Monday, December 30, 2019

3d Leadership Strategy Linked Leadership Framework For...

ARTICLE REVIEWED: Kunnanatt, T.J. (2016). 3D Leadership-Strategy-Linked Leadership Framework for Managing Teams. Economics Management and Financial Markets, 11(3), pp.30-55. Introduction The article, 3D Leadership-Strategy-Linked Leadership Framework for Managing Teams, by Kunnanatt James seeks to convince the reader that, in the contemporary dynamic global business environment, classic leadership theories albeit being successful in the past, cannot effectively address the challenge of providing strategic guidance to team managers. The research problem being addressed by the paper is that, given that strategic team leaders are rare, there is an increasing need for guidance on how to incorporate strategic thinking into team leadership. However, the author observes that leadership theory is incapable of providing the foregoing guidance. The article provides a possible framework for bettering the situation. The author introduced the article with an abstract that provided a brief summary of main points as well as the outlook developed by the article. It is evident from the abstract that the article explores a multi-theory integrated approach that consolidates classic leadership theories into one feasible framework that is based on findings from both past and present research on leadership. The abstract mirrored the article and in the proper form; the reader can understand the article’s overall objective from the abstract and can therefore whether or not to continue reading.Show MoreRelatedQuestions On Academic Integrity : Student s Own Essay2158 Words   |  9 Pagesregarding the sale of that concept. Granted the selling point is, it is my vision, the discipline, diligence, and cost in terms of manpower hours required to execute the vision and its commitment on paper. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Research Study On Health - 1139 Words

In the case study, talks about a young person who have been admitted to the mental health unit, who is experiencing a serious stress and anxiety. The context in which an individual lives is of great importance on health status and quality of life. Health is maintained and improved through the advancement and application of health science and through the efforts and suitable lifestyle choices of the individual. According to the World Health Organisation, the main determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person s individual characteristics and behaviors. Having stress for a long period of time can lead anxiety disorders like phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder. It can also†¦show more content†¦Dines and Cribb(1993). The physical aspect of stress and anxiety could be: ï  ¶ Shacking ï  ¶ Sweating ï  ¶ Heart palpitation ï  ¶ Difficulty breathing ï  ¶ Muscle pain and body aches ï  ¶ Headache and feeling of tensions. The emotion aspect of stress and anxiety: ï  ¶ Sad ï  ¶ Irradiant ï  ¶ Scared ï  ¶ Suspicions ï  ¶ Tiredness ï  ¶ Fatigue Social aspect: ï  ¶ Improving and creating good network of people ï  ¶ Being able to adopt in society ï  ¶ ï  ¶ Avoiding deprived neighborhoods Physical health is connected to mental and emotional health. Taking care of our body is a powerful first step towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are linked. Improving physical health, in general can increase mental and emotional well-being. For example, exercise not only strengthens the heart and lungs, but also releases endorphins, powerful chemicals that energies and lift your mood. Furthermore, engaging activities in daily basis and choices you make affect the way a person would feel physically and emotionally. Getting enough sleep and rest is ideal in order to maintain good physical and mental wellbeing. Likewise, exercising will to relieve stress and anxiety while and lifting the mood. Personal behaviors: Encouraging the individual to fully take control of their health and choosing better

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bipolar Disorder Free Essays

Some people are more prone to either mania or depression, while others alternate equally between the two types of episodes. Some have frequent mood disruptions, while others experience only a few over a lifetime. There are four types of mood occurrences in bipolar disorder: mania, hypomania, depression, and mixed episodes. We will write a custom essay sample on Bipolar Disorder or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each type of bipolar disorder mood episode has a unique set of symptoms. Mania Symptoms In the manic phase of bipolar disorder, feelings of heightened energy, creativity, and euphoria are common. People experiencing a manic episode often talk a recklessly and profligately, scarcely sleep, and are hyperactive. They may also feel like they’re omnipotent, impregnable, or destined for prominence. Although mania inaugurates with delightful sensations, it has a tendency to spiral out of control. People often Denave uncontrollaDly aurlng a manic eplsoae: gamDllng away savlngs, engaging In inappropriate sexual activity, or making irrational business investments, for example. They may also become angry, irritable, and aggressive†picking fights, lashing out when others don’t go along with their plans, and blaming anyone who criticizes their behavior. Some even become delusional or start hearing voices. Depression Symptoms In the past, bipolar depression was amalgamated in with regular depression. But a mounting reservoir of research suggests that there are significant differences between the two, particularly when it comes to recommended treatments. Most people with bipolar depression are not helped by antidepressants. In fact, there is a risk that antidepressants can make bipolar disorder worse†triggering mania or hypomania, causing rapid cycling between mood states, or interfering with other mood stabilizing drugs. Despite many similarities, certain symptoms are more common in bipolar depression than in regular depression. For example, bipolar epression is more likely to involve irritability, guilt, unpredictable mood swings, and feelings of restlessness. People with bipolar depression also tend to move and speak slowly, sleep a lot, and gain weight. In addition, they are more likely to develop psychotic depression†a condition in which theyVe lost contact with reality†and to experience major disability in work and social functioning. TYPES There are several types of bipolar disorder; all involve episodes of depression and mania to a degree. They include bipolar l, bipolar II, cyclothymic disorder, mixed bipolar, and rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Bipolar I Raging bipolar (l) is characterized by at least one full-blown manic episode lasting at least one week or any duration if hospitalization is required. This may include inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, being more loquacious than usual, flight of ideas, distractibility, an increase in goal-oriented activity, and excessive involvement in hazardous activities. The symptoms are severe enough to disrupt the patient’s ability to work and socialize, and may require hospitalization to prevent harm to themselves or others. The patient may lose touch with reality to the point of being psychotic. The other option for raging bipolar is at least one â€Å"mixed† episode on the part of the patient. The DSM-IV is uncharacteristically vague as to what constitutes mixed, an accurate reflection of the confusion within the psychiatric profession. More tellingly, a mixed episode is almost impossible to explain to the public. One is literally â€Å"up† and â€Å"down† at the same time. Bipolar II Swinging bipolar (II) presumes at least one major depressive episode, plus at least one hypomanic episode over at least four days. The same characteristics as mania are evident, with the disturbance of mood observable by others; but, the episode is ot enough to disrupt normal functioning or necessitate hospitalization and there are no psychotic features. Those in a state of hypomania are typically the life of the party, the salesperson of the month and more often than not the best-selling author or Fortune 500 mover and shaker, which is why so many refuse to seek treatment. But the same condition can also turn on its victim, resulting in bad decision-making, social embarrassments, wrecked relationships and projects left unfinished. Rapid Cycling DSM-IV defines rapid cycling as the occurrence of at least 4 major depressive, manic, ypomanlc, or mlxea eplsoaes aurlng tne prevlous year In a patient wltn a Olagnosls of BP I or BP II. These episodes must be demarcated either by a partial or full remission of at least 2 months’ duration or by a switch to an episode of opposite polarity. Duration criteria for episodes are not waived, which means that each major depressive episode must last at least 2 weeks, each manic or mixed episode must last at least 1 week, and each hypomanic episode must last at least 4 days. Mixed Bipolar A mixed episode is not a disorder itself, but rather is a description of a component of a specific type of bipolar disorder. A mixed episode is defined by meeting the diagnostic criteria for both a manic episode as well as a major depressive episode nearly every day for at least a full week. Like most mental disorders, a mixed episode must be severe enough to cause distress or impairment in social, occupational, education or other important functioning and is not better accounted for by the physiological effects of substance use, or abuse, or a general medical condition. Cyclothymia Cyclothymia is a chronic bipolar disorder consisting of short periods of mild depression and short periods of hypomania, lasting a few days to a few weeks, eparated by short periods of normal mood. Individuals with cyclothymia are never liberated of symptoms of either depression or hypomania for more than two months at a time. In 1980 the classification of cyclothymia was changed in the DSM-IV from Personality Disorder to Mood Disorder. Though the above description portrays cyclothymia as a mild disorder, it is so only relative to the severity of Bipolar I and Bipolar II disorders. Cyclothymia can completely disrupt the life of an individual and create personal chaos. In their continual oscillation of mood, they never know from ne day to the next what to expect. TREATMENTS Bipolar disorder is being better understood each day. There is also ongoing research into its treatment. But successfully treating bipolar disorder can involve several medication trials, and it can take years to achieve remission. Even if remission is attained, recurrence is the rule † not the exception. It’s not uncommon for all first- line treatments to be exhausted. Common Treatments Lithium and the anticonvulsants lamotrigine and valproate are treatments for bipolar depression. They are mood stabilizers. For severely ill patients, lithium and an ntidepressant are sometimes used. A mood-stabilizing medication works on improving social interactions, mood, and behavior and is recommended for both treatment and prevention of bipolar mood states that swing from the lows of depression to the highs of hypomania or mania. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), lithium, lamotrigine, valproate, carbamazepine, and most atypical antipsychotic medications are approved by the FDA for treating one, or more, phases of bipolar disorder. Treatment Resistance There is no consensus among clinicians and researchers on one definition of reatment resistance. Generally, patients in an acute state, manic, depressed, or mixed, whose symptoms do not improve after at least two evidence-based medication trlals are conslaerea treatment-reslstant In researcn stu01es. In tne malntenance phase, patients are considered treatment-resistant if they continue cycling despite several adequate medication trials. In some studies additional criteria must be met in order to truly be considered treatment-resistant. These include functional measures of remission. Dr. Prakash Masand, psychiatrist and founder of Global How to cite Bipolar Disorder, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fools Rush in Movie free essay sample

