Saturday, October 19, 2019

Preschool Childrens Reading Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Preschool Childrens Reading - Research Paper Example The importance of motivating children’s reading in information this technology era. Reading is integral in the process of educating children (Alderman, 2013). However, for children to read and study effectively they need an incentive that would lure them into the process (Brock et al., 2008). Therefore, the imperativeness of motivating their reading is of utmost importance (Blachowicz et al., 2006). The reading techniques, teaching procedures, curriculum contents and the aesthetic environment are also foremost. Technological factors can also be incorporated into reading with regard to the era of dynamic technological advancements (Brock et al., 2008). The significance of preschool educators in promoting children’s reading is highly related to children’s language, social, emotional, and aesthetic development (Becker, McElvany & Kortenbruck, 2010). While trying to promote children’s reading habits, the educator’s should take the popular language into consideration.Children are likely to enjoy readings that are encrypted in a language that they can easily relate to (Bishop et al., 2010). Understanding is integral in the reading process and relevant reading languages foster the children’s understanding of the materials that they are reading. Social and emotional aspects also have a bearing on children’s reading habits. Therefore, educators should consider the children’s attitudes towards reading because this is a core indicator of their emotions towards the same.

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