing force. From his own words, Ritzer implies that the human beings adapt to every turn that the world makes. Definitely, change is good, and McDonaldization is one of the changes the world is adopting. Many companies that follow the concept have achieved immense success. For

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ethics Challenge and Communicating in Practice Essay

Ethics Challenge and Communicating in Practice - Essay Example A budgetary slack is a premeditated allowance for excess spending as overstated expenses or understated income (Stevens 1). Atkins and Granger make liberal use of this budget-making technique when making sales and expense projections. Budgetary slacks alleviate the effects of deviations if they occur. A more shifty use of the technique is to make it easier for managers to achieve targets, especially where sales performance results in bonuses and appraisals (Stevens 1).   In the case of Atkins and Granger, altered projections can result in less motivation to achieve more in their areas of responsibility as they can alter the figures to give the impression that they are performing beyond the projections. On another note, if the two staff can alter the financial figures at will, then there is a serious risk of the pair falsifying account figures to serve selfish interests (Stevens 1). The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) requires its members behave ethically, and in ways that are responsible, honest, fair, and objective (IMA 1). IMA categorically opposes the use of confidential information for unethical and illegal motives. Overall, management accountants should cultivate restraint in situations that pose conflicting interests. IMA also requires that management accountants evade activities such as the budgetary slack that may jeopardize efficient execution of some activities. A budgetary slack presents ample opportunities for information asymmetry (Stevens 1).  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Number Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Number Systems - Essay Example The use of different symbols by different bases means that a no. system uses 10 different symbols and from the 11th no. the cycle of symbol repeats. The concept bases have long existed. Earlier for each of the counted nos. a different symbol was used. However the problem with this system was as the list of the no. counted increased so did the no. of symbols that were used. In fact there would be infinite no. of symbols if this system was followed. This problem was recognized early on by the human civilization and the concept of bases was introduced. Egyptians used a base of 2, Babylonians base of 60, for Mayans the base was 18 and 20. Currently however the number system that is mostly used is the decimal no. system with base 10. The different no. systems that are generally used by computers are: Decimal- This is the no. system which has a base of 10. The lists of symbols of decimal no. system are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and after 9 the counting again starts from 1. The symbols in a decimal system range from 0 to 9. So after 9 are reached the system should start from 1. But if the system starts from 1 then it will be difficult to understand. So an empty placeholder should be placed in the one’s place. A symbol which is part of the list of symbols, doesn’t have a value in itself but signifies great value when places along with another no. This job is done by the symbol 0. Hence after reaching 9 the system starts from 10. Binary- The binary no. system is the no. system that is most commonly used and understood by the computers. Binary no. system has only 2 symbols 0 and 1 (Merlot, 2002). 0 and 1 are the two states that are represented by on and off. On state represents 1 and off state represents 0. For writing a no. in the binary no. system the way is to write the no. in the parenthesis and then attach a base 2 as subscript after closing parenthesis is written. For example to write (25)10 in binary no. system, it is written as (11001)2. Octal- The octal no.