Two relative strangers try to turn a one night stand into a marriage in this romantic comedy. Alex Whitman (Matthew_Perry) is a designer from New York City who is sent to Las Vegas to supervise the construction of a nightclub that his firm has been hired to build. Alex is a straight-laced WASP-ish type who, while enjoying a night on the town, meets Isabel Fuentes (Salma_Hayek), a free-spirited Mexican-American photographer. Alex and Isabel are overtaken by lust at first sight and end up spending the night together; however, their immediate attraction doesnt last in the cold light of day, and they dont see each other for another three months. When they do meet again, its because Isabel has some interesting news for Alex: shes pregnant with his child. Alex and Isabel decide that they should do the right thing and quickly get married (with an Elvis impersonator serving as witness), but after Isabel meets Alexs mom (Jill_Clayburgh), and Alex is confronted by Isabels father (Tomas_Milian), both start to wonder if doing the right thing was just that, especially as Alex tries to balance his career in New York with Isabels desire to continue working in Nevada. We will write a custom essay sample on Fools Rush in Movie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Alex is from a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) background while Isabel’s of a proud Mexican American heritage. Distant from his parents, Isabel tells Alex that her relatives need to meet him at least once. â€Å"Fools Rush In† invites its viewers to consider how well many people really know each other when they get married, and how crucial trust and candor are at any relationship. Isabel can sense that Alex is not the marring kind and she lies to him by telling him that she had a miscarriage to release him of any duties he may have felt.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Worked Empirical Formula Chemistry Problem

Worked Empirical Formula Chemistry Problem The empirical formula of a chemical compound gives the ratio of elements, using subscripts to indicate the number of each atom. Its also known as the simplest formula. Here is how to find the empirical formula, with an example: Steps for Finding the Empirical Formula You can find the empirical formula of a compound using percent composition data. If you know the total molar mass of the compound, the molecular formula usually can be determined as well. The easiest way to find the formula is: Assume you have 100 g of the substance (makes the math easier because everything is a straight percent).Consider the amounts you are given as being in units of grams.Convert the grams to moles for each element.Find the smallest whole number ratio of moles for each element. Empirical Formula Problem Find the empirical formula for a compound consisting of 63% Mn and 37% O Solution for Finding the Empirical Formula Assuming 100 g of the compound, there would be 63 g Mn and 37 g OLook up the number of grams per mole for each element using the Periodic Table. There are 54.94 grams in each mole of manganese and 16.00 grams in a mole of oxygen.63 g Mn Ãâ€" (1 mol Mn)/(54.94 g Mn) 1.1 mol Mn37 g O Ãâ€" (1 mol O)/(16.00 g O) 2.3 mol O Find the smallest whole number ratio by dividing the number of moles of each element by the number of moles for the element present in the smallest molar amount. In this case, there is less Mn than O, so divide by the number of moles of Mn: 1.1 mol Mn/1.1 1 mol Mn2.3 mol O/1.1 2.1 mol O The best ratio is Mn:O of 1:2 and the formula is MnO2 The empirical formula is MnO2

Thursday, November 21, 2019

English-Value Claim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English-Value Claim - Essay Example English-Value Claim When we claim that Occupy Wall Street is moral movement we are trying to argue based on the rightfulness or principles or rules that the movement does which are based on ideologies of right conduct in the society. Whatever the movement is passionate about must be a great deal that is affecting the economy of the societies. Money has been a huge driving force behind all policy makings and watching the entire economy collapse is devastating, we should be rewarded for our hard work and shun corruption, oppression of equality, self over justice and greed overwhelm our corporations. The word moral has been used in the Oxford Dictionary to refer to principles that concern right or acceptable behaviors that are accepted in a particular society. It entails manifesting or holding high principles for appropriate conduct. Morally acceptable behaviors are those accepted in the society. The word is to be used to refer to claims that I personally approve of. When the act does not seem to affect the society and is meant for the well-being of everybody, then it is moral. I do not intend to make you think otherwise of situations that you find right to me and wrong to you as justified to be morals, but whatever you find right is moral. For instance when I claim that government tax is moral, then it means I personally approve the imposition of government tax to everybody. For a Christian to claim murder as immoral then he/she is bringing in personal approval that according to the ethics of Christianity it is against the will of God to commit such acts.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exercise - Essay Example Marketing department-headed by a marketing manager, this department will handle the process of moving the produced goods from the firm to the customers. The department will have six employees, divided into two groups, each headed by a supervisor. Finance department -handling all the financial operations in the organization, this department will have three employees, headed by the head of finance. He will handle the duties of a supervisor. Human resource department- handling all the duties of hiring, placement, and promotional recommendations as well as addressing all employees’ needs, this department will have two employees, headed by a personnel officer. The recruitment process Skills are an important element for the success and growth of our subsidiary. In the highly competitive business environment, offering our clients with the best quality products is paramount for Intel. Despite the Chinese market providing cheap labor, we will settle for the most qualified individuals i n the market. While identifying the most qualified individuals to hire, the plant will go through a recruitment process. However, internal recruitment sources will provide the required expertise on the Intel operations in the new subsidiary. Starting a new subsidiary requires logistical information. Every organization, despite operating in the same industry, has unique operational culture and processes from other firms. This necessitates shipping of part of our most qualified personnel from our main branch to the Chinese subsidiary. Among the most competitive departmental managers, production managers and supervisors, five will receive promotion to head the Chinese plant. Through performance evaluation and the records of accomplishment of the identified candidates, the highest scoring individual will take over as the branch manager of the Chinese firm. Specifically, they will ensure that quality and accountability culture in serving our customers remain a priority. External sourcing will however involve consultancy firms and recruitment bureaus. By extensively using referrals, we hope to have the most qualified individuals in the Chinese market. Purposively, part of the recruited staff will come from Chinese firms in the same industry like Intel. Training After external sourcing of labor, the team will undertake training of the staff to provide them with the best skills and knowledge to work for Intel. Subsequently, they will place them in their most qualified departments by matching their skills and expertise with the organizational departments. Training involves instilling the required skills and knowledge to a taskforce in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives (Welsch 2005, p. 35). Achieving our mission will involve the use of intensive and extensive training of the recruited staff. Extensively, training will cover on the various elements of production, as well as Intel culture. Intensively however, we will focus on training newly hired emplo yees on the aspects of their jobs according to departments. This will ensure high levels of productivity from our staff. Providing them with intensive training ensures minimal errors in our work, saving the organization reproduction costs and time. Additionally, we will ensure to provide them with induction training in order to orient them with our organizational mission, objectives and culture.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Texting while driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Texting while driving - Essay Example These efforts that include commercial like the AT& T have in the past failed and still show no sign of succeeding in future due to the following: first, the ever growing culture which sees vehicles as haven, roving office and friendly place where people do whatever they like. The second reason is the culture of connection that has left most people afraid with the issue of being left out. Lastly, the technological culture that leaves many trapped in a bias where they are tempted to permit the act first and only ask question later. Some supporters of the idea of texting while driving argue that it only becomes bad when the act takes place while the driver is on a high speed. It is on this ground that some people recommend that wireless mobile service providers ban texting incase the phone is detected to be moving faster than 20miles per hour. It has been suggested that phone makers configure the mobile devices to automatically advice persons communicating from the other side the driver is on the wheels. But is driving and texting really sinful? Does it go against God’s standards of what is right? It is not debatable that drinking and driving is unethical. The same applies to similar acts such as drugs and driving, speedy driving in a school zone or construction area where men are at work. Again it may be important to take a break and ask why these acts are considered unethical driving. The answer will obviously be based on the idea that it endangers other people’s lives (Rachels, and Stuart). Now coming back to the current scenario, it is argued that texting does not tamper with people’s intellect like drugs and alcohol. However, it is important to note that texting and driving greatly affect the sense of sight, a key element while driving. It is on this ground that everything about it becomes wrong. Taking the ideas carried in the consequentialism theory of morality and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Leadership Reflection Journal

