Monday, August 12, 2019

The History of the Transportation Security Agency Research Paper

The History of the Transportation Security Agency - Research Paper Example This research paper deals with the role of the organization, reason for its foundation, change since the day it was incepted and the types of law enforcement instructions. The TSA has a very transparent and significant organizational structure. It has a vertical structure which consists of 21 members including the chief of staff. Each position in the TSA has a significant responsibility. Division of positions in a hierarchical manner allows the organization to overcome the security challenges and makes decision making strong and acceptable for everyone. The reason this agency implemented this kind of structure is solely because it does not cause any discrimination between the members regarding any important strategic decision making as all decisions are needed to be approved by the administrator. TSA implementing a vertical hierarchical structure reduced the external challenges as well. Each and every policy introduced needs permission of the director and proper adherence to policies and governance is maintained by the administrator. The following chart shows the organizational structure in a very appropriate way. The organizational structure maintains not only law and order in place or adherence to policies but also helps to maintain integrity and liberty. By application of this kind of structure the agency has better co-ordinance with citizens and work culture in the organization gives optimum output. TSA has been successful in providing homeland security across U.S. because of its strong administration and so it can be stated the organizational structure plays a very important role in national defence and safety. The TSA was formed as a wing of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act in the year 2001. It was signed into law by George W. Bush the president of U.S. on 11/19/2001. Later it was moved to Department of Homeland Security on 03/09/2003. The TSA was founded in the

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