Managing Knowledge and Learning Essay Example for Free

Managing Knowledge and Learning Essay Managing Knowledge and Learning at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Summary National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established by Congress on October 1, 1958, in order for the United States to keep up with the technological advancements achieved from former Soviet Union’s successful launch of the Sputnik (1957). The Apollo Era-Mission had risen from the support of John F. Kennedy’s goal, which was â€Å"landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth. † Prioritization at NASA evolved into the center’s motto of â€Å"Faster, Better, Cheaper† (FBC), which was mandated in the Goldin Era beginning in 1992. NASA shifted priorities from: 1) performance, 2) schedule and 3) cost to 1) increase mission performance, 2) cut cost and 3) work force reduction. However, this reform was not as successful as planned. From 1992 and 2000, six of 16 FBC missions failed. To address concern of the impact of failed missions and impending retirements of many of the most experienced NASA employees, Congress enforced that the agency search for the solution to Knowledge Management (KM) and promoting learning initiatives at NASA-JPL. NASA’s KM tools were mainly IT systems of Internet-based databases and portals for ease of lessons. The NASA KM crisis was attributed to the organization’s inability to document experiences of failures and successes of missions or projects; ultimately incapable of capturing the â€Å"experiential knowledge† from expert engineers and scientists. In addition, this lack in KM was due to â€Å"privatizing knowledge† and promoting creativity, that stemmed from NASA’s culture where competition among centers for projects and funding was the norm. Several KM Initiatives were developed including project libraries for document and data management, developing standards, establishing databases to find experts, ask technical questions, and to capture history and legacy reviews. 1) What were the pros and cons of the â€Å"Faster, Better, Cheaper† model? How might outcomes (both positive and negative) of projects executed with this model impact NASA’s stakeholders, i. e. Congress and the general public? The â€Å"Faster, Better, and Cheaper (FBC)† objectives were to cut cost and maximize mission performance. There were several advantages of the FBC reform. FBC allowed compressed development and launch schedules that lead to an increase in the number of missions. Mission time could be reduced from decades to a few years. The number of NASA projects increased from four to 40 under the FBC model. An increase in mission projects was thought to lead to additional discoveries so that NASA could gain further wisdom and space knowledge. FBC missions were changed from one big project to multiple smaller projects. Dividing the program into smaller projects helped to minimize the pressure and stress on the team if a mission failed. Furthermore, one mission failure did not consequently lead to the failure of the entire program. FBC practice allowed senior managers more freedom to implement FBC the way they found fit which promoted creativity and autonomy among senior managers. FBC also reduced the cost of each mission and NASA’s overall budget. For example, the Mars program budget was reduced from one billion dollars to $260 million. There are numerous disadvantages of the FBC reform. Applying the FBC model could lead to more mission failures. During the FBC era, there were 6 failed missions out of 16 FBC missions. Cost and schedule constraints, insufficient risk assessment, planning, and testing, underestimation of complexity and technology maturity, inattention of quality and safety, inadequate review processes, engineering, under-trained staff, poor team communication, and design errors all attributed to NASA’s mission failures. Projects conducted â€Å"faster† does not allow for adequate documentation, time for redlining the project, and recording lessons learned from one mission to the next. This could result in repeated mistakes that could be avoided by future missions. Missions carried out faster do not allow time for mentorship and sharing of knowledge. Also, the term â€Å"better† was not properly defined and was open to interpretation, which may negatively impact maintaining standard procedures and processes. The results of the FBC vision could impact NASA’s stakeholders in several ways. The increase in smaller successful missions would alleviate the risk of one large failure, although any failures will have a negative impact on stakeholders. Congress could be discouraged to provide support and funding for major space programs if they fail but might be more likely to fund smaller missions. The public could either lose or gain confidence, support, and belief in the space program depending on the magnitude of success or failure. FBC mission are less expensive which would decrease NASA’s budget and help satisfy both Congress and the general public by reducing the need for extra taxation by Congress and collection of taxes from the general public. 2) Why was the Mars Pathfinder project so successful? Explain how Anthony Spears management style impacted future missions. Project management was the key to success of the Mars Pathfinder project. It began as an experiment to test the validity of the FBC reform mandated in 1992 when Daniel Goldin was assigned as the new administrator of NASA. A clear and specific plan for the Pathfinder mission was laid out in the beginning and followed through until the end. Analogous to the success of Cisco’s ERP implementation, Anthony Spears, an excellent manager and thought leader with years of experience at NASA, gained the support of top management and the JPL institution (Spears, 1999). Spears developed a unique balance of an advisory committee of experts to support and guide the difficult project, while he recruited talented, yet naive, energetic youngster’s to do what some more experienced people thought impossible. As Spears writes in his lessons learned report it was â€Å"†¦a blend of bright, ambitious youth and scarred old timers, each challenged and empowered, all working each issue together † (1999). Together, they created a team that bonded and worked together successfully. Spears’ goal was not only the success of the Pathfinder project, but of the FBC program success, unlike the vision of future project managers. The success of Pathfinder did not translate well in future FBC missions. Risk management and testing were important to the Mars Pathfinder success. While the Mars Pathfinder team worked together successfully, the younger players went on to think they were great project managers themselves, but still hadn’t learned enough to manage their next missions successfully. In future FBC projects, some reasons for failure were poor team communication, inadequate or under-trained staff or insufficient testing in 70% of missions and insufficient risk assessment and planning on 86% of missions (exhibit 4). 3) One of the major issues in this case is the retirements of experts. Why is this a problem for NASA? Would it be less of a problem in a different type of organization? Suggest immediate steps that NASA could take to mitigate the problem. Explain your choices. By 2006 half of NASA’s workforce was eligible for retirement which could lead to a major loss of knowledge, especially tacit information, diminishing the collective wisdom of the organization. A senior manager at NASA states, â€Å"we have no formal process for transferring knowledge† from thought leaders to new managers and IT systems had not yet been sufficient in transferring â€Å"experiential knowledge† to the younger generation. Unfortunately, this would be true in many organizations unless they had sufficient knowledge management systems in place and a culture where sharing knowledge was valued and encouraged. In order to mitigate the problem of losing their knowledge base, NASA not only needs to continue to implement their KM strategy, but truly change the culture. Experienced project leaders and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), such as design engineers, should openly share their knowledge and not just when asked for it. I support several of the planned KM initiatives such as the capture of information by improving documentation, development of an enterprise web-based portal, and the Knowledge Sharing Initiative (KSI) aimed at changing the companies’ culture. In addition to these activities, an exit strategy could be developed for retiring employees where they must follow standard procedures for employing case-based reasoning in an online database employing a searchable classification system. Additional knowledge could be disseminated by those eligible through training sessions. A reward system should be coupled to these exit requirements and could be increased if the employee decides to be available in the Expert Connections directory of SME’s that could be contacted for support after they leave. New positions might need to be created for dedicated knowledge managers such as Chief knowledge officers. It’s also possible that NASA could obtain some replacement of lost experts by collaborating with space programs in other countries. Collecting the information from experts must be coupled with management support of a corporate wide schema to store the data, methods of dissemination, and apply the information to ultimately make better decisions on projects that involve risking people’s lives. 4) Jean Holm had two options she could choose from: 1) upgrade the IT systems or, 2) change the culture. Which would you choose and why? Is there a third option? Explain your answer. In order for Holm’s to truly have a successful knowledge management system in place, implementation of a hybrid system should be in place; enforcing both upgrade to IT systems occurring simultaneously with changing the private culture into a shared one. Integration of both, changing the culture and IT upgrades will be a lengthy process so it would be critical to first strategically plan for cultivating and managing formal processes for knowledge transfers. Implementing formal processes such as required protocols, reports, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and work instructions for each mission or project should be enforced from every high-level management as it might help with the KM transfer crisis. Once every item has been completed by the high-level management it would be placed into the appropriate IT systems database in conjunction with the integration of the required knowledge management video synopsis from experienced engineers and scientist who exit the centers. Curriculums would be in place with learning modules with specific need encapsulating these protocols, reports, SOPs, work instructions and video synopsis would then be posted on the intranet, ready for the potential novice engineers and scientists entering the NASA work force; making the system more enriched and meaningful. 5) President Obama is implementing changes to NASA’s charter, which will create new ways of funding/executing projects than NASA is used to. Do a little online research. Do you agree or disagree in this change of direction? Explain. Caution; this is not to be addressed as a political issue) The Obama administration’s new NASA charter includes a couple of key parts: A) In February 2010, the Obama administration canceled the Constellation Program, which was started by former President George W. Bushs administration in 2004. This program aimed to put US astronauts back on the moon by 2020, for the first time since the final Apollo mission. B) In April 2 010, Obama proposed increasing NASA’s overall budget by about $6 billion over five years and shifting NASA’s aim for manned space program to Mars (from the moon). By the mid 2030s, I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth. And landing on Mars will follow, he said. C) He also challenged the commercial space industry to take up the routine tasks that NASA would abandon – such as ferrying astronauts to and from the space station. I do not agree with him on the part A and Part B of the new charter. The Constellation Program is already 5 year old, and has spent $9. 