Leadership Reflection Journal What follows is my leadership journal. 1. My Leadership Role When I was a little girl about five years old, I had my first leadership experience. I was part of a dance group and was the first one in the row, my teacher told me everyday, â€Å"my darling, it is you who will have to make no mistakes, learn all the right steps and then practice them again and again, because everyone else will simply follow you, and your mistake would make not only you but everyone else in the group look bad†. She then told me that only people who were special were given this very important responsibility. Oh! I just can’t express how happy these words made me feel, but little did I know what a burden was put on my shoulders. Later as I grew up and was about 10 years old I was made the class representative , I was very happy with the trust my teachers and classmates showed in me but, at the same time I knew I was accountable and answerable for a lot of things. This phase of my life charted out a lot of my personality .It made me a more confident pers on, it made me an individual who was not afraid of taking responsibilities and tasks, no matter how challenging they might seem. Most importantly it made me realise that sometimes it is accountability that gets out the best in you. But nevertheless I was just a little girl who did not know all the stakes of being the leader. Years passed and my post of the class prefect turned into that of the cultural secretary of my school. As I swore in the responsibility of being the cultural secretary I could not help but be proud, I could not help but experience power. But, also I could not help hearing the echoes in my head, the echoes of my teacher’s voice, â€Å"remember everyone else will simply follow you, and your mistakes affect the entire group†. At that very instant I realised that leadership is not just the capacity to take people to a place they can’t get to on their own†. So, I took up the responsibilities while others made excuses , and made it my goal t o give my school the best of shows, cultural events and gala evenings it had ever witnessed. This task however was not easy but, I also wasn’t an easy quitter. I challenged myself at every step and made it a point to be persistent and have tenacity despite failure at times. I had dreams, everyone does, but I also had the courage to turn it into reality. I knew that power corrupts but, I constantly reminded myself that I was here to bring glamour in my shows rather than being overpowered by the glamour in my post. From the five year old little girl to an eighteen year old young adult in my experience as a leader I’ve realised one thing. Sometimes, it just happens in an instant. We step up. We become a leader. We see a path, and we take it .Even when we have no idea where we are going. 2. The Poster As a king loves his kingdom, all the people in it, every blade of grass that grows on his land, every pebble that resides in its waters. All that is good and all that is bad , all that is strong and all that is not. Such should also be the reign of a leader, who in his reign takes into consideration the needs, desires and goals of all his followers, and at the same time also motivates them to put in all their energies to achieve the common group goal. Also one must always remember a king is not a king without his kingdom and so is true for the leader as well. A leader is nothing without his followers, just like the king, the leader may wear the crown but his actual power resides in the trust invested in him by his followers. It is these ideas that inspire our poster. Our poster depicts the leader as a king like figure who is calm and wise. In the depth of his eyes can be seen years of experience. Our leader wears a crown made out of several people, symbolising his followers. This uni que crown further reflects our main idea of the power of the leader being his follower’s support and trust. Further our poster also depicts beams of lights popping out of each follower’s head, with their individual goal written on it. This was done to put emphasis on the role of a good leader to place importance on individual goals alongside common group goals. Our poster also expresses the individual importance of every member in the group. The slogan says â€Å"Leadership is the initiative of the leader but the voice of the followers†, this too highlights our main idea. To take everyone forward is a leader’s dream, but to work with everyone to achieve this dream, is his challenge. Our poster is also inspired to some extent by the great mughal emperor AKBAR, who in his court had nine special ministers famously called the â€Å" Nav Ratnas†. No policy in the kingdom was implemented without the consensus of these nine people. The â€Å"Nav Ratnasâ €  were King Akbar’s greatest advisors. It is said that king Akbar and his nine ministers would argue for hours together before making the final decision on any important matter in the kingdom. The result of all this, King Akbar was able to promote secularism in a kingdom where muslim’s and hindu’s fought all the time. He was also given the title of â€Å"THE GREAT â€Å", and till today is one of the most loved kings of the Indian sub-continent. Our group after a lot of brainstorming and considering examples of great leaders such as King Akbar, came to the conclusion of basing our poster on the leader –follower relationship. And so our poster shouts out loud our idea, of the power of the leader actually being the trust invested in him by his followers. 3. The Quote Change, we dont like it, we fear it, but cant stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. And it hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesnt is lying. But heres the truth: The more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes change is good. Oh, sometimes change is everything. I first heard these words on the T.V show Grey’s Anatomy, and ever since they have been like my guiding angel. Right from the time when I was a little girl, I have had this tendency to get greatly attached to people, things and places. I have always resisted change. But â€Å"change† is one of the greatest truths of life and I know I have to learn to deal with it. We all have weaknesses but, courage lies in overcoming them. This task, however difficult it might seem, certain things help make it easier. For me these words became my fairy god mother, and helped me deal with change whenever it stood in front of me ready to shatter me from the inside out. I st ill can’t forget the day of my school farewell, I stood there silent, rewinding all the good memories. Tears filled up my eyes and a sense of great loss filled my heart. I did not want to let go of my friends, my teachers and that school building where I had spent 14 years of my life. I looked around and saw all others also had tears in their eyes, but the difference between them and me was the smile they all wore on their lips. Then it suddenly dawned upon me the smile on their faces was the hope of a new beginning, the hope of a brighter future and a step ahead towards their dreams. I realised at that very moment that my tears were not because of all the good memories I would be leaving behind, but because of the fear of taking on responsibilities of an adult. I did not want to grow up, after all there is nothing better than the life of a child, free from all the shackles of the real adult world. But I had dreams in my heart too and I knew these dreams were bigger than my f ear, I knew I had to challenge my fears and make the move ahead in life. I knew I had to let go of the past in order to live in the present and have wonderful dreams and plans about the future. I wanted to be remembered long after I was gone, and I wanted to make a difference to this world. This was my dream and I knew I only had one life to full fill it. I had to overcome my fears and all the hurdles on my road to success. The biggest one currently was the acceptance of change. It is said the first step to overcome your weakness is to figure it out. I knew my weakness and I had my words of wisdom echoing in my mind again and again. The first step was taken and the rest would surely follow. To conclude I would only say this course has truly been an enlightening experience.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fitzgerald at Princeton Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Fitzgerald at Princeton While he was a student at the Newman School, called St. Regis in This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald became enamored with Princeton. He attended the first Harvard-Princeton game since 1896 on November 4, 1911 and Princeton won 8-6 on a blocked kick that was returned for a touchdown (Tate, 199). His aunt offered to pay for his education at Georgetown, but Fitzgerald wanted to go to Princeton. When his grandmother died in 1913, she left money that made Princeton available. Fitzgerald did not do well on the entrance exams though, so he had to travel to Princeton to re-take the tests and have a personal interview. Supposedly, Fitzgerald convinced the admissions office that it would be cruel to deny him on his birthday and he began at Princeton in the fall of 1913. Fitzgerald desired to play freshman football but his career was cut short. Depending on who you ask, he either wrenched his knee and was unable to play or was cut from the squad on the first day of practice (Tate, 200). With football out of the picture, he chose to participate in the Triangle Club, an original musical comedy group, and the Princeton Tiger, a humor magazine. Fitzgerald roomed off campus his freshman year because of insufficient dorm space. He took Latin, English, Physics, French, Personal Hygiene, and two math courses. He was critical of the English Department, saying that it made students lose interest in literature, but he educated himself by reading extensively outside of the class. In the spring of his freshman year, he wrote the book and lyrics to the Triangle Club’s Fie! Fie! Fi-Fi! which was to be performed that winter. Fitzgerald began his sophomore year by failing a make-... ...ald signed up for intensive military training, effectively ending his college career. He did not graduate with the class of 1917 but was included in the yearbook and received two votes for Most Brilliant, two for Handsomest, five for Prettiest, two for Thinks He Is The Best Dressed, eight for Thinks He Is The Biggest Politician, and six for Biggest Dramatist. Fitzgerald’s return for his senior year in the fall of 1917 was really only a waiting period and in November he was called to duty in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, leaving Princeton as a student forever. (Eble, .43). Bibliography Eble, Kenneth E. F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc, 1963. Tate, Mary Jo. F. Scott Fitzgerald A to Z. New York: Facts on File, Inc, 1998. Fitzgerald at Princeton Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays Fitzgerald at Princeton While he was a student at the Newman School, called St. Regis in This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald became enamored with Princeton. He attended the first Harvard-Princeton game since 1896 on November 4, 1911 and Princeton won 8-6 on a blocked kick that was returned for a touchdown (Tate, 199). His aunt offered to pay for his education at Georgetown, but Fitzgerald wanted to go to Princeton. When his grandmother died in 1913, she left money that made Princeton available. Fitzgerald did not do well on the entrance exams though, so he had to travel to Princeton to re-take the tests and have a personal interview. Supposedly, Fitzgerald convinced the admissions office that it would be cruel to deny him on his birthday and he began at Princeton in the fall of 1913. Fitzgerald desired to play freshman football but his career was cut short. Depending on who you ask, he either wrenched his knee and was unable to play or was cut from the squad on the first day of practice (Tate, 200). With football out of the picture, he chose to participate in the Triangle Club, an original musical comedy group, and the Princeton Tiger, a humor magazine. Fitzgerald roomed off campus his freshman year because of insufficient dorm space. He took Latin, English, Physics, French, Personal Hygiene, and two math courses. He was critical of the English Department, saying that it made students lose interest in literature, but he educated himself by reading extensively outside of the class. In the spring of his freshman year, he wrote the book and lyrics to the Triangle Club’s Fie! Fie! Fi-Fi! which was to be performed that winter. Fitzgerald began his sophomore year by failing a make-... ...ald signed up for intensive military training, effectively ending his college career. He did not graduate with the class of 1917 but was included in the yearbook and received two votes for Most Brilliant, two for Handsomest, five for Prettiest, two for Thinks He Is The Best Dressed, eight for Thinks He Is The Biggest Politician, and six for Biggest Dramatist. Fitzgerald’s return for his senior year in the fall of 1917 was really only a waiting period and in November he was called to duty in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, leaving Princeton as a student forever. (Eble, .43). Bibliography Eble, Kenneth E. F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc, 1963. Tate, Mary Jo. F. Scott Fitzgerald A to Z. New York: Facts on File, Inc, 1998.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Assessing ecosystem health Essay

