Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Gamification And Motivation On Students

Gamification and Motivation Educators are faced with the question of how gamification can motivate students will to learn and how can they incorporate it into their curriculums. Based on scientific research, students are motivated by both external and internal motivation for example, some students may excel in their reading assignments because of their love of reading, while other students are motivated by rewards or being praise by their teachers and peers. While students do require both internal and external motivation, researcher’s believes gamification can assist teachers in motivating both types of learners. The use of gamification enables students to overcome and conquer complex subjects where they can move and learn at their own pace and not feel judged by their teachers or peers. Gamification can give a students a sense of empowerment where it will enable them to try harder or do better the next time. The major benefit of gamification in the classrooms will add a multitude of engagements for stud ents and can increase student’s awareness and understanding of topics they might not have normally understood, especially those who are struggling. According to Akin-Little, A., Little, S. G. (2009)† teachers and teacher education students are frequently told that the use of extrinsic reinforcement kills creativity (Tegano, Moran, Sawyers, 1991). Further, many teacher education programs emphasize intuition and insight in order to facilitate learning. In the resultingShow MoreRelatedGaming Strategies In The Classroom719 Words   |  3 Pages(2015). A study of the use of games and gamification to enhance student engagement, experience and achievement on a theory-based course of an undergraduate media degree. Journal of Media Practice, 16(2), 155-170. Within this research, Leaning (2015) explores the effectiveness of game techniques to teach media theory to undergraduate students. 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