1 billion. It has already made significant progress and will help America maintaining its space leadership position over Russia and China. On the other hand, I think that it will set a foundation for manned space mission to Mars. Obama’s vision of manned mission to Mars by mid-2030 does not seem realistic to me as he has not talked about its technology feasibility. However, I do agree with his plan’s Part C. I think that it will significantly reduce the cost for transporting people and cargo to and from low-Earth orbit, and might induce the rise of a true space economy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Applications of Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to bulk materials Jingru Chi ABSTRACT X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy is a powerful, relevant and non-destructive method for studying atoms, molecules and surfaces [1]. However, investigations are limited to atoms, molecules and surfaces since low energy electrons limit the depth resolution, resulting in three-dimensional bulk state cannot be detected. Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) with high kinetic energy photoelectrons uses excitation by X-ray of 2-15keV and a high energy analyzer which make it possible to measure bulk and determine bulk electronic structure properties of materials [2]. The recoil effects of photoelectrons in valence band states and core levels are the principal studies of HAXPES. In this paper, HAXPES uses undulator synchrotron X-rays at SPring-8. The results of high energy photoelectron spectroscopy of the valence bands and sensitivity of bulk have shown that the measured valence band spectra are indispensable in studying the bulk electronic structure. Introduction The Nobel Prize in 1981 was awarded to Kai Siegbahn for developing the method of Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), now which is presented as X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Since then, XPS becomes one of the most useful and non-destructive techniques for analyzing the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and surfaces. In early studies, XPS uses Mo KÃŽ ± (= 17.479keV), Cr KÃŽ ± (= 5.417keV) or Cu KÃŽ ± (= 8.047 keV) hard X-ray sources. Gradually it out of date with the discovery that lower energy soft X-rays such as the Mg KÃŽ ± (= 1253.6eV) and Al KÃŽ ± (= 1486.7eV) sources has the higher energy resolution [3]. Reducing incident energy improved the surface sensitivity of XPS. However, soft X-rays source limits the depth resolution to 5nm for Angle-Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS) and 10nm for inelastic loss analysis [4], so it cannot detect the deeply buried layers without destructive ways like ion sputtering and etching which are time-c onsuming and hard to control. In the last few years, the developments of new bright synchrotron photon sources, the availability of monochromators with a resolving power about 105, and electron analyzers which can analyze the 10 keV electrons with meV resolution have created the new possibilities for Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) [5], which made it possible to analyze the bulk structure without using destructive methods. HAXPES has not been well-developed until the appearance of the third generation synchrotrons, which can generate high-brilliance, high-flux X-rays that enables one to perform experiments with the HAXPES in very low photoionization cross-section [1]. As well the developments of electron analyzer with the high kinetic energy range also contributed to improve HAXPES measurements [6]. The superiority of HAXPES is the considerable probing depth owing to the increased electron mean free path [7], made it possible to detect the electronic structure of bulk materials. With the excitation energy of 8 keV, the escape energy can be greater than 90 Ã… [1]. With high kinetic energies of electrons, the coral level and the valence band can be detected in the bulk materials. According to these advantages, HAXPES is one of the best ways to perform sensitive photoemission spectroscopy on correlated systems such as thin films, multilayer systems and devices [1]. Several investigations on bulk materi als have been reported. One is the measurement of the valence band of Co2Mn1−xFexSi (x = 0, 0.5, 1) be excited by photons which have energy about 8 keV [8, 9]. This experiment was the proof that the XPS with hard X-rays has better sensitivity on bulk electronic structure than the conventional XPS with soft X-rays. Fundamentals of HAXPES Model of photoionization using hard X-rays When use the conventional theoretical model to describe the photoemission, including the differential cross-section of photoionization for photon energies from 2 keV to 15 keV, the model based on the power series expansion of the electron-photon interaction operator cannot perfectly explain photoemission though just using a limited number of the terms of the expansion [2]. However, a more complex expansion of the electron-photon interaction operator developed by Fujikawa [11, 12] contained all the electric dipole operators and other multipole terms can explain it well. These models indicate that contributions from electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole transitions cannot be ignored anymore when photoelectrons are excited by high energy X-rays and beyond the electric dipole transitions [2]. Systems Fig. 1. HEARP Lab system [10] There are just so many kinds of HAXPES, here just introduce the HEARP Lab system. In this system, it needs the monochromatic X-ray source with 5–6 keV photon energies and the high energy electron analyzer with angular resolution capability for the measurements of takeoff angle dependence and X-ray photoelectron diffraction [10]. To meet these requirements, HEARP uses the Cr KÃŽ ± X-ray source, a wide acceptance objective lens, and a high energy version of VG SCIENTA R4000 analyzer [10], as it showed in Fig. 1. A Cr KÃŽ ± X-ray source is shown in Fig. 2(a). The main body contains the water cooling system and Cr target. At the first, the monochromatic Cr KÃŽ ± X-rays are emitted by a focused electron beam with the maximum acceleration energy of 20keV, then X-rays go through the bent crystal monochromator with a 300mm Rowland circle and focus onto a sample surface [10], as schematically shown in Fig. 2(b). The X-ray spot size ranges from 1.5ÃŽ ¼m to 200ÃŽ ¼m by raster scanning of the electron beam [10]. (b) (a) Fig. 2. X-ray source [10]. (a) Photograph of UHV compatible flange mounted Cr KÃŽ ± X-ray source [10]. (b) Schematic diagram of X-ray source. The electron beam is focused on a water cooled Cr target [10] and it excite Cr KÃŽ ± X-rays. Then it monochromatized by an elliptically bent Ge crystal with 422 reflection [10] and direct irradiated to the sample surface. The objective lens, as it shown in Fig. 3(a), is set in front of the analyzer. The angle acceptance of the lens is about  ±7 °, when it is combined with the VG SCIENTA R4000 10 KV hemispherical analyzer, the angle acceptance can achieve to  ±35 ° [10]. The magnification factor is 5, as well the magnification factor of analyzer input lens is 5, so the total magnification factor is 25 [10], and the working distance is 11mm from the aperture [10]. (a) Fig. 3 Performance The performance of HEARP system is evaluated by measuring Au 3d5/2 photoelectrons emitted from an Au strip. The total energy resolution is 0.53 eV [13]. The result of the experiment showed the acceptance angle is  ±35 ° and a resolution less than 0.5 ° [10]. When it is provided with the objective lens, the acquisition time for the Au 3d spectrum excited by the same Cr KÃŽ ± source is 16 min, which is seven times better than without the objective lens [10]. Table 1 shows the differences in HEARP Lab system and HXPES at BL47XU beamline system. Table 1 Comparison of HEARP Lab system with HXPES at BL47XU beamline system. They all have the same analyzer with the same pass energy of 200 eV. In the Lab system, it uses entrance slit of curved 0.8mm, beamline system uses curved 0.8mm. The X-ray excitation power is 45W (15 kW, 3.0 mA) [10]. Applications References [1] Siham Ouardi, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, ‘Bulk electronic structure studied by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the valence band: The case of intermetallic compounds,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 190 (2013) 249–267. [2] Là ¡szlà ³ Kà ¶và ©r, ‘X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using hard X-rays,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 178–179 (2010) 241–257. [3] M. Taguchi, Y.Takata, A.Chainani, ‘Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: A few recent applications,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 190 (2013) 242–248. [4] P. Risterucci, O. Renault, E. Martinez, B. Detlefs, V. Delaye, J. Zegenhagen, C. Gaumer, G. Grenet, and S. Tougaard, ‘Probing deeper by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,’ Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 051608. [5] Ronny Knut, Rebecka Lindblad, Mihaela Gorgoi, Hà ¥kan Rensmo, Olof Karis, ‘High energy photoelectron spectroscopy in basic and applied science: Bulk and interface electronic structure’, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 190 (2013) 278–288. [6] S. Ueda, ‘Application of hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to electronic structure measurements for various functional materials,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 190 (2013) 235–241. [7] C. Dallera, L. Duo, L. Braicovich, G. Panaccione, G. Paolicelli, B. Cowie, J. Zegen- hagen, ‘Results and perspectives in hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES) from solids’, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 (2004) 4532. [8] B. Balke, G.H. Fecher, H.C. Kandpal, C. Felser, K. Kobayashi, E. Ikenaga, J.-J. Kim, S. Ueda, ‘Properties of the quaternary half-metal-type Heusler alloy Co2Mn1−xFexSi,’ Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 104405. [9] G.H. Fecher, B. Balke, S. Ouardi, C. Felser, G. Schà ¶nhense, E. Ikenaga, J.J. Kim, S. Ueda, K. Kobayashi J., ‘High energy, high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of Co2Mn1−xFexSi,’ Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 1576. [10] Keisuke Kobayashi, Masaaki Kobata, Hideo Iwai, ‘Development of a laboratory system hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and its applications,’ Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 190 (2013) 210–221. [11] Takashi Fujikawa, Rie Suzuki,Hiroko Arai, Hiroshi Shinotsuka,Là ¡szlà ³ Kà ¶và ©r, ‘Nondipole effects in photoemission angular distribution excited by high-energy X-rays’, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 159 (2007) 14. [12] Rie Suzuki,Hiroko Arai,Hiroshi Shinotsuka,Takashi Fujikawa, ‘Theory of High-Energy Photoemission’, e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotechnol. 3 (2005) 373. [13] Kobata M,Pà ­s I,Iwai H,Yamazui H,Takahashi H,Suzuki M,Matsuda H,Daimon H,Kobayashi K., ‘Development of the hard-X-ray angle resolved X-ray photoemission spectrometer for laboratory use’, Anal Sci.26 (2010) 227-32. [12] . In Heusler thin films of Co2MnSi and Fig. 1 shows the thin films covered with MgO, SiOx and the protective layers with AlOx or Ru, the thickness of the MgO and SiOx layers are from 1 nm to 20 nm. When it is covered with AlOx layer,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Legalizing Drug Use Essay example -- Philosophy, Marx, Mill, Locke