The simple summary of the article is shown below.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Metaphors drawn from human health can be applied in environmental assessment at ecosystem levels; hence the concept of ecosystem medicine may also be appropriate in trying to understand the environment.   By using metaphors one can understand a difficult concept into more known terms since a comparison as to what is common in medicine and in ecosystem. Human use science but they employ art also in appreciating and studying things. As a necessary consequence of using arts or even science   errors in treatment could also happen as there could also be cased of false alarms in diagnosing the environment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But for a successful application of the medical concepts in ecosystem, there could be a need have a greater-defined taxonomy of ecosystems to afford a better correlations and analysis of the different variables involved in ecosystems. Taxonomy will allow more definitions of technical terms in ecosystems which could be used by scientists and scholars to make a thorough investigation and analysis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The health status of ecosystems in turn could also serve a good barometer to assess the present status or health of the environment. This must be so since the better the ecosystem , the better the environment. Question: 2.    Write a review of Section 1 (p-15: Introduction) and also indicate important points which the author has talked about to be discuss in the paper; any critique; anything missing?   Any important information we get from this section?   Any interesting thing we get from this section, and do we really find it in the following section? The simple introduction is shown below.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is saying that whatever the ecosystem now suffers is partly caused by human activity.   He is using a metaphor to convey his message.   That the environment’s health must also be determined like that of a human individual.   Like a human being who is subject to stress, the author illustrates that the ecosystem also suffers from effects of various stresses.   He cited as examples of stresses the following: harvesting, introduction of exotic species, generation of waste residuals, physical restructuring, and even extreme natural events which affect the environment. Question 3.   Write a review of Section 2 (p-16: Ecosystem: a nebulous concept?)   What do we learn from this Section?   What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? Is ecosystem a nebulous concept?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is saying that while others my think that term ‘ecosystems’ may be indefinite of meaning   because   of difficulty of delimiting boundaries on the basis of conventional observations.   Ecosystems are not isolated, but intimately connected, or nested within adjacent or larger systems as seen in the continuum from rivers to lakes; from estuaries to the sea; from the sea to the world’s ocean.   The author agrees that for management and assessment, ‘ecosystem’ constitutes a relevant macro-level unit for describing the environment (Rowe, 1961, 1989; Bird & Rapport, 1986).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The author is very clear in describing the ecosystems as a dynamic, complex, and open systems that are in constant change over ecological, evolutionary, and geological time (Rapport & Regier, 1992), and such they exhibit chameleon-like properties; that is, they might exist in a number of alternative forms, the particular composition being very much influenced by internal dynamics and by interactions with neighboring systems (Holling, 1985; Rapport & Regier, 1992). Question 4.   Write a review of Section 3 (p-16: Towards an Ecosystem Health Model) what do we learn from this Section?   What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? The quest for understanding leads to quest for having health ecosystem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is saying that in the quest for a more comprehensive understanding of the process of ecosystem breakdown and recovery, he has come to think that humans are engaged in some form of ecosystem medicine (Rapport et al., 1979).   He said that introducing the medical metaphor suggests that, like physicians, ecosystem practitioners are in need of systematic procedures by which to recognize illness, devise protocols to ‘rule-in’ or ‘rule-out’ possible causes, and prescribe treatment. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When it comes to treatment, medicine suggests several options: following internal medicine, ecosystems may be treated by regulating the ‘blood chemistry’ of the system; following surgery, ecosystems may be treated by wholesale physical and biological restructuring.   The latter may involve both removal of undesirable elements and introduction (grafting) of desirable ecosystem components. I should hasten to add that we are concerned here with the application of scientific methodologies developed in medicine in order to assess the state of ecosystem health.   In so doing I neither subscribes to the view that ecosystems can be considered as organisms (for clearly there are not not not not substantive differences in both the mechanisms and degree of integration as well as in the dynamics of these two systems) nor do I suggest.   (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 5.   Write a review of Section 4 (p-17: The subjective nature of health assessments) what do we learn from this Section?   What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? Subjectivity is employed in assessing the ecosystem.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is equating the subjective judgment used in health assessment as to what is being done in assessing the ecosystem.   He said that clearly, in many cases, the diagnosis and treatment of sickness also uses gut feel or hunches in addition to the scientific way..   Inevitably, there enters a degree of subjectivity in evaluating the health status of an individual or an ecosystem. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author mentioned some ecosystem transformations that are made without recourse to societal values or limitations of scientific understanding and cited as example the demise of the forest downwind of a smelter.   Nevertheless, he admits that more frequently   social value-judgments and the limitations of science appear   to mix as a form of art.   The author gave as an example the conversion to plantations of radiata pine (Pinus radiata) of highly diversified indigenous forests in New Zealand, where there are opposing view between conservationists and foresters. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 6.   Write a review of Section 5 (p-18: Early Warning Signs of Pathological Ecosystems) what do we learn from this Section? What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate?   And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic?   (This section should cover all sub sections of the main section, one by one) Early warning signs of pathological ecosystems have obstacles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author mentioned three obstacles in providing early warning of ecosystem pathology and they are: Firstly, basic processes such as nutrient cycling and primary productivity, is highly cyclical and irregular, varying from year to year, seasonally and diurnally.   Such variability and seemingly random behavior raises havoc with detection of the onset of much pathology that beset aquatic ecosystems. Secondly, early symptoms of ecosystem degradation may be missed or discovered only after pathology is well advanced. Thirdly, false alarms are easily sounded owing to a still far from adequate understanding of the long-term dynamic behavior of ecosystems. Ecosystems have common systems of degradation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Under section 5.1 on â€Å"Health indicators at the ecosystem level,† the  author is discussing the identification of common symptoms of ecosystem degradation.   These common symptoms are termed the ‘ecosystem distress syndrome’ (Rapport et al., 1985) and characterize a large number of ecosystems under stresses of various types.   The author citing Rapport, 1991, said that with reference to aquatic ecosystems, the ecosystem distress syndrome comprises the following symptoms: (1) alteration in biotic community structure to favor smaller forms; (2) reduced species diversity; (3) increased dominance by ‘r’ selected species; (4) increased dominance by exotic species; (5) shortened food-chain length; (6) increased disease prevalence; and (7) reduced population stability. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Like human diseases, ecosystems have risk factors, too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Under section 5.2   on â€Å"Ecosystem risk factors,† the author   Ã‚  supports the idea of identification of individuals at risk for certain types of diseases, as those found in coronary disease, which will shift man’s attention from treating illness to prevention.   The author argues that using the same principle of identifying risk in ecosystem, prevention of the ecosystem’s degradation could be prevented. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He believes that this approach works best where a single dominant stress acts to transform ecosystems, such as may occur in the process of eutrophication or acidification of aquatic ecosystems.   He said that much is known about the actions of these two stresses and the vulnerabilities of the recipient aquatic systems (e.g., Minns et al., 1990). He then argued that combining the findings from case studies of impacts of such specific stresses on ecosystems with the knowledge of current stress loadings and sensitivities of recipient ecosystems enables one to arrive at an ecosystem level risk assessment. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He was able to cite the development of various factor analyses similar to the manner in which risks of coronary disease are now assessed in ecosystem health evaluations. He cited the work of Minns et al. (1990) who have examined the impact of acid precipitation on the loss of fish species in vulnerable eastern Canadian lakes. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With these studies the author is really looking forward for the prevention of ecosystem’s degradation. Validation of treatment for ecosystem is a problem, too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Under section 5.3 on â€Å"Validation of treatment† the author also talks of validation of treatment which is considered the bottom line for medical practitioners. This premised on the idea that once an illness has been diagnosed, the question turns squarely to the most effective treatment. Treatment validation provides a basis for selection among alternative procedures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In applying the medical terminology to the ecosystem, the author said that success rates for a given treatment cannot be evaluated without factoring out the influences of the other stress factors. He cited an example the evaluation of the effectiveness of harvesting regulations on restoring seal populations in the Baltic Sea. He said that it is necessary to take into account impairments to seal reproductive success owing to the presence of PCBs and related toxic substances (Helle et al., 1976). Here, just as in human medicine, he said, â€Å"we have the need to develop methodologies to factor out co-morbidities.†Ã‚   He mentioned the need for a far better taxonomy of ecosystem ills than we presently have. He said that one currently may describe ecosystem pathologies in terms of air pollution damage to forests, eutrophication of aquatic systems, acidification of aquatic and terrestrial systems, etc. but he said that these are very rudimentary categories. He therefore suggested that for each of these classifications there are many finer subdivisions which need to be categorized before one can readily compare case histories. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 7. Write a review of Section 6 (p-21: Reporting on the state of environment from an ecosystem health perspective) what do we learn from this Section? What has author tried to communicate and how successful he has been to communicate? And also indicate the significance of this section related to this article, if you see any critique to this section then write it with a complete logic? Environment could be seen from the health of the ecosystems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author is trying to make a picture of the environment on the basis of the status of the ecosystem. He cited Canada as having subdivided its land areas into 15 ecozones, defined on the basis of Physiographic, vegetation type, soils/surface materials, climate, and human use. He reported that the forests of most ecozones are impacted by a combination of natural and cultural stresses (particularly in the Montaine Cordillera, Boreal Shield, and Atlantic Maritime ecozones). Included in the stresses is fire, insects and diseases, over-harvesting, conversion of forests to agriculture, construction of transportation and utility corridors, air pollution, and climate-induced stresses such as red belt and wind throw.   He then cited the relationship of increase disease in ecosystems which are more stressed. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author also mentioned that the other sections of the 1986 Canadian State of Environment Report relate to aquatic ecosystems, both the Laurentian Great Lakes and other Inland Waters, as well as the three marine systems (Atlantic, Pacific and Northern). He also cited that the major stresses affecting these ecosystems include: over-harvesting, construction of dams and diversions, contaminants (including toxic substances), and the purposeful or accidental introduction of exotic species (particularly in the Great Lakes and inland waters). Further, in all but the Northern marine ecosystems, land use change (particularly the drainage of wetlands for agricultural and recreational purposes) and sewage inflows added significant additional stress. (Rapport, 1992) (Paraphrasing made) Question 8. What do we understand from the Conclusions written on p-23, are they appropriate; any critique; any thing missed in conclusion; any thing over emphasized. The simple conclusion could be done as shown below.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We understand from the conclusion that ecosystem behavior under stress is complex and processes leading to degradation and recovery are only partially understood, nonetheless, ecosystem medicine is coming of age at least as a conjectural art. There therefore many challenges along the way. There also a combination of objective and subjective criteria is called into play in rendering judgments as to the health of ecosystems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another thing that   I did understand in the conclusion is that in talking about assessing the ecosystem from a point of view need not involve or borrow concepts from the medical sciences to understand the system but that the author argues that use of the metaphor suggests more systematic approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of ecosystem ills, underscores the importance of validation of remedial action interventions, and draws attention to the inherent subjective nature of health assessments. Further, the metaphor provides a language in which the concern for ecosystem health becomes a natural extension of the concern for individual health The conclusions drawn are appropriate and does not in any way insist that understanding how to manage the ecosystem be necessarily made reference to the medical science field.   It could be made from different points of view and the advantage of using a field of study to bring out the issues via use of metaphor may contribute much to information campaign. Question 9.   Is this article helpful in planning and managing environment, if yes how?   If no, why? What is the relevance of the article in planning and management of the environment?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     I believe this article is helpful in planning and managing environment.   Different persons belong to different professions and different professions have their own languages.   By using metaphor in medicine to discuss ecosystem and the environment, would be getting the member of the medical profession to understand the issues more clearly and to get their support for the cause of the environment Question 10.   Is the title appropriate, if yes WHY?   if no then suggest some other title, and also justify the title with a logical reasoning. How show the article be titled appropriately?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The title evaluating ecosystem health seems not to include treatment on ecosystem treatment.   Since it talks also of treatment the title could be modified as â€Å"Evaluating and Maintaining the Ecosystem’s Health.†Ã‚   By simply saying evaluating it the discussion on treatment should not have been part. Reference: Bird, P. M. & D. J. Rapport, 1986. State of the Environment Report for Canada. Ministry of Supply and Services.263 pp. Helle, E., M. Olsson & S. Jensen, 1976. PCB levels correlated with pathological changes in seal uteri. Ambio 5: 261–263. Holling, C. S., 1985. Resilience of ecosystems local surprise and global change. In: T. F. Malone & J. G. Roederer (eds), In Global Change, pp. 292–317. Cambridge Univ.Press, Cambridge. Minns, C. K., J. E. Moore, D. W. Schindler & M. L. Jones, 1990. Assessing the potential extent of damage to inland lakes in eastern Canada due to acidic deposition. 1V. Predicted impacts on species richness in seven groups of aquatic biota. Can. J. Fish Aquat. Sci. 47: 821–830. Rapport, D. J., & A. M. Friend, 1979. Towards a comprehensive framework for environmental statistics: a stressresponse approach. Statist. Can., Ottawa. Rapport, D. J., & H. A. Regier, 1992. Disturbance and stress effects on ecological systems. In: B. C. Patten & S. E. Rapport, D. J., 1991. Myths in the foundations of economics and ecology. Biol. J. Liimean Soc. 44: 185–202. Rapport, D. J., H. A. Regier & T. C. Hutchinson, 1985. Ecosystem behaviour under stress. Amer. Natur. 125: 617–640. Rapport, D., (1992), Evaluating ecosystem health, Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health, M. Munawar (ed.), Assessing Aquatic Ecosystem Health: Rationale, Challenges, and Strategies. KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands Rowe, J. S., 1961. The level of integration concept and ecology. Ecology 42(2): 420–427. Rowe, J. S., 1989. Implications of the Brundtland Commission Report for Canadian forest management. Forestry

