Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fools Rush in Movie free essay sample

Two relative strangers try to turn a one night stand into a marriage in this romantic comedy. Alex Whitman (Matthew_Perry) is a designer from New York City who is sent to Las Vegas to supervise the construction of a nightclub that his firm has been hired to build. Alex is a straight-laced WASP-ish type who, while enjoying a night on the town, meets Isabel Fuentes (Salma_Hayek), a free-spirited Mexican-American photographer. Alex and Isabel are overtaken by lust at first sight and end up spending the night together; however, their immediate attraction doesnt last in the cold light of day, and they dont see each other for another three months. When they do meet again, its because Isabel has some interesting news for Alex: shes pregnant with his child. Alex and Isabel decide that they should do the right thing and quickly get married (with an Elvis impersonator serving as witness), but after Isabel meets Alexs mom (Jill_Clayburgh), and Alex is confronted by Isabels father (Tomas_Milian), both start to wonder if doing the right thing was just that, especially as Alex tries to balance his career in New York with Isabels desire to continue working in Nevada. We will write a custom essay sample on Fools Rush in Movie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Alex is from a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) background while Isabel’s of a proud Mexican American heritage. Distant from his parents, Isabel tells Alex that her relatives need to meet him at least once. â€Å"Fools Rush In† invites its viewers to consider how well many people really know each other when they get married, and how crucial trust and candor are at any relationship. Isabel can sense that Alex is not the marring kind and she lies to him by telling him that she had a miscarriage to release him of any duties he may have felt.

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