The arguments that I have just laid out are not perfect and they have some apparent flaws that some philosophers would strongly disagree with, while there are other arguments that some of the great philosophers would agree with. I will critique the arguments that I have just laid out using the perspective of three different philosophers who all have their own ideas of how the state should function and the role of the citizen. The three philosophers that I will use in this critique will be Karl Marx, John Stewart Mill, and John Locke. The reason why I picked these three philosophers is because they all agree with some aspects of my writing, while disagreeing with others. One will disagree with the role of the state and the citizens, but agree with legalizing recreational drug use, while the other two will agree with the role of the state and citizens, but disagree with legalizing drug use. Karl Marx is the philosopher who would disagree with many of the arguments that I presented above. The reason why Marx would disagree with so many of my arguments is because he is a strong believer of the state being in charge of society and having complete control over the citizens. In the society that I created, it is largely a free society where the people are in charge of their actions and the government has a limited role in the daily transactions that are occurring between citizens. Marx would believe that in my society where there are different social classes, these classes would always be in a battle with one another and will be exploiting the lower class so they can make a bigger profit. In my society where the political economy is capitalism, there will be a wide variety of incomes. Some citizens will have more smarts, other... ...vious philosophers have showed that there are some minor critiques on my theory; however the general theories and principles are generally accepted and promoted in the writings of Marx, Mill, and Locke. Marx was the only one who would agree with the legalization of recreational drug use, while Mill and Locke would not have been in favor of it because of the harm it would likely cause to other people who would be involved by the use of these drugs. In regards to the function of the state, Mill and Locke would have agreed with my writing because the state is limited and the citizens are free to do as they wish as long as they do not interfere with other citizens rights. Marx would not have agreed with this because his philosophy of the state is communism. The three of these philosophers all agreed on certain aspects and disagreed on other aspects of my writing.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Power of Title IX Essay -- gender equity in sports