Friday, November 8, 2019

Overview of Social Phenomenology

Overview of Social Phenomenology Social phenomenology is an approach within the field of sociology that aims to reveal what role human awareness plays in the production of social action, social situations and social worlds. In essence, phenomenology is the belief that society is a human construction. Phenomenology was originally developed by a German mathematician named Edmund Husserl in the early 1900s in order to locate the sources or essences of reality in the human consciousness. It wasn’t until the 1960s that it entered the field of sociology by Alfred Schutz, who sought to provide a philosophical foundation for Max Weber’s interpretive sociology. He did this by applying the phenomenological philosophy of Husserl to the study of the social world. Schutz postulated that it is subjective meanings that give rise to an apparently objective social world. He argued that people depend upon language and the â€Å"stock of knowledge† they have accumulated to enable social interaction. All social interaction requires that individuals characterize others in their world, and their stock of knowledge helps them with this task. The central task in social phenomenology is to explain the reciprocal interactions that take place during human action, situational structuring, and reality construction. That it, phenomenologists seek to make sense of the relationships between action, situation, and reality that take place in society. Phenomenology does not view any aspect as causal, but rather views all dimensions as fundamental to all others. Application Of Social Phenomenology One classic application of social phenomenology was done by Peter Berger and Hansfried Kellner in 1964 when they examined the social construction of marital reality. According to their analysis, marriage brings together two individuals, each from different lifeworlds, and puts them into such close proximity to each other that the lifeworld of each is brought into communication with the other. Out of these two different realities emerges one marital reality, which then becomes the primary social context from which that individual engages in social interactions and functions in society. Marriage provides a new social reality for people, which is achieved mainly through conversations with their spouse in private. Their new social reality is also strengthened through the couple’s interaction with others outside of the marriage. Over time a new marital reality will emerge that will contribute to the formation of new social worlds within which each spouse would function.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Pope John Paul II, Biography essays

