Monday, November 18, 2019

Texting while driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Texting while driving - Essay Example These efforts that include commercial like the AT& T have in the past failed and still show no sign of succeeding in future due to the following: first, the ever growing culture which sees vehicles as haven, roving office and friendly place where people do whatever they like. The second reason is the culture of connection that has left most people afraid with the issue of being left out. Lastly, the technological culture that leaves many trapped in a bias where they are tempted to permit the act first and only ask question later. Some supporters of the idea of texting while driving argue that it only becomes bad when the act takes place while the driver is on a high speed. It is on this ground that some people recommend that wireless mobile service providers ban texting incase the phone is detected to be moving faster than 20miles per hour. It has been suggested that phone makers configure the mobile devices to automatically advice persons communicating from the other side the driver is on the wheels. But is driving and texting really sinful? Does it go against God’s standards of what is right? It is not debatable that drinking and driving is unethical. The same applies to similar acts such as drugs and driving, speedy driving in a school zone or construction area where men are at work. Again it may be important to take a break and ask why these acts are considered unethical driving. The answer will obviously be based on the idea that it endangers other people’s lives (Rachels, and Stuart). Now coming back to the current scenario, it is argued that texting does not tamper with people’s intellect like drugs and alcohol. However, it is important to note that texting and driving greatly affect the sense of sight, a key element while driving. It is on this ground that everything about it becomes wrong. Taking the ideas carried in the consequentialism theory of morality and

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