Title IX is a law passed in 1972 that requires gender equity for boys and girls in every educational program that receives federal funding (U.S. Department of Education, 2007). No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational programs or activity receiving federal financial assistance. – From the preamble to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (U.S. Department of Education, 2007). The actual Title IX document was based on 10 key areas: (1) access to higher education (2) employment, (3) athletics, (4) career education; (5) education for pregnant and parenting students, (6) employment learning environment, (7) math and science, (8) sexual harassment, (9) standardized testing and (10) technology ( Title IX legislation has been subject to over 20 additional reviews and proposed amendment revisions due to the different inte rpretations and lifestyle changes that present themselves in their various court cases. History of Title IX Title IX is historically related to the social changes that were becoming increasingly noticed after the Civil Rights laws were coming to light. These social changes represented a national commitment to end discrimination and establish a mandate to bring the excluded into the mainstream (U.S. Department of Education, 2007). It was the federal government that utilized these laws, created by Title IX, to deliver the promise of all people’s equal opportunities and rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution to develop their talents. As an early example of the barriers set up before Title IX, Luci Baines Johnson, daughter of President J... ...opportunities in athletics and extra- curricular activities. A woman should never be forced to do anything different then a man just because of her sex. This author agrees with the decision that the woman in this case should not have been sent home for a mandatory leave of absence. This is prejudice at its best. Participating in the pre-game activities of Super Bowl XLV, there was a young girl who won a contest that presented her the opportunity to carry the game ball out on the field before the coin toss. This young girl stated in an interview that it is her life long goal to become a kicker in the National Football League (NFL). This is Title IX at its best. A young girl with a dream; a dream to do something that no other girl has ever done before; a dream to step foot in a man’s world and be allowed the equal opportunity to accomplish HER dream.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Analysing Romeo And Juliet by William Shakespeare Essay