Pope John Paul II, Biography essays In the history of the Catholic Church there have been but a few great popes who have made a change in history, Pope John Paul II is one of them. When he was young the Nazis occupied his home country, Poland. But despite this he managed to be ordain and to go college in Rome. He showed remarkable ability in his work for God and was quickly raised to bishop, cardinal, and finally he was elected pope. During his rise to the papacy he had spoke out against Communism, and they were upset that Karol had been elected pope. A hired assassin tried to kill him, and though the bullet came very close to a vital artery, he survived. And a few years later Karol helped bring around the downfall of Communism in Europe. Pope John Paul II has had a exciting, holy life, during which he has helped many people. Karol Joseph Wojtyla grew up in a hard time. He was born in Wadowice, Poland on May 18, 1920.1 His father was a officer in the Polish Army, and his Mom was a school teacher. Karol enjoyed sports, especially soccer, skiing, kayaking and hiking. When he was young he developed a love of the theater. In his book Witness To Hope, George Weigel stated: Stealing quietly through Krakow's blacked out streets, the actors and their audience arrived at an apartment in the city's Debniki district.... As the performance unfolded behind closed blinds, Nazi loudspeakers on the street outside began blaring the news of another German victory. The 22 year-old actor then speaking, an underground seminary student named Karol Wojtyla, paid no attention whatsoever to the racket. Unfazed, he continued his recitation as if the harsh static of the occupation simply did not exist2 He was 19 when the Nazis invaded Poland. During the time of Nazi occupation he made a living as a stonecutter so he could keep his work permit to avoid deportation. Despite a hard life he still clung on to his hope of a better life. He secretly pursu...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Constellation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Constellation - Assignment Example This constellation is best visible at night during the month of November (Sasaki 94). Astrologists have established that the Sun moves through the Pieces region from March 15th to April 14th (Sasaki 94). Only faint stars that appear as small circlets connected together by a string are observed in the area occupied by Pisces. The brightest star in this Pisces constellation is eta Piscium. It is a giant star accompanied by other faint stars. Its luminosity is 316 times that of the sun (Sasaki 96). It is then followed by the following stars in sequence: gamma Piscium, alpha Piscium or Alrescha, omega Piscium, iota Piscium, and beta Piscium (Sasaki 96). The other interesting stars found in this constellation include Van Maanen’s Star and Messier 74 (NGC 628). Pisces constellation was first identified by Greek astronomer, Ptolemy, in the 2nd Century. Pisces is a Latin word for â€Å"fish† (plural) (Sasaki 94). In the sky, it appears as two fishes swimming in opposite directions and connected at the tails by a piece of string. In Greek mythology, Pisces is likened to the fish into which goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros, transformed into while escaping from the monster Typhon (Sasaki 94). Typhon was born from Tartarus and Gaia (Mother Earth). It was Gaia’s youngest offspring and the most mortal and largest monster ever. It was so fearsome that even other gods such as Olympus, who flee to Egypt, were afraid to fight it in battles. Eros and Aphrodite transformed into fishes, and swam up the Nile while fleeing from Typhon and Zeus transformed into a ram while escaping from Typhon (Sasaki 96). Typhon captured Zeus, who was later released by Pan and Hermes. Zeus then took a war to Typhon and chased him to Sicily. In Sicily, Zeus threw Mount Aetna at Typhon, finally subduing it (Sasaki 96). It was eventually defeated. Aphrodite and Eros were given fish-like images in the heavens to commemorate the period Typhon nearly overthrew Olympus. There are a number of

Friday, November 1, 2019

My Online Personal Presence Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

My Online Personal Presence - Assignment Example   The knowledge that I have gained over the years while studying at the University of Salford would greatly aid me in this task.   In addition, I would also study the literature that is available online regarding the topic. The topics posted would be written in simple English so that they can be easily understood by everyone. Furthermore, I would try and avoid using technical terms as much as possible to ensure that individuals who are not related to the field of BIT could also understand the topic with ease. With each post, the topics would get more and more advanced and would eventually discuss work that is currently being carried out in the field of BIT. Once an article is written it would then be scanned using certain SEO tools that would help detect the number of keywords used and help determine the rank that it would achieve.   Once a satisfactory rank is obtained I would post the article on the blog and publicize it using all the social media profiles I had refined earli er on. Visitors that would read my blogs would also be given the option to post comments and their opinions of what they think about the content of the blog.   The comments would act as feedbacks and would help me spot the areas I am weak in.The basic idea of writing a blog is basically to help me demonstrate my learning and research skills that I have developed over time. The demonstration of these skills would help figure an individual out the level of understanding of BIT I have developed with time.... Once I obtain my master’s degree I would try and gain entry into public service where I would have a chance to work for the betterment of the community. Using the knowledge that I develop during my years as a student I would develop policies that would help in the implementation of public programs and would also aid in the efficient management of employees. Module where I have achieved success: Of all the modules that I have studied so far at the university I have had a great deal of success with Dynamic Web Development and Advanced Web Design modules. One of the main reasons why these modules came so easily to me is because prior to my studies at University of Salford I worked as websites designer. Skills that I learnt there greatly helped me with my understanding of the course and the lectures being given by my tutors. Areas of interest: One of my greatest interests has been regarding social media websites. I have always maintained an account on some of the top social networ king websites over the past few years. Through these websites I have been able to reach a number of individuals and learnt how to optimize my profiles. Through the use of social networking websites I would be able to increase my online prominence and be able to promote various websites and blogs that would relate to my background and would provide vital information about my qualifications and skills. Online identity that requires amendment: Currently I have a number of accounts on various social media websites. The most prominent and frequently social networking websites that I use are Facebook, twitter, Google+ and YouTube. The first task that I was carrying out is that i had

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Chemistry of Swimming Pool Disinfection Term Paper - 1

Chemistry of Swimming Pool Disinfection - Term Paper Example Of course, if this is the case, then neither should it be surprising that swimming pools need to be maintained in order to guarantee the best possible experience for people who use them. To be more specific, the regular use to which swimming pools are put requires that they be cleaned on a regular basis. Exposed as they are, and frequented by a lot of people, swimming pools are places that are especially prone to infection if neglected. This paper, then, is intended as an explanation of the various measures taken by operators of swimming pools as to how to keep their waters safe, as well as how the public can do their part. As detailed in a report by the World Health Organization (2006), swimming pools are vulnerable to pollutants such as bird droppings or even the rain. And while indoor pools are much safer, even they need to be cleaned at least once in a while just to be absolutely sure. Either way, as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009), pathological contaminants often abound in swimming pools, which can cause a myriad of conditions such as diarrhea. A pool that is cleaned regularly is in effect guaranteed to be safe for the public to enjoy – guaranteed safe for them to swim in. Otherwise, anyone who takes a dip may be in for a nasty surprise somewhere down the line. In order to avert such an unsavory scenario, those in charge of maintaining the pool regularly subject it to chemical treatment in order to make sure that it remains safe and fit for public consumption. In the words of the Division for Environmental Health (2011), the only way to maintain safe and consistent swimming pool operation is through proper water chemistry. The exact process involved is often rather varied, not only in the chemicals that may be used but also in the methods employed. For one thing, disinfectants may be used to rid the water of harmful, objectionable or

Monday, October 28, 2019

SWOT Analysis for CH2M Hill Strengths Essay Example for Free

SWOT Analysis for CH2M Hill Strengths Essay CH2M Hill has many strengths within the company; some of which will be identified in this section. CH2M Hill is a well established brand name with lots of successful Government projects and private projects including the Program Management of the Olympic venues for the 2012 London Olympics. The company has a well defined code of ethics, outlined in â€Å"Jim’s Little Yellow Book†, that each employee should follow and an anonymous hotline, The Guideline, to notify the company of observed ethics violations. CH2M Hill is employee owned through an internal common stock market, giving the employees buy-in into policies and procedures (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). The company has a diversified revenue stream utilizing various areas of expertise in several engineering aspects. CH2M Hill offers full-service capabilities in various business components, among three key operating divisions, Water, Energy Facilities; Government, Environment Infrastructure; and International. Business groups served include: Water; Transportation; Operations and Maintenance; Government Facilities and Infrastructure; Nuclear; Environmental; Energy and Chemicals; Power; and Industrial and Advanced Technology. CH2M Hill developed, upholds and brings out its own process for organization projects for clients, called the CH2M HILL Project Delivery System. This system is such a comprehensive proven system that other firms have engaged CH2M Hill for training and a book has been publish by the firm on the process (Free SWOT Analysis, 2013). Weaknesses Along with its strengths, CH2M Hill also has weaknesses that it needs to overcome to maintain its level of success. The company is rather large and occupies many offices around the world making it difficult to enforce the code of ethics it is so known for in the industries it serves. CH2M Hill has difficulty ensuring compliance to regulations while performing work in so many different states and countries, opening it up to fines and lawsuits. The firm has acquired and merged with other companies to increase its diversity and market position but in turn has had troubles ensuring that these new acquisitions conform to regular practices (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). With the joint ventures CH2M Hill has entered into has come the inability to determine the exact effectiveness of that division where  failure will lead to recognized losses. The firm’s high tech nature and complete reliance on computers and systems makes it vulnerable to financial losses and reputation loss if any of their networks or systems were to fail. CH2M Hill has an employment disadvantage as its existing work force continues to get older every year due to a declining incoming work force and its inability to attract or hire younger professional personnel (Wikidot, n.d.). Opportunities The external market and business factors have created opportunities for CH2M Hill. As other countries develop their sustainable energy futures, there is great opportunity to work in these countries in energy development, one of the main business groups of CH2M Hill. During the course of projects CH2M Hill employees work alongside many subcontractors who could be acquired in the future so that the firm could offer whole project delivery. CH2M Hill‘s management is heavily involved in corporate responsibility activities that can increase the public view of the company (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). The cost leadership that CH2M Hill enjoys as its market strategy has positioned it in the market, enabling it to become the most documented name in the business. This provides an opening for attracting new clients to its web of customers (Free SWOT Analysis, 2013). As developing countries or developed countries look to upgrade their deteriorating infrastructures, CH2M Hill who is known for resource and infrastructure management will have a greater potential client pool. CH2M Hill who has succeeded in form their own 100% secured cloud could offer rentable cloud computing networks for small companies. C2HM Hill has vast experience in the asset management business and could offer this skill to others in North America. Although CH2M Hill has much experience in water management, they tend to work in smaller markets with the global water shortage the larger markets, such as China, are becoming more attractive. CH2M Hill could utilize its vast experience and expertise in renewable energy to gain new projects as the global market demand for cleaner energy resources increases. In addition to operational and maintenance aid in this increasing energy segment CH2M Hill could offer facilities management consultation to these plants (Wikidot, n.d.). Threats Threats to CH2M Hill will come from many different sources; we will discuss some of them below. A declining global economy with less money to invest in infrastructure and private projects will affect the amount of jobs to bid on. Even when there are jobs to bid competitors responding to requests for quotes and proposals can under bid and win projects over CH2M Hill (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). When jobs are won the unpredictable economic cycles could result in the failure of clients to pay their fees to CH2M Hill. To win certain jobs CH2M Hill must rely on subcontractors and suppliers opening them up to any issues that company may have. Unstable economic and industry pricing could lead to losses especially in fixed price contracts. Tightening of and ever changing environmental regulations can make it hard for CH2M Hill to keep up with the changes (BUS100mottariano, n.d.). With CH2M Hills many government projects changes in and functions of government spending priorities can affecting future revenues and even contract risk of termination. Being a part of the consumer industry and dealing with the consumption of fast moving consumer goods, CH2M Hill is highly affected by market trends worldwide. CH2M Hill suffers from the same employment that all North American companies face with the shrinking of the qualified labor force. International business and market risks relating to security corruption, weather and governmental policies threaten projects that CH2M Hill tries to win (Wikidot, n.d.). References BUS100mottariano. (n.d.). SWOT analysis. Retrieved from Free SWOT Analysis. (2013). SWOT Analysis on CH2M Hill. Retrieved from Wikidot. (n.d.). CH2MHill Business Model. Retrieved from Wikidot. (n.d.). CIV1299 intermin report. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of the Official Website of Major League Baseball :: Website Major League Baseball

