Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Antigone, Oedipus and Othello Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Antigone, Oedipus and Othello - Research Paper Example Thesis Statement This paper intends to present an in-depth study of the plays that have evolved from different ages in the literature through the manifestation of a comparative study. Along with that the comparative analysis of the themes present in the plays, culminates a perspective quintessential for the understanding of the role of these plays in comprehending the societies from which they have evolved. Comparison To compare the Greek plays Antigone and Oedipus with that of Othello by William Shakespeare, the first thing that will come under the scanner for choosing the parameter of comparison is the lapse of time running between the composition of Antigone, Oedipus and Othello. Yet, there are certain pre-cognitive planes on which the thread of comparison can be preceded. All the three plays are great tragedies of literature but Antigone is a tragedy of a princess and Oedipus and Othello speaks the tragic saga of two kings from two different parts of the world facing their predic ament at two different times, yet are united by their grief and suffering evolved out of misunderstanding, betrayal and infidelity with all-pervasive elements of destiny extending and exercising its spell on the characters of the play. Antigone was probably composed by Sophocles before or in the year of 442 B.C. Chronologically, Antigone stands in the third position among the three Theban Plays but it is assumed to be written first. The play focuses on the expansion of the Theban legend that is composed predated to it and picks up the note where Aeschylus’ ‘Seven Against Thebes’ ends. On the other hand, Oedipus is also composed by Sophocles and it is an Athenian tragedy that was first performed around 429 B.C. This play is the second in the chronological order among the three Theban plays but in the internal chronology, it comes first which is followed by Oedipus of Colonus and lastly by Antigone. Over the ages, Oedipus as a play has become the mark of the excellence which Greek culture and art possessed at that time and undoubtedly is one of the remarkable tragedies of all times (Knox, B. â€Å"The Date of the  Oedipus Tyrannus  of Sophocles†). Othello was composed by all-time master playwright of English literature, William Shakespeare and is assumed to be composed around 1603. Believed to be based on the Italian short story titled â€Å"Un Capitano Moro†, which in English means â€Å"A Moorish Captain†, the piece was composed by Cinthio who was a follower of Boccaccio. It is presumed to be first published in the year 1565. Othello as a tragedy has surpassed all the limits of the pain that love can bring and stands out as a shrine of aesthetic creativity, poetic verses and passionate presentation. All the three plays, Antigone, Oedipus and Othello are tragedies and all the three plays are set against a non-English background. Therefore, a comparative analysis of these plays would launch the readers into a platform that would yield a lot of information and perspective of Greek as well as Venetian society. At the same time, in all the three plays the role of women in society and their conditions from society to society at different times play important expression which would again launch into a macrocosmic interpretation of the social values pertaining during the different ages when the plays were composed.

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