Romeo and Juliet is a classical play written in the Elizabethan period, between the years 1550’s and 1600’s. It is an archetypal love story, written by Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) in the year 1595. Theatres were not as enhanced as today then. Hence the plot and the scheme of the story played a strong importance to the audience because the other aspects (such as the lighting, the props, the background etc. ) of theatre were considerably dull in comparison to today. The play was set in the late 12th Century in a city-state Verona in Italy. It was based on the story of two star-crossed lovers who fall in love at first sight and take vows to spend their life together but against all this was the great ancient feud between their two families ‘The Capulet’s’ and ‘The Montague’s’. The play is highly exhilarating and shows a great variety of emotions and themes. These innovative aspects of the play, moreover, reinforce and embellish its principal themes love, hate, and enmity. With great skills Shakespeare developed a tragic but great love story of two lovers. Life in the 12th century held different expectations from today’s life. Marriage in Italy in the period of Romeo and Juliet was different in a numbers of ways from marriage now. In those days a girl had little or no say in the choice of husband, the husband was chosen as a suitably rich and powerful ally for the family and girls often were married at the age of fourteen or fifteen. Shakespeare considered these differences which even applied to his time and hence giving the audience a new perception to their living style. There are infinity of ways to perform Romeo and Juliet, not one way can be considered ‘right’. Each production is a fresh outlook by the director’s point of view, the audience and the actor; but even though each production will have its own unique quality. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet were performed on stage in ‘The Globe Theatre’ whereas Baz Luhrman’s Romeo and Juliet were made in a film format. Both the formats hold their unique qualities and contrasts hence making each of them an extravagant performance. Shakespeare’s format is on stage and was performed under circumstances where much was not feasible, for example as lighting was not available the play had to be performed in the daytime, the background sceneries could not be changed and so all was done in one, special effects were not the least of an option as technology did not allow it. Whereas Baz Luhrman had access to all such areas, hence giving him the resources to provide a much genuine and intricate performance. Baz Luhrman’s version consisted of modern day themes such as violence, love, sex, dangerous and panicky situations. He has put in touches of modern culture like guns instead of swords and cars instead of horses. Also some excellent special effects and soundtracks had been added making the movie exciting and an overall experience. A director’s role in the making of a movie is very important. It is the director who visualises the scene in order to give out an original performance, it is the director which decides how each scene will be performed, why it will be performed and when will it be performed. He also has to decide on what kind of atmosphere he wishes to create in order to catch the attention of the audience, and to do this he has to decide on the setting of each scene. In my role as director I have to consider points such as what the play is about, the important ideas and themes and the overall significance to each scene. My job as director includes visualising the scene, imagining the scene and choosing the ideal lighting, setting, actors etc. The director also should have a considerable grasp on the text and hold an intense view on the character development in the scene. The director must use language and gestures to convey the feelings, themes and emotions of each character with each turn in the plot. The language used by Shakespeare in the balcony scene (Act 2, Scene 2) is highly imaginative, romantic, poetic and seductive. For instance the following quote ‘By love, that first did prompt did me to inquire; He lent me counsel, and I lent him eyes. I am no pilot; yet, wert thou as far As that vast shore wash’d with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise. The language in the above quote is highly imaginative yet romantic and highly poetic yet seductive. The language is very powerful and contains a phenomenal control on the mind. Its effect is ever so powerful that its inner meaning haunts the mind for prolonged time. It conveys the thoughts and emotions of the characters to the utmost accuracy and details. I as the director also have to decide the language and text to be used. To decide this I have keep my target audience in consideration. I have decided to aim my movie to a wide range of audience. I wish to keep in the same respect and sanctity as Shakespeare’s version except for giving it more liveliness and enthusiasm. Therefore the movie will be appropriate for anyone from mature teenagers to adults. As director I have decided to act the play on a movie set. This will enable me to a wider range of options and features such as special effects, soundtracks, lighting etc. This will make it possible for me to bring out the true emotions of the individual characters and give it a more realistic atmosphere. For example the actors will not have the need to shout out the dialogues, allowing them to whisper in the romantic scenes.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (C.R.N.A.)