Analysis of the Official Website of Major League Baseball Major League Baseball is not only America’s favorite past time but, it is also one of America’s longest known sports. As the playoffs approach this year baseball gets more intense as the teams try to secure their playoff position as well as making the wildcard cut. The Major League Baseball website is to everyone who loves the game and wants to follow up on all the latest games along with the great plays of the day. There is a step by step process for following every game of the day. The website also has a link to each team where you can review you favorite player’s stats. Each team has there own web page where you can shop for clothing hats and other collectables just by clicking their link. The website is extremely affective because it provides everything about baseball and is easy to operate. The official website of Major League baseball (Ethos) has everything posted current and accurate. The webpage also provides the latest trades of players and the hiring and firing of coaches. The other incredible thing about this website is how you can watch the games live, without having to turn on the television. I will always use this website as a reference because I can find out how my team is doing with a click of a button in just an instant without having to wait for the ESPN highlights. The Logos of this website is that you can purchase things on it without the worry of having your personal information like your credit card or address being released to people other than the Major League Baseball Association. The website has a secure feature which only allows you as the user to type in your personal information, and it won’t be given to anyone else. The relevant part to this web page is that not only is it valid, but it just makes things a lot easier when you can shop online and not have to go to store to store to find the best price. Anything you could possibly want for your favorite team can easily be found by clicking on your team and it will take you right to there own page. There are also emotions like (pathos) linked with this page because it shows pictures of players and also clutch situation plays which have huge impacts on players along with viewers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Contrasting American and European Horror Movies Essay -- Movie Film Es

Contrasting American and European Horror Movies A common complaint about many film critics is that they tend to fall over themselves in praising anything with subtitles, regardless of quality. For most critics it seems there is a simple equation in analyzing foreign pictures: subtitles=great moviemaking that is not exploitative. When the borderline hardcore French film Romance (1999) was released critics were effusive with their lauding of a film that deals (arguably) with sex in a realistic manner. Even respected guys like Roger Ebert confessed to "not really enjoy[ing] it, and yet I recommend it." Apparently Ebert was not aware of the fact the movie uses filmmaking techniques similar to hardcore porno (the editors cleverly cut away from scenes before the "money shot" can occur) and follows the trajectory of many pornographic films in which a nubile young lass goes from man to man in an effort to find orgasm. The same pattern also applies to foreign horror. Foreign horror is "moody" and "atmospheric" while American horror is "cheap" and "exploitative." What many fail to notice is that both foreign and American horror use many of the same images and devices. In the distinct universe that is the horror film both the higher end pictures (in this case the foreign horror movies) find themselves amongst the so-called exploitative low-end (American horror). Frequently in film analysis it is, as Joan Hawkins writes, "overlooked or the degree to which high culture trades on the same images, tropes, and themes which characterize low culture." A fine example of the separation of foreign and American horror can be found in a comparison between Dario Argento's Suspiria and Sean S. Cunningham's Friday the 13th (1980)... ... equally gory and equally exploitative Suspiria is Friday the 13th's emphasis on physical violation. Suspiria also works toward creating fear through physical torment, but it is set in what could be best termed a "dream world," whereas Friday is set in a more realistic (to American audiences at any rate), non-dreamlike setting. Therefore the physical violation in Friday is made more urgent, it hits closer to home, than much of the surreal killing in Argento's piece. In watching Suspiria the audience is permitted to know that the filmmakers know that all they are doing is playing a head game, while in Friday the 13th the audience is stuck in their chairs watching killing after killing occur without benefit of a psychological explanation. There is a lack of what Williams terms "aesthetic distance...viewers feel too directly, too viscerally, manipulated by the text."

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Great Expectations And Relate These To The Novel As A Whole Essay