Imagine having a career that truly has a positive impact on others even from the beginning of your duties. A specialized nurse called a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or C.R.N.A. knows this feeling well. This type of nurse is able to administer anesthesia to patients having surgical, dental or medical procedures to prevent the patient from having any pain during the procedure. To become a nurse anesthetist a registered nurse must complete more extensive training and testing. Patients typically are happy to see anesthetist knowing they will keep them from experiencing any pain The nurse anesthetist has many responsibilities while on duty. One of the most important aspects of the anesthetist is balancing the depth of sedation. If a patient receives too much anesthesia medicine they can have trouble breathing and may need to be put on a ventilator. If the patient does not receive enough medicine they may end up feeling the pain of their surgery. Another important role of the nurse anesthetist is to teach the patient and their family things they need to know regarding their condition. During a procedure the nurse anesthetist must closely watch the patient for any signs or symptoms of impending danger and respond quickly to keep the patient stable. The nurse must always monitor and record the condition of the patient as well as the vital signs before, during and after the surgery. At the end of the surgery the anesthetist needs to monitor the patient until the effects of the anesthesia wear off. Sometimes the anesthetist will give the patient a medication that will reverse the effects of the anesthesia ( Nurse Anesthetist 2 The nurse anesthetist can have a great impact on how the patient feels about the care they receive. The obvious impact that a nurse anesthetist has on a patient is freedom from the fear of pain. This is a great relief for the patient which will in turn encourage the patient to cooperate in their care. Having a nurse anesthetist is cost effective when compared to an anesthesiologist which is a medical doctor who also has had training in anesthesia. To apply the concept of Neuman’s System Model a nurse anesthetist needs to be able to communicate clearly with the patient. If the patient understands details of his or her treatment they are more likely to cooperate. This model explains that mental health is not stuck in one spot but is on a pole which can move toward or away from wellness. To keep stress as low as possible, three levels of prevention are used. Primary prevention is used before symptoms happen. Secondary prevention is when symptoms are present. This helps build a defense by bringing the surface resources that usually were not required. Tertiary prevention looks at the return of the patient’s wellness. This is done by building on the client’s strengths. All three levels are meant to cause reduced stress and increase wellness ( Nurses happened to be the first group of professionals to administer anesthesia in the United States. The AANA is an association that represents nurse anesthetists across the world. The association was formed in 1931 and currently represents about 28,000 CRNA’s ( Nurse Anesthetist 3 Many nurses are attracted to this profession for many reasons. One large difference from a registered nurse and a nurse anesthetist is the pay. On average a nurse anesthetist can usually earn double the income of the registered nurse. More money is needed however for education because there is at least two more years of schooling to take to become a nurse anesthetist but the payoff will be well worth it. Many nurses are intrigued by the never ending learning. Anesthesia is still somewhat a mystery to scientists and there are new discoveries being made every day. Many people in the medical profession enjoy lifelong learning and this happens to be one of the professions that can provide never ending questions. Many nurses still get great satisfaction from having a good relationship with their patients. It can feel very rewarding to ease a patients worries regarding surgery. A confident nurse anesthetist can reassure a worried patient that she will be watched and taken care of closely. The amount of responsibility also is one of the reasons that being a nurse anesthetist is such a fulfilling career. There are many other people in the room during surgery but the anesthetist has the responsibility to monitor the patient’s consciousness and to adjust as needed. The patient may be on a ventilator temporarily so the airway needs close attention. Due to the fact that anesthesia can have an effect on vital signs the nurse anesthetist much watch for changes closely. All in all the responsibilities of this career are many and demanding but having the chance to make such a direct impact on someone’s life is a privilege. The gratitude you may receive will become the icing on the cake. Nurse Anesthetist Running Head: Nurse Anesthetist The Role and Responsibilities of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist I. Introduction a. define CRNA b. training requirements II. Role and Responsibilities III. Impact of the Profession IV. Neuman’s System Model V. Desirability of the Profession Work Cited 1. (, Qualifications and Capabilities of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, retrieved 05/20/2007. 2. (, Neuman’s System Model, retrieved 05/20/2007. 3. (, Nurse Anesthetist, retrieved 05/20/2007.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Contract law - Essay Example The courts will decide on the amount of damages and other penalties that the defendant will have to incur in return for the breach of contract. Bob’s remedy is to exhaust all extra judicial means to collect the remaining 4,000 pounds that was offered by Arthur and accepted by Bob. If the extra judicial means are not successful, then Bob can file civil charges for the collection of the remaining 4,000 pounds. Since the offer of Arthur to give the additional 4,000 pounds is accepted by Bob, there is a new contract that supersedes the prior contract. The prior contract is that Arthur Will pay Bob 25,000 pounds if Bob finishes the repair job on Arthur’s aunt’s house on the first week of December 2005. The contract is now 29,000 pounds and the new deadline is Dec 25, 2005. Bob has accomplished his part of the contract, now he can ask the courts to force Arthur to pay him the balance of $4,000 pounds. Bob should NOT pay the remaining 2,000 pounds to Eric. Bob does not have to pay the balance of 2,000 pounds to Eric because the law states since Bob did his part of the contract by paying by end of November, then Eric must do his part by collecting only his offer by receiving only the 3,000 pounds if payment was done within November. It is true that one of the requirements of a valid contract is the consent of the party being offered a contract. In this case, because Bob admitted that due to financial difficulty he couldn’t pay the 5,000 pounds to Eric within November 2005, Eric offered a contract to reduce the amount he will receive to only 3,000 pounds. Bob â€Å"accepted† the offer of Eric by his ACTION of paying his liability within the time period offered by Eric. Therefore now that Bob has done his part, Bob demands that it is Eric’s turn to push through with his contract offer to receive only 3,000 pounds. One reason for Bob’s paying on time is because of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Business Law - Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Law - Questions - Assignment Example When an offer is made to the offeree, he can either accept or put down the offer made to him, if he accepts the offer, this means that the second element of the contract recognized as acceptance have been completed. If a contract has to be recognized as valid, it should contain the third element recognized as consideration. Consideration is the term assigned to a promise or a factor on which bargaining takes place, consideration is offered by the offerror and whether to accept the consideration or reject it or bargain on it is entirely in the hands of the offeree. Another important element of a contract is intention; the people involved in creation of a legal contract should have the intention of creating a legal contract and not just an agreement that has not been legally created. The last element of a contract is the certainty of the contract, this means that the contract should be concise and clear in nature so it can be enforced. Increase in the use of internet to conduct transac tion between the sellers and the buyers gave way for the creation of a distance contract. A distance contract is referred to a contract in which the buyer and the seller or the parties involved in the contract have never physically been in each other’s presence since the start of the contract till the end of the contract. For examples: a distance contract is created when parties are involved in selling and purchasing of goods and services over the internet through different means such as email, telephone calls and faxes. In this kind of contract, the seller or merchandiser is required to provide any information to the purchaser that might influence his purchasing decision, once the to be purchaser has accepted the information, the seller is required to provide the same details in written form, the merchandise has to be delivered to the purchaser within thirty days and if the purchaser wants he can cancel the contract with seven days of the date of delivery. For example, in Th ornton v. Shoe Parking case, the customer experienced injury in the parking area because of negligence caused by the defendant, the customer received the ticket of car parking after he had installed his money in the ticket machine, the terms and conditions that applied to the car parking area were stated on the ticket and the customer was not informed about the terms before he purchased the ticket, thus, the term of no exclusion of liability in case of personal injuries caused due to negligence was rejected as according to the distance contract, all information is to be provided before the purchase decision is made (Beale, 1990, p.337). Expressed terms refer to those stipulations and circumstances that are mentioned in the contact at the most specific level and are accepted by the parties involved in the creation of that particular contract, these terms can be in verbal, as well as written, form. For example, in the case of Bannerman V White, the purchaser had entered a contract wit h the seller on the terms that the hops he was purchasing were to be used to prepare beer and should not be treated with sulphur, the seller had assured him that they were not treated with sulphur, but they were actually treated with sulphur when the purchaser received them, thus, the seller was in breach of contract as the contract clearly stated that hops

Monday, October 7, 2019

Uruguay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Uruguay - Research Paper Example In light of this, road users must travel 34.245 kilometres within Montevideo and 18 kilometres within Salto (Distance Calculator. (2014). As of 2013 Salto market had grease monkey competitors including VIP Cars and Rental Car Deals (Talento and Terra 73). In Montevideo, Sixt, Thrifty, Multicar, Budget and Europcar were the primary competitors offering oil replacement and lubrication service (Todd, Martinez and Triunfo 307). Based on the 2013 estimates, Montevideo’s purchasing power parity is $30 billion, while Salto’s is $5 billion (Index Mundi, 2013). According to Distance Calculator (2014), rental car locations in Montevideo are Puerto de Montevideo, west of Montevideo, Carasco located in central Montevideo, Colonia near Atento, along Acevedo Diaz highway, and Colonia Nicolich north of De Carrasco International Airport. In Salto, rental cars are available at the central Salto Itu location, Indaiatuba along the Capinas-Itu highway, Valinhos south of Jardim Sao Francisco, and around Parq Das