Discuss the Significance Of The Events, Which Occur In Chapter Eighteen of Great Expectations And Relate These To The Novel As A Whole I shall now discuss the significance of chapter eighteen, and how the effects of this chapter relate to the whole novel, Great Expectations. In Great Expectations, the names of the characters symbolize their personalities. For example, Biddy is a very timid person who will do your bidding obligingly. Then Pip is a small and insignificant sounding name, just like the actual character is. Jaggers, is a man with sharp wit, and features, he has a bullying manner, which can cut you up in front of an audience, just like a jagged knife. Pip on his first encounter with Jaggers comments on how the smell of scented soap came from his hand. This is symbolism. One does not wash ones hands unless they are dirty, and since Jaggers is a criminal lawyer, they must be prone to doing illegal or immoral acts, in order to save his clients. Hence, he always has to wash his hands, in a sense, so that he is not caught by the courts, and found guilty of anything. To prevent any legal trouble, Jaggers puts a lot of thought into the way he phrases his dealings with clients. He makes sure that he does not give any personal opinions, and makes sure that the clients remember the dealings as he wants them to, so if they are questioned, then his name does not come up for recommending, or ordering the client to commit any actions of moral or legal wrongdoing. For example, when he is dealing with Pip, he makes sure that Pip rephrases his statement, ‘†¦ much obliged for his (Jaggers) recommendation†¦ ‘ since Jaggers recommending anything, can be counted as being involved with the crime. He makes sure that Pip uses the word mention instead. This is how Jaggers makes sure his hands are clean of any dirt, because he ‘never recommends anybody’ Jaggers job is a performance for him. He is a performer, and a better one then Wopsle, which is proved when he battles with him about the highly popular murder. One of Jaggers performances is with his handkerchief that he pulls out whenever he wants a person to confess some knowledge to him. This is because it makes the audience want to confess before he sneezes, it is a dramatic performance, and has aided Jaggers many times. This tells us a bit about the justice system in those times, where defending criminals, and getting them off the death sentence was a performance of techniques, and bullying the jury into letting off the criminals. This shows how the justice system in the days was not efficient at putting the real criminals out of the streets, since a few dramatic movements and a bullying of the jury could sway the scales of justice the wrong way. Dickens is a great social critic, and he criticizes the inefficiency of the justice system in those days. The justice system would be less harsh on criminals who were gentleman, then on criminals who were not. If you knew the right people, wore the right clothes, and looked the right part, you were more likely to get away with the crime. Also if you were a gentleman this made you less reason to have commit a crime in the first place(in the judges eyes), and you’ll get a lighter sentence then if you were ‘coarse and common’. A perfect example of this is the Magwitch/Compeyson trial. Although it was actually Compeyson that led Magwitch aside, because he knew the right people and because he was a gentleman, he managed to pass most of the blame onto Magwitch. Compeyson got a sentence of seven years, and Magwitch fourteen years, just because Compeyson was a ‘gentleman. In chapter 18, when Jaggers is discussing with Pip and Joe the situation of Pip having Great Expectations, he offers Joe a compensation (Wemmick’s property) ‘for the loss of his (Pip) services’ Joe denies the compensation, but Jaggers, who is completely, shocked of this news keeps on badgering him, because he thinks Joe is a fool not to accept the money. He also says, ‘Brag is a good dog, but that holdfast is better’ which means that Jaggers is telling Joe, to say he doesn’t want the compensation is nothing, but to actually keep by the word is something else. Joe to everyone’s surprise gets up in a mood of rage, to fight Jaggers, for badgering him in his own home. This shows us that Joe’s character is un-materialistic, and to be offered money is not something he is pleased by, as a replacement for his friend. It also shows us that Joe is not the type of man who can be bullied in his own home, by a man like Jaggers. Jaggers thinks Joe is a fool for not accepting the compensation offered. This shows us that the type of clients Jaggers deals with are probably materialistic, and not very moralistic, and maybe Jaggers himself has become like this by working with those types, and to meet someone who is noble and honest, like Joe, must be quite rare and surprising to him. Pip has ‘Great Expectations’ of becoming a gentleman, of getting out of his social class, ever since Estella had criticized him of his course hands. Although, when Pip is about to finally get his wish he starts to become unknowingly dissatisfied, he feels he does not want to leave his old life too, subconsciously he will miss the love and care he has received from Joe, and newly from Biddy. In some ways, his great expectations have failed, and shall continue to as his life progresses. Also, Pip starts to become snobbish, and disloyal to his ‘people’ He accuses the caring people he has known his whole life, to act coarse and common if he were to go and show them his gentlemen clothes. This tells us about Pip’s character, he is the type who would leave his old friends behind, for a better, more promising life. Although, somewhere in his subconscious Pip feels guilty for these acts, and he suffers because he knows he is acting basely. When the older Pip on reflects the selfish acts he had committed against loved ones when he was young, he criticizes them. When he is discussing with Jaggers about his future life, he reflects on how he was ‘so ready to leave and so unthankful to’ Joe. At the time, Pip was thinking of his future as a Gentleman, of how his Great Expectations will be fulfilled, and he was being selfish at the time, for not being grateful for what Joe had given him so far. Although, elder Pip’s reflection is very different, he realizes his mistakes and says how he sees Joe again, how hurt Joe felt because Pip was going to leave him, how he still feels his strong and faithful arm upon his shoulder as if it had been ‘the rustle of an angels wing! ‘ Another example is when he says to Biddy, ‘You are envious, Biddy, and grudging. You are dissatisfied on account of my rise in fortune, and can’t help showing it. ‘ I think this behavior by Pip is the worst because he thinks that he is superior to Biddy, who is so timid, and caring. The elder Pip criticizes on his actions here, for speaking ‘in a virtuous and superior tone’ When Pip was got his wish to become a gentleman, through Jaggers, he became emotionally blind. Even when Joe and Biddy, congratulated Pip on his fortune of going to become a gentleman; ‘there was a certain touch of sadness in their congratulations that I rather resented. ‘ This really shows how foolhardy and unfeeling Pip was at that time. Since the touch of sadness was actually because they both love Pip, and shall miss him and his company once he is gone. The significance of chapter 18 is great, since it is the chapter where Pip gets his wish to finally become a gentleman. Also, it is where we, the audience, see how emotionally blind, and how focused on the superficial things about a person Pip begins to become. It is where Pip and we are introduced to the bullying figure of Jaggers, and also the foreshadowing hint of Pips unhappiness in his life to come.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

There Are Lots of Ways to Say I Love You in German

There Are Lots of Ways to Say I Love You in German A widespread clichà © of Americans among Germans is that they tend to love everybody and everything and do not shrink from telling everybody about it. And to be sure, Americans do tend to say â€Å"I love you† more often than their counterparts in German-speaking countries. Why Not UseIch Liebe Dich Liberally Sure, â€Å"I love you† translates literally as â€Å"Ich liebe dich† and vice versa. But you cant sprinkle this phrase quite so liberally throughout your conversation as you might in English.  There are many different ways to tell people that you like or even love them. You only say â€Å"Ich liebe dich† to somebody you really, really love- your long-term girlfriend/boyfriend, your wife/husband, or somebody you have very strong feelings for. Germans dont say it rashly. It is something they must feel sure about. So if youre in a relationship with a German-speaker and waiting to hear those three little words, dont despair. Many would rather avoid using such a strong expression until they are completely sure its true. Germans Use Lieben Less Frequently Than... In general, German speakers, particularly older ones, use the word â€Å"lieben† less frequently than Americans do. They are more likely to use the phrase Ich mag (I like) when describing something. Lieben is considered a powerful word, whether you are using it about another person or an experience or an object. Younger people, who have been more influenced by American culture, may tend to use the word lieben more often than their older counterparts. Just a bit less intense might be â€Å"Ich hab’ dich lieb† (literally, I have love for you) or just â€Å"ich mag dich† which means â€Å"I like you†.   This is the phrase used to tell your feelings to beloved family members, relatives, friends or even your partner (especially in an early stage of your relationship). It is not as binding as using the word â€Å"Liebe†. There is a huge difference between â€Å"lieb† and â€Å"Liebe†, even if there is just one letter more. To tell somebody you like him as â€Å"ich mag dich† is just not something you would tell everyone. Germans tend to be economical with their feelings and their expressions. The Right Way to Express Affection But there is another way of expressing affection: â€Å"Du gefllst mir† is hard to translate properly. It wouldn’t be suitable to equal it with â€Å"I like you† even it is indeed rather close. It means more than you are attracted to somebody- literally you please me. It can be used to mean you like somebodys style, their way of acting, the eyes, whatever–perhaps more like â€Å"you are lovely†. If you have made the first steps and acted and especially talked correctly to your beloved, you can go further and tell him or her that you have fallen in love: â€Å"Ich bin in dich verliebt† or â€Å"ich habe mich in dich verliebt†. Rather ponderous, right? It all comes together with the basic tendency of Germans to be rather reserved until they really know you.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The French monarchy Essay Example

The French monarchy Essay Example The French monarchy Essay The French monarchy Essay Essay Topic: History French monarchy was delegitimized due to various reasons, started off by Louis XV who provided an undesirable legacy of which Louis XV1 was going to suffer for. These problems caused him to lose any respect of his people and of his rule. The first thing that Louis XV did that lead to contempt in the people was the removal of the Paris parlement which was the most powerful parlement. Although the parlement did not represent the people, due to it being full of nobles, it still gave the people something to hold on to. The parlements main function was to prevent royal despotism and removing it solved the problem of opposition. The contempt in the people persuaded Louis XV1 to bring back the parlement to gain some cheap popularity. This was a foolish mistake since the blame went to his grandfather and bringing it back just gave opportunities for people to hinder his rule. The second thing that Louis XV did was to form an alliance with Austria going into the Seven years war, which was not very clever since Austria and France were traditional enemies and no alliance would make peace between the peoples. The huge defeats at the battle of Rosbach further fuelled the contempt and his decision to arrange his sons marriage to an Austrian girl automatically put his son in a difficult in future life. Sleaze was another big thing Louis XV took unto. He had many mistresses, but ithe type of mistresses he had especially proved foolish. One of his mistresses was Madame Du Barry, a high-class prostitute and this legacy of sleaze gave Louis XV1 a reputation of being unfaithful, although he was which was unfair. The people thought Louis XV1 was untrustworthy and so led to delegitimization. However, Louis XVl only provided a basis for failure, but Louis XV1 increased upon it. Louis built up a huge amount of royal debts due to the feudal system where only the peasants with little money had to pay tax. This meant that the peasants were more heavily taxed and so discontent grew. The peasants could not voice their discontents since they were not represented at Versailles properly by the Third Estate. This meant that delegitimization was inevitable. Louiss public life let the press know everything about him and so any weaknesses he had. This gave them material upon which to criticize. The public life was unfair as a reason for delegitimization because that was the tradition of France and so he followed it. However, it turned out that the public knew about the Kings circumcision due to his inability to have sex. This was another weakness, but prior to it, the lack of an heir led to Marie Antoinette getting blamed, which was hardly fair since it was actually Louis fault. She g ot nicknamed the Austrian bitch. Everything that can be said about Marie Antoinette and her contribution to the delegitimization of the monarchy is, in my opinion, unfair. She did not deserve her nickname, since she was in a foreign country which she did not choose to be in. It was her bully of a mother, Marie Theresa who made her marry into the French royal family. She had gone through many humiliating experiences, such as being handed over naked to the French at the border. There was much pornographic media concerning her, talking of her orgies when actually she was not like that at all. These criticisms were unfair, but still led to delegitimization. Overall, I feel that the actions of Louis XV provided a basis for delegitimization, but Louis XV1 also contributed. I feel that Marie Antoinette did nothing wrong and was only given a perception of everything evil in France by the media.