Sunday, October 6, 2019

TARP Report...Project Scope Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

TARP Report...Project Scope - Case Study Example As such, the paper addresses the issue of lack of diversity in the group with reference to its functional and cultural skills. Such are the key elements, which hinders the group from achieving success in terms of having diversified projects, as well as having the ability to appeal to people from other cultural backgrounds. The current demographic composition of the group depicts a gap, which needs filling so that the group is not limited to a given clientele. Thus, No Kurfew Entertainment will have the ability of attracting different artists from different cultural backgrounds. No Kurfew Entertainment group has music makers, visual artists, creative writers, photographic and videographic talents. However, these persons have other responsibilities in the group. Thus, it becomes impossible for the individuals to achieve a high level of specialization, which will contribute towards their achievement of success. Thus, the project is limited to providing solutions and recommendations on how No Kurfew Entertainment group can achieve internal diversity in terms of functional skill and talent. These will ensure that the group has the potential of penetrating the market of entertainment industry in a creative manner while sustaining a diverse culture. Such includes supporting the creativity culture, which results in the improvement of the production level of the group. The provided recommendations are for the No Kurfew Entertainment to consider without being coerced in any issue. This is because the primary focus is the provision of professional consultancy services on how No Kurfew Entertainment can fix its problem of cultural diversity. Nevertheless, the recommendations will contribute in ensuring that the group increases its clientele, promotes brand development, retains and recruits employees, improves the work performance of employees and the productivity level increases significantly. The provided recommendations do not

Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Gift of Authenticity as a Lead Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

My Gift of Authenticity as a Lead - Essay Example Hutchison claims that living theory is an embodiment in researching for authenticity leader. In this method, Hutchison has made use of autobiographical narrative to develop real-life experiences. Hutchison says that one of the most important exercises in his research was to write his autobiography. Through this, he says he wrote himself out of all explanatory stories in his life and how he became a leader. In addition, he says that it is the values more than anything else that made him rise as a leader. In his project, Hutchison says that he uses multimedia because it makes him use words as well as other aspects that embody his values. The use of multimedia ensures that leaders are relational and do not get fixed to formal representation. Hutchison also claims that the use of multimedia helps in developing an epistemology that is relevant to authentic leadership. Moreover, he argues that multimedia increases his learning capabilities as well as improving his practice of leadership. Hutchison says that everyone has his gift. He says that his gift is an authentic leader and that why he devotes his time researching and finding ways in which he can help other develop the gift of authentic leadership. He started working not knowing that he will be an authentic leader, but he passionately loved his career. Hutchison worked as a community caregiver to young people out of employment and who had addiction problems. For this reason, it is through this journey of his career up being the leader of a Carer’s Centre that he narrates to demonstrate that each and every person has his or her gift and talent. Hutchison says that his practice as an authentic leader help improves the culture of Carer’s Centre organization. Through authentic leadership, he has developed a living theory of learning and mindfulness (Hutchison, 2012). However, Hutchison attests that his journey has not been easy and in time he felt as if he was contradicting himself.  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Transcontinental railroad Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Transcontinental railroad - Term Paper Example Such policies are implemented by regulatory authorities through budgets and other rules and regulations. However, there are some factors that affect the economy on the very basic level. One of those factors is infrastructure of a country. Infrastructure of a country can play an important role in the strengthening of the economy of a country. This paper analyses one such example of the effects of infrastructure on the economy. The example is that of the First Transcontinental Railroad. This railroad is said to be the first communication revolution of America. The railroad reduced the time of travel between east and west costs from six months to one week and it was indeed a huge achievement. This paper examines the problems faced by the entities engaged in the construction of the railroad and the effects of the railroad on the economy of the country (Heintz, 2009). Infrastructure can enhance the growth of the economy of a country at a very fast pace, specifically in case of developing countries. Developing companies usually have weak economic environment because of lack of sufficient infrastructure. Infrastructure can boost trade in a country which results in accelerated economic activities in the country. This scenario can best be explained with the example of the First Transcontinental Railroad that was constructed between the years 1863 and 1869 in the United States of America. The railroad was built by the Central Pacific Railroad of California and Union Pacific Railroad. These two entities were chartered by the Pacific Railway Act, 1862. This railroad connected the already developed railway network of the Eastern cost with California that was in its developing stages. The railroad was completed in May, 1869 when it changed the economic scenario of the American West for good. The railroad initiated a new series of trade and communication that triggered the economic growth in the USA. Planning for Construction of the Transcontinental Railroad In the year 1862, it was determined that the companies that would carry out the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad would be Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad. The companies started construction from their respective points. Central Pacific started building the railroad eastward from Sacramento, California and Union Pacific started building the railroad westward from Council Bluffs, Iowa. Although the companies had been assigned the task and they had started constructing the railroad, the point where both the railroads would meet was not determined. There were a number of problems that hindered the construction of the railroad resulting from the lack of adequate planning. The construction also slowed down due to the Civil War between the years 1861 and 1865. This factor also added to the problems already present due to the lack of planning. However, a point in the Mormon territory of Utah was determined to the Promontory Point where the railroads being constructed by the two companies would meet. The construction completed on 10 May, 1869 when the two railroads met at the Promontory Point. Problems Faced in Construction A railroad connecting the east and west cost of the USA had always been a dream but it was shaped into reality by the President Abraham Lincoln. However, the railroad was completed after four years of his death. The construction of the railroad was not independent of any problems. There were a num